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At Last Permission.

pigeon controller

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Set out at 08.00 Friday morning with the roads in a terrible condition, water on ice. We were making our way to the rape we tried to obtain permission on last week end. On the way we looked at three rape fields with a few birds on but in the cold they were just sitting in the trees. We passed four accidents with the bad road conditons and ended up crawling around using the gearbox to slow me down as using the brakes caused the ABS to go into overdrive. We drove up to the farm after looking at the two rape fields which had a good number of birds on them, The tenant farmer had put six of the rotating balls around the one field after we had told him of the numbers on the field last week. We were greeted by the land owner and we stated our case he said that he recognised me , whoops POLICE, CAMERA, ACTION??.

He gave us permission under strict instructions, no driving the land, no spent cartridges and only pigeons to be shot which we were happy to comply with.


So we set up the normal 12 thawed birds, ten on spikes and two on the magnet this was now 09.30 . we let the first two into the pattern to see the reaction and they landed in with the decoys. So clapped and Bang,Bang first two down. They came to us in two's and three's most of the day and we packed up at 16.00 and picked up 86 ( 85 in the picture, the dog found one on the way back to the Disco)


Saturday saw us out on the road at 08.00 heading for the field we shot the day before as when we were packing up we noticed a flight line to roost from way over the back from where we were shooting to a wood in the grounds of a large old house which now is a hotel. We understood that we would never get permission in the wood but these birds had been feeding not to far away. As we drove down to the area we were met by a wall of fog which stopped us seeing anything. So we had our sarnies and waited but it was not lifting , we started to drive back towards home to try and pick up on any birds, we found small numbers of birds on clover and some on rape ,these all had shooters either setting up or in the hide shooting. We ended up driving a huge loop and back to the field that we shot the day before, it was now 13.30 and we decided to set up on the second rape field well knowing that we had shot it hard the day before but aware that the flightline to the roost passes over it at about 16.30 so we set up and ended the day with 36 picked up. As we packed up the tenant farmer came to check his gas gun and we told him of the 86 and 36 and he was chuffed and asked when we will be out again and to help ourselves . So it was a good weekend.







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