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Semi Autos


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franchi are owned by bereta you cant go wrong them if it fits, i really like them..the balika are a bit barlle heavy but they are a work hores built on the ruggered side of shot guns i have the 3.5 and im happy with it as its all i could can affored at the moment and will probly keep it for a number of years and see how i hit with it. i have seen and heard horrable things about the 3.5 rem sp sm 11 87 have a good look at the franchi or as every one says and i like them too 391 urika the franchi is a little bit lighter i like lite guns for swinging on fast birds if i had my way and the money i would be looking at a franchi or a recoli operated gun like the benalli or maybe the bereta pin tale es100 for all my shooting but i likre my russain balika for geese 7 or 8 shots with a mag extention :lol: with a hundered gesse in your face.


:lol: the first thing you should look at when buying a gun is fit :lol:

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:lol: had a bennelli auto it was so slow that if three pigeon come in you could just about get two shoots in ,but the gun was made in 1977 it was a six shot until the law change,thats the prob with gas recoil just to slow,my 391 can fire all 3 before the first shell hits the floor,had my fitted for me at simpson of newmarket,first class :lol:
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  • 5 months later...

hi guys.

im thinking about getting a Beretta AL 391 Ulrika Camo Realtree Hardwoods Green HD.

any idea's on price?

ive heard from all of these reply's that they are very good.

anyone got websites where i can buy 1?

will be used on Pigeons/Crows/Rabbits/Fox's/Pheasants/Ducks etc..

i have been looking for a while now.

i contacted a Beretta Supplier in USA and they said they could sell me 1 NEW for £510. anyone know how much it would cost to bring it into the UK ?

will try and buy in UK if possible. price?


Aled :lol::lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...


anyone know any prices for a Beretta AL391 Ulrika Camoed ?

thinking about getting one.. got quite a bit of dosh but want to know if anyone can get it quite cheap from their local shops?

please reply with shop name and what the price is if you can.. and the website address if possible.



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Although you can make benelli's into a 5 shoter I think it is illegal over here, I may be wrong and anyone on the site can correct me if i'm wrong.

You don't need a 5 shoter for foxes anyway because by the time you would be firing the fifth shot the fox would be out of range.

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Ok here ya go for a berreta 391 my local shop erm 30 miles away should do one for ya cheaper than £700 take a look at their site a synthetic is about £640 so a cam version should be the same.I got my 391 sporting from them last year and other rifles and bits and bobs,oh and 500 cartridges yesterday.


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North Ayrshire shooting ground




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As I'm left handed my choice of semi's is limited. I use a Benelli Montrefeltro Ultralight Field shotgun (5 shot) which is available left handed. Excellent gun, very light but practically no recoil due to ejection system - a revolving bolt which means no gas chamber, making it very easy to take apart and clean. If purchasing a gas operated semi the mechanism will need cleaning quite often under heavy use as this is what usually causes them to jam.

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I have followed this topic for sometime, may I add my threepenneth?

Why would anyone want to decrimp? But yes it is possible to do or alternatively fit a new magazine tube.My other observations are as follows southpaws can use R/H semi-auto,s no problem, you don,t really notice the ejected case,Remington,s are fragile,Winchesters not bad nor Brownings but I rate Beretta,s Ulrika, but I have to say in my experience all auto,s have got some real bad bits in them, still you pay your money and take your choice.

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got the berretta al391 ulrika and its a cracking gun.the only problem i have had is with light loads at clay grounds,sub sonic light shells wont cycle cleanly.occasionally had trouble with 30g 6s but local gunshop advised going from 65mm cases to 70mm and not had a problem since.cleaning is a bit of a chore but other than that its a good all round gun.

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