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he feeds foxes to **** me off

matty thud

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been a lot of foxes appearing wer i live recentley my house backs onto a large green and i often see foxes roaming about ther was watcing one last night out off landing window i let dogs out every morning for a run around and this morning one off dogs was chewing on chicken bones that someone left out side ther house thrown onto green bad thing is ive seen this bloke sun aft a few doors down empty coupl,e plates onto grass now i know wot it was left overs from sun roast no doubt chicken ive seen him do this before but thouht nothing off it he knows i go shooting coz when been loading van up with camo gear on he sometimes walks past and gives me dirtys and mumbles to him self ******** was luckey that got bones out off dogs teeth no point knocking on his door and having a word with him over it coz he would love me to du that just to argrue why du people encourage foxes by feeding them any ideas how to get one over him without shooting foxes lol wich id love to do :hmm::hmm:

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Apart from the problem of the chicken bones which may harm your dog, why shouldn't he feed the local foxes. Each to their own, you enjoy your shooting, he enjoys seeing foxes about and puts a little food out for them. No harm in that, many people get a lot of enjoyment from seeing and watching foxes and wildlife in general. It would be a sad world if we all hated them and shot everyone we saw on sight.

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They are wild animals they do not require supplementry feeding it is this sort of nonsense that is going to cost some youngster its face or life. Those twins in London were very lucky I fear a single child would have been killed in that incident as the fox attacked both it was clearly distracted otherwise one child would have been the victim of a more sustained attack and may not have survived it.

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They are wild animals they do not require supplementry feeding it is this sort of nonsense that is going to cost some youngster its face or life. Those twins in London were very lucky I fear a single child would have been killed in that incident as the fox attacked both it was clearly distracted otherwise one child would have been the victim of a more sustained attack and may not have survived it.


Totally agree. :good:


To solve the problem I would just arrange to kill the foxes.

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been a lot of foxes appearing wer i live recentley my house backs onto a large green and i often see foxes roaming about ther was watcing one last night out off landing window i let dogs out every morning for a run around and this morning one off dogs was chewing on chicken bones that someone left out side ther house thrown onto green bad thing is ive seen this bloke sun aft a few doors down empty coupl,e plates onto grass now i know wot it was left overs from sun roast no doubt chicken ive seen him do this before but thouht nothing off it he knows i go shooting coz when been loading van up with camo gear on he sometimes walks past and gives me dirtys and mumbles to him self ******** was luckey that got bones out off dogs teeth no point knocking on his door and having a word with him over it coz he would love me to du that just to argrue why du people encourage foxes by feeding them any ideas how to get one over him without shooting foxes lol wich id love to do :hmm::hmm:

There are health and hygene laws (litering) that deal with waste food disposal. Get the council onto it. Foxes carry worms that can create toxic desease in people especialy in children it can create blindness. He is but a fool living in beartrix potter land i assume- how will he feel if a local child becomes ill?

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Honestly I think your a bit sad, as are the people who say just kill the foxes. Go bang on his door and tell him to de-bone the chicken before putting it out for mr fox. Point out that the chicken bones can be fatal to dogs, he might not know.


I agree with the above.


When i have pigeon/pheasant carcasses I have a place in a bit of local woodland that I put them in.


Since I have been doing this the local farmer has lost far less chickens and guinea fowl due to things being full of good stuff.


Can't stand this 'best way kill it' attitude and am always bemused by why people feel the need to 'control' foxes on arable land, last I knew foxes weren't major predators of cereals :no:

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I do (or did) shoot foxes on arable land, altho I do have chickens/turkeys ect in a wood. I've hit the foxes hard in the last 18months (taking over 100) and for the first time ever there are lapwings on the farm. Also the English partridge are growing in numbers as are the hares. Its not just the predation of game birds that benefits from fox control.

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Some foxes on arable land is ok. When they get too well established they cause problems for other wildlife so we shoot them. Nothing wrong with that.


I actually feed the foxes that live near me. I'll chuck the odd deer leg or some ribs on the railway bank for them but not regularly so they depend on it. They don't hurt me or my neighbours so why should I hurt them?


We need to learn to share our planet. Sure fox **** isn't great but neither is dog or cat **** and there's plenty of that about. I'd just talk to him about the bones, that's the main issue here.

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well when took dogs out tonight saw his nextdoor neighber as he was walking his dog and explained wot id seen him do and wot happend wi dog this morning . he told me that the blokes daughter came to visit him tday wi her dog and when she let dog out for run her dog found some of this chicken bones and started eating them my mate was having cig in his back garden and heard him tell his daughter that he puts it out for foxes . he said his daughter gave him a right ballocking and said yu shouldent feed them and could kill a dog so saved me the job :good: lets see if he listens tho :hmm:

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been a lot of foxes appearing wer i live recentley my house backs onto a large green and i often see foxes roaming about ther was watcing one last night out off landing window i let dogs out every morning for a run around and this morning one off dogs was chewing on chicken bones that someone left out side ther house thrown onto green bad thing is ive seen this bloke sun aft a few doors down empty coupl,e plates onto grass now i know wot it was left overs from sun roast no doubt chicken ive seen him do this before but thouht nothing off it he knows i go shooting coz when been loading van up with camo gear on he sometimes walks past and gives me dirtys and mumbles to him self ******** was luckey that got bones out off dogs teeth no point knocking on his door and having a word with him over it coz he would love me to du that just to argrue why du people encourage foxes by feeding them any ideas how to get one over him without shooting foxes lol wich id love to do :hmm::hmm:


Report him to env health for attracting vermin. Cite sarcoptic mange, faeces etc...........


I agree with the above.


When i have pigeon/pheasant carcasses I have a place in a bit of local woodland that I put them in.


Since I have been doing this the local farmer has lost far less chickens and guinea fowl due to things being full of good stuff.


Can't stand this 'best way kill it' attitude and am always bemused by why people feel the need to 'control' foxes on arable land, last I knew foxes weren't major predators of cereals :no:


Ever thought you may be contributing to the fox population boom that necessitates their control ?

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been a lot of foxes appearing wer i live recentley my house backs onto a large green and i often see foxes roaming about ther was watcing one last night out off landing window i let dogs out every morning for a run around and this morning one off dogs was chewing on chicken bones that someone left out side ther house thrown onto green bad thing is ive seen this bloke sun aft a few doors down empty coupl,e plates onto grass now i know wot it was left overs from sun roast no doubt chicken ive seen him do this before but thouht nothing off it he knows i go shooting coz when been loading van up with camo gear on he sometimes walks past and gives me dirtys and mumbles to him self ******** was luckey that got bones out off dogs teeth no point knocking on his door and having a word with him over it coz he would love me to du that just to argrue why du people encourage foxes by feeding them any ideas how to get one over him without shooting foxes lol wich id love to do :hmm::hmm:


You wrote this with no full stops - the guy must be getting to you !

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Honestly I think your a bit sad, as are the people who say just kill the foxes. Go bang on his door and tell him to de-bone the chicken before putting it out for mr fox. Point out that the chicken bones can be fatal to dogs, he might not know.

I have to agree with this line of thinking, but the question I would ask is if chicken bones can be fatal for dogs (Which I know they can) could they not also be fatal for foxes in exactly the same way - splintering, getting stuck in the throat and puncturing the gut. :hmm:

Just an after thought though, how do you know that he is not just fattening them up to make them a bigger target for you to shoot at? :lol: :lol:

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