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FAC for pigeons ?


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Can I get an F.A.C for a shotgun with extended magazine if my reason for having it is " pigeon shooting " ? Many times I have had 3 or 4 birds fly in at once, but have only got the chance to blast 2 with my side by side hammer gun !!



Does having an FAC rated shotgun limit the places you can shoot it in any way ? ( not talking about clay grounds, so don't start !! )


I was also thinking of getting a pump action ( 2+1 shot for now ), mainly because they are cheap and from what I hear, reliable. Does anyone out there shoot pigeons with pump actions ? Is the Winchester SXP any good ? or can you recommend a better one??




Yes, I would prefer a Semi-auto, but I will hang on till I can afford a decent one ( Browning Maxxus or Beretta A391 type ). Until then, my questions are related to Pump Actions only !!!!


Thanks for your help and advice everyone :good:


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To get my 8 shot FAC shotgun, I was advised by my FEO to state that I wanted it for 'crop protection' and also to include a letter from the farmer stating that he was having serious bird damage caused to his crops.

I sent off my application and had no problems. When applying, just ask for a FAC shotgun, and don't mention anything about the capacity of it. Mine was originally a 5 shot, and I added an extension tube to make it into an 8 shot.



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To get my 8 shot FAC shotgun, I was advised by my FEO to state that I wanted it for 'crop protection' and also to include a letter from the farmer stating that he was having serious bird damage caused to his crops.

I sent off my application and had no problems. When applying, just ask for a FAC shotgun, and don't mention anything about the capacity of it. Mine was originally a 5 shot, and I added an extension tube to make it into an 8 shot.



Thanks for the heads up dude ! By the way, reading your list of guns has made me dribble on my keyboard !! :drool:
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I hereby apologise to all members and guests of Pigeon Watch, for my stupidity in having used the Comic Sans font for starting this topic. I understand this may have caused some members distress .


I promise to use the Arial font on all my posts with Pigeon Watch from now on, and I once again apologise for any eye or brain strain caused by trying to read the totally illegible Comic Sans font .


Yours sincerely



Edited by Danoi99
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I can't accept the fact that anybody would need more than a normal 3 shot semi for pigeon shooting.


Having an extended mag full of shells only invites the user to blaze away at birds that are departing fast and probably out of range, resulting in far more pricked birds that would die a lingering death back in the woods


I know, I used to use a 5 shot Remi 1100 on pigeons, my kills to cartridge ratio improved vastly when I switched to an O/U.


Last Sunday I picked up 106 birds after a 5 hour session over rape, I think on only 2 occasions did I empty the 3 round mag of my Benelli Supersport, and on only one of those did I down all 3 birds.


And that was on a day with very little wind, when the birds tend to stay within range of a second shot.


Still, don't take my word for it, ask Jim Albone, Will Beasley or our very own Pigeon Controller if they shoot FAC shotguns when pigeon shooting, I'm pretty sure I know what their answers would be..??



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I can't accept the fact that anybody would need more than a normal 3 shot semi for pigeon shooting.


Having an extended mag full of shells only invites the user to blaze away at birds that are departing fast and probably out of range, resulting in far more pricked birds that would die a lingering death back in the woods


I know, I used to use a 5 shot Remi 1100 on pigeons, my kills to cartridge ratio improved vastly when I switched to an O/U.


Last Sunday I picked up 106 birds after a 5 hour session over rape, I think on only 2 occasions did I empty the 3 round mag of my Benelli Supersport, and on only one of those did I down all 3 birds.


And that was on a day with very little wind, when the birds tend to stay within range of a second shot.


Still, don't take my word for it, ask Jim Albone, Will Beasley or our very own Pigeon Controller if they shoot FAC shotguns when pigeon shooting, I'm pretty sure I know what their answers would be..??




Thanks for your input Catamong ( great name btw ) I suppose you are right in some ways. I imagine it could encourage people to blat away at pigeons that have fled and are kind of out of range ( if you were a cruel sod ). That said, I have had many occaisions where 5 or 6 Cereal Killers have swooped in...........with my side by side, the best I can do is hit 2, and scare 3 or 4 away !!


Seeing as my only reason too shoot the things in the first place is " Crop protection" and that a farmer asked me specifically if I could help reduce the numbers that frequent his fields !! Surely having the ability to pop a couple more can't do any harm !! And what with the price of carts being what they are, I already find myself a tad trigger shy.............and rarely shoot at anything I consider to be on the edge of my range !!


I also think that UK gun law is a farce..............full of knee jerk, pointless legislation. [ I can have a shotgun..........but the magazine must only hold 2 carts !! ] Why must this be the case ?? Is it so that when someone looses the plot and runs around their local shopping mal blasting away........the security guards will have a chance to rush in and disarm you after 2 or 3 shots instead of 8 ???? come on, for gods sake pal !!!!!


And is there any reason why I cant have a go at the old Patrick Flanigun trick shooting thingy? Why cant I, as a responsible adult, have a go at throwing 12 clays up in the air and then shoot them all individualy before they touch down ?


I tell you why mate...........because some old **** wearing a Geeves and Hawkes, 3 piece, double breasted suit ( in Prince of Wales pin stripe) says I can only have a 2 shot magazine !! Well booo hooo !!!!!


If I can convince my local constabulary to let me have more than 3 shots in a row, on the grounds of "vermin control or crop protection" then that's what I shall do...............I don't care if people think an FAC rated shotgun is over the top for pigeons..........they are entitled to their opinions, as are you.


but once again..........I thank you for your input and wish you well..........good day !!

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you maybee need to get out and try a 3 shot auto. its not often you can get three dead in the air with individual targets, falling clays in a line are very different from flaring wild birds. I personally think you will shoot less birds with an fac capacity pump, the only advantage being you can carry it empty and still have a good capacity (more use lamping and fox driving, maybee on a quad)


when using my 3 shot auto the trick is normally to fire two shots, saving the last for wounders only. with that last shot chambered you just pop another 2 up the mag from below which removes the need to chamber the first. This means you are not caught empty very easy. Filling a 5 or 8 shot from empty dont sound like fun


I admit i do not shoot pigeons but they cannot be far different than teal or widgeon comming in to deeks, are there any on here who can seriously take five for five out of a single pack on anything like a regular basis?


trick shooters with a pump often use a mecanical trick to get thier shots off at speed BTW

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I think the argument of having more shots DOES NOT make you shoot more is correct

went lamping with magwitch last night, and rather than take the trusty CZ bolt action, I took the ruger semi 10/22, on occasions I shot 2 rabbits for 2 shots, but also did 4 shots for 2 rabbits, both pat and my mrs commented my kill ratio dropped with the ruger, and the CZ gave better averages on shots per kill.

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Personally, I did not buy my FAC shotgun to 'blaze away' and shoot at birds 'probably out of range' thus causing them to 'die a lingering death'. I have only fired the 8 shots off in one go, twice, and that was into an open field, to test the shotgun out.

Mine is used mainly for Crows and Jackdaw's. When I'm decoying them, at times there are up to 10-15 birds coming into my pattern. I usually take out 3-4 birds with 4-5 shots, and most of these birds are approx 15-30 yards away. The rest, by then, are flying away, and they are then shot at on their return.

Many years ago, I used my Lanber O/U and, in the space of just under 3 hours, shot 128 corvids. Had I owned my FAC shotgun then, I know for a fact that I would have, at least, doubled my tally. The birds were in a feeding frenzy,and were landing around my decoys in numbers of 20-30, and I could'nt reload the O/U quick enough.

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Personally, I did not buy my FAC shotgun to 'blaze away' and shoot at birds 'probably out of range' thus causing them to 'die a lingering death'. I have only fired the 8 shots off in one go, twice, and that was into an open field, to test the shotgun out.

Mine is used mainly for Crows and Jackdaw's. When I'm decoying them, at times there are up to 10-15 birds coming into my pattern. I usually take out 3-4 birds with 4-5 shots, and most of these birds are approx 15-30 yards away. The rest, by then, are flying away, and they are then shot at on their return.

Many years ago, I used my Lanber O/U and, in the space of just under 3 hours, shot 128 corvids. Had I owned my FAC shotgun then, I know for a fact that I would have, at least, doubled my tally. The birds were in a feeding frenzy,and were landing around my decoys in numbers of 20-30, and I could'nt reload the O/U quick enough.

done very similar my self right tool for the job( and I could'nt reload the O/U quick enough.) :good:
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I think the argument of having more shots DOES NOT make you shoot more is correct

went lamping with magwitch last night, and rather than take the trusty CZ bolt action, I took the ruger semi 10/22, on occasions I shot 2 rabbits for 2 shots, but also did 4 shots for 2 rabbits, both pat and my mrs commented my kill ratio dropped with the ruger, and the CZ gave better averages on shots per kill.

Be honest though.................was the Ruger more fun ??

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i dont see the need four more then 3 shots.i used two have years ago 5 shot semi autos.never needed two empty the mags out.3 shot is eought 3 shot pumps are good.

I have, on a few occasions, emptied my three shot auto while drey poking. Squirrels running in every direction. Sometimes I could have shot more if I didn't have to reload while others make their escape.
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