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Which semi-auto shotgun has softer recoil?


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Just had my first time shooting shotguns after many years using airguns and rimfire at a practical shotgun shoot today and after managing to double feed and jamming the pump action up think I need to look at the semi-auto since the Remington I used worked with no problems.


BUT here’s the thing, I have a weak shoulder due to a bike accident 5 years ago so if I’m going the shotgun route I need a semi-auto with a softer recoil so I could use it all day without cause any problems so what do people suggest?

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Though i may get shot down for this. I dont think its down to the gun in itself though semi autos are softer on the shoulder then the traditional sxs or o/u shotguns. Its more 70 to 30 in percentage to do with what cartridge you are using rather then the gun itself. My SX3 doesn't feel any noticeable difference to other semi's iv shot either with heavy or light cartridges being fired. Of course this is just my opinion on this and others may feel they will need to correct me.




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If a Hatsan is all you can afford,it will do the job if you get a good one.


Some folks swear by them.


But personally I would go second hand on a Winchester sx3 / Beretta / Browning.


Stick to light loads 24g should cycle through all of them.


If your shoulder is goosed completely and can't take a 12 a 20 gauge semi auto might be better for you, lighter carts and the gun is also lighter.




Edited by figgy
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Lots of good advice there but why do you want a semi auto rather than a side by side or over and under?


I have a heavy Miroku (almost 8lbs) through which I shoot 26 gram cartridges. Even after a good day's shooting when I may have fired over 200 cartridges (including some mis-mounts) my shoulder is unaffected.

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Main problem i have is no FAC and Hampshire Police still havent given me my SGC yet since they take around 3 months to issue so i'm window shopping at present.


Must admit think i may of rounded it up to either a Remington 1100 or the Franchi 612 just depends what come up at the right price once i finally get my SGC since dont really want to spend much more than £350max for a 1st gun since it will need a few PSG modifications.

Edited by Ian.S
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