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All my gear stolen

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This is a just a heads-up for anyone who gets offered any shooting gear cheap. I have had all my pigeon shooting equipment stolen (from Lincs Wolds) with my Defender. In it were nets, poles, decoys, bucket seat, rotary, coats, leggings, wellies, battery, gloves, hats. Obviously I realise this is a long shot but you never know.

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You say couple of thousand carts to, they take it more serious!!


I'd guess he means the Police will take your theft of motor vehicle report more seriously IF the vehicle was said to contain several thousand shotgun carts as well as your shooting gear :crazy: (Might this not cause questions to be asked as to how sensible to store large numbers of carts in the vehicle ??)
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I have a spare rotary,complete with plastic pigeons ( 2 arm) and battery,tripod foot, and bought new from UK Shootwarehouse.This is surplus to my requirements and has only been used twice in anger and then not very successfully.As a fellow yellowbelly you are welcome to it providing you can collect.It may help you back onto the road to recovery.

If you are interested please PM me to arrange details.

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top man......


can i suggest again....




The national mobile property register........ grab an account log your serial numbers here. You can manage the lists of your property and should it get stolen then this is the register most police forces are using now. Serial number checked at roadside using the internet / mobile data = property recovered and thief arrested.


It started as a register for mobile phones you log your imei number ( to find this use the imput *#06# on the phones keypad) but now it is for anything with a serial number..... or you buy the marking micro dot kits......


For Mightmariner its a little late but the rest of us..... be proactive, no-one wants to be the victim of crime but at least give the old bill a fighting chance of recovering your property AND catching the person in possession of it.



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This has opened my eyes to my present arrangements. My landy is always full of my decoying stuff as I only use it for shooting. Always assumed no one would be interested in nicking a 20 year old 200 tdi.

Mine is right outside the door with pir lights covering it. Think I will be storing my gear in the garage . Pita loading it up each time but would be worse to lose it

Edited by ozzy518
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sorry to hear that mate, there are some blummin low lives out there!! i also will keep a look out for any "cheap gear going for sale"


im a bit away from you but chances are who ever nicked it will move it as far and quickly as possible!


in the mean time i hope you get sorted out with the insurance and the coppers colar the lowlives that did it!!

all the best buddy

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since having my car emptied by b........... in tamworth ,i now only take enough gear for my day.the loft is my boot now .its sickening when them toads lift your gear never mind your wheels as well hope you dont get the insurence runa round and the police getting a bit fond of heres your crime number byee

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  • 2 weeks later...

"A massive thanks to Willow 32 for sending me some deeks and other gear, which he wouldn't accept payment for. And to Kuanda for offering similar. Has made my day. Thanks alot. Hope I can do similar for someone in the future."


Just when i was losing faith with mankind after seeing our poppy collection pot stolen this week we see the kindness of the fellow shooter's hel;ping each other out


The world does has some decent folk in it after all!!!!

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