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Ballistic Tipped HMR

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I purchased a couple of boxes of Hornady HMR a few weeks ago and I noticed that one of the boxes had very dark coloured ballistic tips compared with the usual bright red despite having the same batch number as the other boxes. Anyway they performed as expected however I came across a round missing the ballistic tip which made me wonder on the construction of the bullets, I was under the impression that the polymer tips filled a hollow point cavity rather than just sitting on top of a flat head (the pictures on Hornady's website seem to suggest this)?


Additionally the case seems to be in a worst state than any HMR ammo that I have seen before noting the black spots in the picture below.




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How weird is that?!


I'm 100% certain that's just been stuffed in the wrong way up. That's kind of worrying because the extra space the other end is taking up in the case could really mess with the pressures. Never seen that before!


Edit... I pulled a 17g Remington HMR round once when it failed to fire and it was a boat tail bullet.

Edited by njc110381
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Could that bullet somehow have been loaded back to front?


In WW1 the Germans pulled bullets from their cases and delibretly reinserted them back to front so when they fired at the British Mk1 tank they punched holes through the steel.They proved this correct in a documentory i saw too.

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In WW1 the Germans pulled bullets from their cases and delibretly reinserted them back to front so when they fired at the British Mk1 tank they punched holes through the steel.They proved this correct in a documentory i saw too.


Cracking and interesting little post.


Except that we put them back the same way as they came out, we used to do that in Aden in the mid sixties. They'd been in and out of a magazine (Lee Enfield), so often and were so loose that we'd check if there was any powder left just in case by some exceedingly slim chance we actually needed to fire the rifle.

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In WW1 the Germans pulled bullets from their cases and delibretly reinserted them back to front so when they fired at the British Mk1 tank they punched holes through the steel.They proved this correct in a documentory i saw too.

I was just about to type this.

It didnt by any chance say in the documentry how they knew turning the bullets around made them amour peircing did they?

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I was just about to type this.

It didnt by any chance say in the documentry how they knew turning the bullets around made them amour peircing did they?


No they didnt,but the British army guy who set up the experiment for the tv crew didnt believe a back to front 7.92 round could pierce heavy steel and was pretty amazed when it did.I would guess it was one of many methods the Germans used to stop the tanks and found it worked well.


It was an intresting documentory,but i cant for the life of me even remember what channel it was on.

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Well I managed to extract the bullet and it was indeed fitted upside down, polymer tip intact too.


As I said in my original post, the box of rounds came out of had a different colour polymer tips than the other boxes I have had (almost black compared with the usual red) however the polymer on the dodgy one is the usual red colour and its also worth noting that this was the only round in the box which has the corrosion spots on the brass which leads me to suspect its from another batch.

Edited by grimey121uk
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i'd send a stern letter and copy of the picture to the manufacturer!


Yup :yes:


HMR ammo seems to be a rather patchy affair. I have had a few of the delayed discharge/split case issues, and it really makes you stop and think (and have a good look down the bore before loading another round!).

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