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BASC questions Police and Crime Commissioner candidates.

David BASC

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Leicestershire Sir Clive Loader Conservative






Nice to see Con was the only one who bothered to reply in the Leicester elections - in the positive too.

I'm guessing the others would rather not reply than declare a potential vote losing negative stance on shooting

Edited by Dave-G
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I sent an adapted version of Blunderbuss's letter to all the Dorset candidates.


Nick King - Conservative - replied immediately. He does support the ownership of friearms and will pledge to resource firearms licensing properly. He makes the point that some in the dept feel the fees do not cover the costs of administering licenses and he would look into that. If fees have to go up he would put them up, but he also said that before he did he would expect the dept to be run with maximum effeciency and would investigate to ensure it does. He doesn't want other departments to subsidise Firearms Licensing but he doesn't want license holders to be ripped off for a poor service either. Which seems fair enough. He has at least given the subject constructive thought and has clearly already made enquiries.


Martyn Underhill - Independent - also replied promptly. Supports right to own as well and is a former clay shooter. He is also a former senior police officer and is strictly opposed to any politicisation of the force. He would ensure adequate resources to Firearms Licensing but points out he hasn't seen the books.


Andy Canning - Lib Dem - No reply. Tells me all I need to know.


Rachel Rodgers - Labour - No reply. Ditto



So positive replies from Conservative and independent candidates which leaves me undecided. I like the idea of a non-political former police officer but I also like the fact that Nick King has already looked into firearms issues and made a balanced response. The issue is on his radar. Personally I don't mind a reasonable increase in fees provided it ensures an exemplary service. Hmmmm.. decisions decisions. :hmm:

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Leicestershire Sir Clive Loader Conservative









Nice to see Con was the only one who bothered to reply in the Leicester elections - in the positive too.

I'm guessing the others would rather not reply than declare a potential vote losing negative stance on shooting


With a name like Sir Clive Loader, I'm guessing he has a walrus moustache and a pair of English hammer-locks. Tally Ho!

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Just had this response from one of our candidates in Northumbria



Yes I support the right of our Northumbrian citizens to lawfully own firearms for sport or business purposes. As I've explained to other concerned gun owners and people involved in country pursuits its the criminals with sawn offs that we need to tackle not law abiding people enjoying a popular sport or pastime. I've had a few conversations as I've said with peope and friends who shoot and I'm keen to meet rifle clubs, groups etc to discuss the situation either before or after the election. Their views will help to shape my opinion on discussions with the Chief Constable re the Firearms dept which I will inherit if I'm elected. If you have any ideas Shaun on demands of the department the new simplified certificates or ideas re spot checks monitoring etc then please let me know as I'm open to ideas. I've been shooting myself but more of a golfer! Thanks for getting in touch.

Kind regards



Tory candidate,


awaiting reply from liberal/labour....UKIP candidate didnt bother to post an email address so wont be voting for him


Reply from Labour



"Dear Shaun,

I support the rights of individuals as you outline for sport and I am aware that there is the wide diversity of activities in the county that you refer to. I used to live in rural West Durham and we had licensed guns. Allthough I was never a very good shot I did enjoy target shooting with a 22 rifle. I didn't get very good at handling a shotgun but had an ambition, never fulfilled to do some clay pigeon shooting. I didn't stay long because being a barrister requires a lot of travel to courts, sometimes at short notice and so I needed to move into Newcastle for transport and convenience. So I do know a little bit more about firearms and their recreational uses than may be most people would expect of a town-living Labour person.


Obviously it is even more important to acknowledge the right of individuals to own firearms for their business and their work.

I have had quite a few conversations about this as I have travelled around parts of rural Northumberland county, campaigning.I think there is concern that somehow this importance is not understood. But I do understand it.

As for Firearms Licensing, the department will be under pressure; the law changed on a specific date resulting 'all' licenses requiring renewing at the same time, this is what causes the demand, not the volume. Northumbria have over recent years boosted the department during these peak times and also used police officers to conduct the license checks. From my contact so far Northumbria Police are well aware of the risks involved and treat firearms licensing with the appropriate level of importance, this will continue, if I am PCC, as to do otherwise places the public at unnecessary risk, which is at odds with increasing public safety and trust and confidence.


It is an important area of business that I will continue to managed effectively for those reasons.


thanks for writing and let me know if I can answer further for you"




I've emailed three out of my four (Cumbria). One of them provides no contact email address, which is pathetic in this day and age.


was he the UKIP fella?



Edited by shaun4860
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the 2 candidates for for Dyfed/Powys are Christine Gwyther - Labour and Christopher Salmon-conservative,i've just googled Christine Gwyther and found out that she is a vegetarian :no: ,





aye and we have a green party member listed for cleveland who is not really an independent as shown and he is a veggie so one might guess he is anti?


i've just looked at the basc list and it shows that Christine Gwyther(Dyfed/Powys) the veggie if for ownership and use of firearms and will meet basc,so you should not jump to conclusions(like i did :no: ),



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I had a reply back within hours from two of the candidates.


Mary Robinson says she holds both a FAC and SGC and is clearly 'pro' shooting. If that single issue is important, she may well be deserving of your vote.


To be fair to Pru Jupe, the Lib Dem candidate. (For reasons which I still do not understand South Cumbria has strong Lib Dem support), she also replied straight away and recognised the role of firearms in the rural environment and was supportive of the status quo with respect to licensing.


The labour bloke doesn't even provide an email address and t'other hasn't replied.

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blimey - some of my candidates (Hertfordshire) haven't even supplied info to the Police Elections website, let alone how to contact them - but i tracked them all down and emailed.

got replies back from...


Christopher Townsend (Lib Dem)

Hello Nick -

Thanks for your email Yes I do support the right of individuals to lawfully carry guns. Resourcing is tight and I know already of concerns that have been raised about the department responsible for licensing. I would ensure that a 'fit for purpose' review/test is carried out, to make sure that there are no cracks in the system that might lead to regrettable conscequences. I don't think this is just about money - this is about ensuring that we have thought through what the service is (that we are providing to those who wish to own guns) and further that the processes and resources are in placed to provide the service. I wasn't aware that the stats were so high in terms of number of licenses, so thanks for that.

Regards, Christopher


David Lloyd (Conservative)

Dear Nick,

I live in a largely rural area (Flamstead) where many people shoot, and I support the right of individuals to lawfully own firearms - provided they are appropriately licensed.

Thanks for contacting me,

Kind regards,



Sherma Batson (Labour)

Hello Nick

Thank you for your email.

Should I win the election, I would review the current situation and I would want to see sufficient and effective controls in place to avoid any abusive use of firearms.

Best Wishes


So that's a wishy washy way of saying she doesn't agree with us having firearms then!


Marion Mason - UKIP

Dear Nick

Thank you for your e-mail with regard to your questions,

I expect the firearms department to continue providing efficient and effective service.

I am aware of the various activities having in the past participated in clay pigeon shooting and target rifle shooting.

I am therefore aware of how careful they are in practise.

unfortunately no-one can ever guarantee that an unsuitable applicant may not "slip through the net".

But this will not be due to lack of stringent checks by a well manned department.



Marion Mason

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Interesting have any actually said the don't agree?


They won't. If you're asking questions you're interested, you're going to vote and they can't risk being explicitly negative so silence is bad news. I've decided to go with the independent in Dorset. I'm really going off the idea of party political influence over the police force. Its bad enough chief constables making up firearms regulations and conditions on the hoof, I can only see it getting worse with political parties and focus groups jerking the strings.

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