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.22 LR eley vs winchester subs

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i think it will be nice to support in house made ammo.


Truly admirable sentiment. Unfortunately not justified in my opinion. A little under a year ago we were discussing a problem with Eley and the coating on the rounds which was causing the round to fail to extract (to be fair not everyone/every rifle suffered from this) except that when the coating was removed in some cases the problem persisted.


I used Eley - until I bought the 500 which were not as previous batches with regard to the coating - because they were more accurate in my rifle than the Winchester. I stopped using them on the grounds that a live round that failed to extract and somehow went unnoticed in the dark was not a good idea. With the coating removed, the Eley Diameter was 0.226" - Winchester 0.222 and all of the various other tried 0.224. As agreed with Eley, 100 rounds were collected from my local RFD and examined - no fault found. Somewhat surprisingly I thought, those 100 rounds were never replaced even though there was nothing wrong.


While all this was going on I discovered SK which in terms of accuracy fall between Winchester and the Eley.


To be honest, I can't see me changing back even if anyone who is/was aware of the problem - I think it was down to the 0.226" in a tight Anschutz barrel although I can't be certain - can come back and say all is now well.

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Truly admirable sentiment. Unfortunately not justified in my opinion. A little under a year ago we were discussing a problem with Eley and the coating on the rounds which was causing the round to fail to extract (to be fair not everyone/every rifle suffered from this) except that when the coating was removed in some cases the problem persisted.


I used Eley - until I bought the 500 which were not as previous batches with regard to the coating - because they were more accurate in my rifle than the Winchester. I stopped using them on the grounds that a live round that failed to extract and somehow went unnoticed in the dark was not a good idea. With the coating removed, the Eley Diameter was 0.226" - Winchester 0.222 and all of the various other tried 0.224. As agreed with Eley, 100 rounds were collected from my local RFD and examined - no fault found. Somewhat surprisingly I thought, those 100 rounds were never replaced even though there was nothing wrong.


While all this was going on I discovered SK which in terms of accuracy fall between Winchester and the Eley.


To be honest, I can't see me changing back even if anyone who is/was aware of the problem - I think it was down to the 0.226" in a tight Anschutz barrel although I can't be certain - can come back and say all is now well.


Clean your gun and then try SK again (after a short run in) at extended ranges. I think you might be amazed and re-rank them in terms of accuracy. I cannot separate most quality .22 ammo in mine at 50 yds but its SK way ahead at 100 yds and over followed by Winchester but not very close. SK are very oily and run best without a lube and lead mix in the tube. They can keep under 1" very comfortably at 100 yds and only produce around one slightly under loaded round in around two boxes, the lowest rates I have found.

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Clean your gun and then try SK again (after a short run in) at extended ranges. I think you might be amazed and re-rank them in terms of accuracy. I cannot separate most quality .22 ammo in mine at 50 yds but its SK way ahead at 100 yds and over followed by Winchester but not very close. SK are very oily and run best without a lube and lead mix in the tube. They can keep under 1" very comfortably at 100 yds and only produce around one slightly under loaded round in around two boxes, the lowest rates I have found.


Yep, hence my remark about not changing back. Because I'm not sure I said nowt.


No sooner had I got the SK up and running then it rained and down here, just didn't stop. At the farmer's request we've kept clear of the quagmire previously known as fields - the only times I've been up is to fetch some eggs and help with the TB testing. We did get a short break in the weather before it came back with a vengeance but oppo took the rabbit while I went after the fox. It is now drying out nicely and I've got the CFs checked and ready and am just waiting for a bit of calm to do the LR.


As you say, the SKs were tightening up and it seemed that I just couldn't miss. However, I do have to use a different approach - Think I posted about this with regard to the Eley fiasco - I'm starting to suffer from the dreaded 'dropsy' so before use every time I go for a new carton I have to wipe off the excess oil (which comes off very easily unlike the Eley gunge) otherwise I'd plant more 'seeds' than the farmer has just sown in Nine Acres! Given the weather, in view of the the way things were heading I'm pretty sure that you're right and I could end up well pleased.

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Yep, hence my remark about not changing back. Because I'm not sure I said nowt.


No sooner had I got the SK up and running then it rained and down here, just didn't stop. At the farmer's request we've kept clear of the quagmire previously known as fields - the only times I've been up is to fetch some eggs and help with the TB testing. We did get a short break in the weather before it came back with a vengeance but oppo took the rabbit while I went after the fox. It is now drying out nicely and I've got the CFs checked and ready and am just waiting for a bit of calm to do the LR.


As you say, the SKs were tightening up and it seemed that I just couldn't miss. However, I do have to use a different approach - Think I posted about this with regard to the Eley fiasco - I'm starting to suffer from the dreaded 'dropsy' so before use every time I go for a new carton I have to wipe off the excess oil (which comes off very easily unlike the Eley gunge) otherwise I'd plant more 'seeds' than the farmer has just sown in Nine Acres! Given the weather, in view of the the way things were heading I'm pretty sure that you're right and I could end up well pleased.


I am sure you will, been on them a good while now they used to be sold under the Lapua brand with a rat on the individual cartons

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References all to subs.


Winchester and Magtech work in both my .22lr.


Everyone will have an opinion and preference, Eley have a small HP and bring no extra accuracy to either of my rifles, and as they don't open up as much on impact and are not cheap, they offer me nothing in the field!


RWS are OK in mine, CCI good (don't like the segmented) but tight chambering, and Remington ****.


Not tried anything else for a few years!

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With my Remy 597 semi:


Eley's: very accurate, don't cycle well and stick in the magazine due to the wax coating.

Winchester: wont strike properly due to harder brass.

RWS: super accurate, don't cycle at all.

CCI: not as accurate as Eley but cycle very well. With the segmenting rounds they drop bunnies a lot better when taking body shots.



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With my Remy 597 semi:


Eley's: very accurate, don't cycle well and stick in the magazine due to the wax coating.

Winchester: wont strike properly due to harder brass.

RWS: super accurate, don't cycle at all.

CCI: not as accurate as Eley but cycle very well. With the segmenting rounds they drop bunnies a lot better when taking body shots.





Segmenting are not just a "lot better" at killing stuff (bang flop on the spot) they are totally awesome IMO



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  • 1 month later...

I've found eley to be noticeably quieter than other subs but also very tight in a CZ chamber and live rounds won't extract. Very accurate round though and expands nicely.


Winchesters extract live if the chamber is clean, hit noticeably harder than any other brand I've tried (gaping hollowpoint) but are less consistent and accuracy is worse than the eley in my gun at least.


The biggest surprise of the day is that in my CZ452, CCI subs (yes those cheap 100 round containers) will shoot a 5 shot group at 50 yards which can be covered with a 10 pence piece. They aren't as dramatic as winchesters on impact, but no rabbit escapes a headshot out to 100 yards with them anyway. They are tight in the chamber and are strangely loud though - not supersonic loud but they do whistle in flight. Maybe give them a try too, my shooting is certainly a bit cheaper now.

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It is the same old story - will you ever learn!!!


No matter what gun you have, try several different makes of ammunition and pick the one that suits your gun the best.


Take note of other peoples experience and then work it out for yourself. There is no "one bullet fits all" answer.


Two people, each with seemingly identical guns will possibly get different results with the same ammunition.


In my case SK Subs work best in my .22lr CZ. One or two makes, including Ely, were too tight and I had to really force the bolt forward even though others swear that they are the best bullets ever. CCI were all over the place, Winchester were pretty good but SK beat everything on reliability and accuracy.


Find a good reliable bullet and buy as many as possible of that batch.


The price difference between expensive bullets and cheap bullets will not break the bank and, especially if you are shooting animals you owe it to them to be using the bullets that give you greatest accuracy and consistency.


If you are lucky you will find that cheap ammo suits your gun, otherwise it has to be the more expensive stuff. Tough.


So please, stop this nonsense about what is the best ammo for xxxx. You have to find this out for yourself as no two guns are the same.

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I've tried a few different brands in my .22LR Anschutz 1417 Carbine.


RWS Subs: The quietest of the lot and very accurate. According to some of the reviews these are a little down on power (about 88ft lb) in comparison but the bullet is nice and soft and expansion is good.

Great at short / medium range but a bit loopy further out.


Winchester Subs: Not that great in my gun. Punchy and had more than a few crackers.Groups widen out by more than an inch at 60 yards compared to Eley and RWS. Hardest hitting subsonic though but dead is dead.


Remington Subs: All over the place, gave up with them.


Eley Subs: The best round in my gun. I rub them down with a cloth to get the lube off them. Check them for marks and dings, I get about 4 per hundred which I use for plinking.

The boxes are **** so I keep them in Hornady .17 boxes which have a nice sliding roof :)

Very accurate and super consistent. Downside is very very few RFD's stock them in Norfolk, they say they are too expensive. I mostly have to buy mine in Suffolk.

One fella had some old stock at £3.50 per 50 which is as good as it gets these days.

My preferred round by a country mile. :good:

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I've tried Ely subs and found them to be as accurate as Winchester and drop rabbits like any other.They cycle perfectly fine in my CZ511 semi-auto too.


Where as my 511 doesnt like eley at all! wont cycle for ****.


When I got my 511 I did the full range of ammo test... Winny subs gave me the best all round ability, hit hard, accurate (I only use 22lr out to 60ish yrds) and cycle flawlessly. I did have my first none igniter at the weekend but that was the first out of many many thousands of rounds.


Results when testing were...


Eley... accurate but wouldnt cycle.

CCI... too many fliers for my liking.

RWS... didnt cycle as well as the winnys

Remmington... totally ****... so inconsistant if was barely possible to get a good 5 round group out of 100 rounds.


Winnys... gave good groups at my 60yrds zero, cycle great, hit hard and are cheapish.

Edited by thepasty
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