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What would a Ukip Britain look like?


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I am genuinley shocked by the level of Ukip support generated in this post and the lack of any real discussion on the reality of voting Ukip into power.


I too beleive that the current parties are a waste of space and have seriously blurred the boundaries of their policies in an attempt to steal votes from the other parties, which has disengaged the public and caused further dis-trust in the parties true agendas. However this is just the evolution of a very old policitical game and I am sure we will see (as the pendulum swings back) that they will adjust their positions. Therefore I am unhappy also like everyone and would like to give the parties a bit of shock treatment, but voting for Ukip is an extreme form of protest, and you should be careful what you wish for as;

- looking at their policies relating to the armed forces you could possibly be lead to beleive they were building the foundations for a communist state. Question - how many communist states permit their comrades to hold guns under licences unless they are in the armed forces?

- All leaders will tell you what you want to hear until they are in power, and you will find out the REAL meaning of their intentions

- Ukip have no historic base or evidence to prove their abilty to improve or even run this country - if elected. Voting for them and you are voting for an unknown untested rule of power which is radical (to say the least). Look at Lib dems. Untested and unproven - voted into power by default and what have they produced?


If I owned a company that was sinking would I put an untested extreemist at the helm to pull it out of the flames or perhaps a more steady hand with a known track record?


The United Kingdom needs a steady hand not a great big size 11 boot stamping around. Also because Ukip have never been in power we dont really know what they will do but everyone out there appears to be thinking - "hey they have never done anything wrong lets give them a go". This is the basis for a very dangerous method of vote selection and in return you will receive an unknown party with an unknown agenda and ability to govern us during a very dangerous time in the countries history.


It concerns me that people are stating on the one hand how and what a mess all the policiticians have got us into. Well, no one is perfect and no one on the planet makes the correct decision 100% of the time. But this mess is global, and not limited to the UK. And it will take time to correct itself.


I am afraid that money makes the world go round. This is a fact you should ignor at your peril. Therefore the day that Ukip secure power will be the day that all international investors/banks/intitutions will review their association with the UK and perhaps feel that this is not the type of country they should base their investment/employment in given its new and very radical governed state.


I dont think any goverment voted in power today will have the magic pill to make all this pain go away overnight. But do I want to roll the dice by opting for an unknown party with extreeme views and postions bringing the country back from the edge? No I dont think so.


Deep breath. Steps down of soap box.


Well said . When you look at ukip policies a lot of them are contradiction and more what people want to hear over what can be done. Style over substance so to speak. It talks of cutting taxes and cutting spending but doubling the defence budget, doubling prisons and building boots camps. 2 million public workers to loose jobs and to be replaced by 1 million manufacturing jobs and million jobs though tax breaks. Where are these jobs from? National industry? The bit about doubling the size of the TA, the TA cant be doubled with out the volunteers not really the governments choice. The health reform is scary, we already outsource some NHS services like doctors surgeries and it doesn't work corners are cut because there is a £s to be made.


Never thought about what the rest of the world would see, from the outside looking in Ukip must look a very extreme party of they got in power. Gearing up for war and putting the countries boarders on lockdown. Not to mention the lack of experience of running a country. I would love to live in country where jobs where a plenty, poverty was no more and people used the systems in place to help and not get a free ride. But it won't happen money talks and some people want a free ride.

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It talks of cutting taxes and cutting spending but doubling the defence budget, doubling prisons and building boots camps.


The £50 million a day which we would save by leaving the EU would help that a lot.


I am genuinley shocked by the level of Ukip support generated in this post and the lack of any real discussion on the reality of voting Ukip into power.


I too beleive that the current parties are a waste of space and have seriously blurred the boundaries of their policies in an attempt to steal votes from the other parties, which has disengaged the public and caused further dis-trust in the parties true agendas. However this is just the evolution of a very old policitical game and I am sure we will see (as the pendulum swings back) that they will adjust their positions. Therefore I am unhappy also like everyone and would like to give the parties a bit of shock treatment, but voting for Ukip is an extreme form of protest, and you should be careful what you wish for as;

- looking at their policies relating to the armed forces you could possibly be lead to beleive they were building the foundations for a communist state. Question - how many communist states permit their comrades to hold guns under licences unless they are in the armed forces?

- All leaders will tell you what you want to hear until they are in power, and you will find out the REAL meaning of their intentions

- Ukip have no historic base or evidence to prove their abilty to improve or even run this country - if elected. Voting for them and you are voting for an unknown untested rule of power which is radical (to say the least). Look at Lib dems. Untested and unproven - voted into power by default and what have they produced?


If I owned a company that was sinking would I put an untested extreemist at the helm to pull it out of the flames or perhaps a more steady hand with a known track record?


The United Kingdom needs a steady hand not a great big size 11 boot stamping around. Also because Ukip have never been in power we dont really know what they will do but everyone out there appears to be thinking - "hey they have never done anything wrong lets give them a go". This is the basis for a very dangerous method of vote selection and in return you will receive an unknown party with an unknown agenda and ability to govern us during a very dangerous time in the countries history.


It concerns me that people are stating on the one hand how and what a mess all the policiticians have got us into. Well, no one is perfect and no one on the planet makes the correct decision 100% of the time. But this mess is global, and not limited to the UK. And it will take time to correct itself.


I am afraid that money makes the world go round. This is a fact you should ignor at your peril. Therefore the day that Ukip secure power will be the day that all international investors/banks/intitutions will review their association with the UK and perhaps feel that this is not the type of country they should base their investment/employment in given its new and very radical governed state.


I dont think any goverment voted in power today will have the magic pill to make all this pain go away overnight. But do I want to roll the dice by opting for an unknown party with extreeme views and postions bringing the country back from the edge? No I dont think so.


Deep breath. Steps down of soap box.


I don't consider UKIP in any way "extreme".


And as for the comment about guns, I'm pretty sure that UKIP once said that gun laws are fine as they are. Will have to contact them and ask, but if they felt strongly about tightening gun laws they would have mentioned it on their website by now. I know UKIP are in favour of shooting.


You're right in saying that UKIP have no experience in power, but how will they ever get experience until they get voted in? It's the same with any party when it first starts out. It's a catch 22.

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I am genuinley shocked by the level of Ukip support generated in this post and the lack of any real discussion on the reality of voting Ukip into power.


I dont think any goverment voted in power today will have the magic pill to make all this pain go away overnight. But do I want to roll the dice by opting for an unknown party with extreeme views and postions bringing the country back from the edge? No I dont think so.


Deep breath. Steps down of soap box.


So To suit you I am supposed to either vote for a party that has GIVEN my country away, frittered what resources we had, loaded our welfare budget to the point we will have to hurt those who need it rather than simply came for it, and robbed us individually of free speech, or vote for another amalgam of extreme left and right, lead by a clueless silver spoon twit who has now been proved to not having the faintest idea about the average man in the street his needs or aspirations, recognising only that the big boys need their "breaks"


NO thanks I will roll the dice




Cheers KW

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The £50 million a day which we would save by leaving the EU would help


Non EU membership would be great because I don't agree with us (UK) being tied up with them. It's a big waste of money. If we just left tho trade sanction would be put in place until we sort out a trade deal with the EU like other countries have. Countries who trade with the EU but aren't a member still have to abide by EU laws/rules but don't have a say in the forming of said laws/rules. It would mean we could sort out are fishing and farming, also give control of are own laws. Also a lot of non EU companies and non EU members invest in the uk as we are a safe gateway into Europe, which boosts are economy. It's a tangled web and we are in deep, I would like to leave but if we do and it goes bad there would be no turning back. Maybe it would be better to re hash are current terms with the EU from with in rather than the outside looking in.

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I am genuinley shocked by the level of Ukip support generated in this post and the lack of any real discussion on the reality of voting Ukip into power.


I too beleive that the current parties are a waste of space and have seriously blurred the boundaries of their policies in an attempt to steal votes from the other parties, which has disengaged the public and caused further dis-trust in the parties true agendas. However this is just the evolution of a very old policitical game and I am sure we will see (as the pendulum swings back) that they will adjust their positions. Therefore I am unhappy also like everyone and would like to give the parties a bit of shock treatment, but voting for Ukip is an extreme form of protest, and you should be careful what you wish for as;

- looking at their policies relating to the armed forces you could possibly be lead to beleive they were building the foundations for a communist state. Question - how many communist states permit their comrades to hold guns under licences unless they are in the armed forces?

- All leaders will tell you what you want to hear until they are in power, and you will find out the REAL meaning of their intentions

- Ukip have no historic base or evidence to prove their abilty to improve or even run this country - if elected. Voting for them and you are voting for an unknown untested rule of power which is radical (to say the least). Look at Lib dems. Untested and unproven - voted into power by default and what have they produced?


If I owned a company that was sinking would I put an untested extreemist at the helm to pull it out of the flames or perhaps a more steady hand with a known track record?


The United Kingdom needs a steady hand not a great big size 11 boot stamping around. Also because Ukip have never been in power we dont really know what they will do but everyone out there appears to be thinking - "hey they have never done anything wrong lets give them a go". This is the basis for a very dangerous method of vote selection and in return you will receive an unknown party with an unknown agenda and ability to govern us during a very dangerous time in the countries history.


It concerns me that people are stating on the one hand how and what a mess all the policiticians have got us into. Well, no one is perfect and no one on the planet makes the correct decision 100% of the time. But this mess is global, and not limited to the UK. And it will take time to correct itself.


I am afraid that money makes the world go round. This is a fact you should ignor at your peril. Therefore the day that Ukip secure power will be the day that all international investors/banks/intitutions will review their association with the UK and perhaps feel that this is not the type of country they should base their investment/employment in given its new and very radical governed state.


I dont think any goverment voted in power today will have the magic pill to make all this pain go away overnight. But do I want to roll the dice by opting for an unknown party with extreeme views and postions bringing the country back from the edge? No I dont think so.


Deep breath. Steps down of soap box.


Can you define extreme? BNP are extreme UKIP far from it IMO, UKIP are pro shooting and gun ownership probably more so than most parties so no concerns there,


the three main parties have been grinding this country down for years whats left is a shell of its former self we need some change at the top......


Who do you suggest we vote for and what is the way forward to save this country from going down the pan as it has been, we are a sinking ship and all that's happening is they keep plugging the holes but not coming close to saving it.....

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So To suit you I am supposed to either vote for a party that has GIVEN my country away, frittered what resources we had, loaded our welfare budget to the point we will have to hurt those who need it rather than simply came for it, and robbed us individually of free speech, or vote for another amalgam of extreme left and right, lead by a clueless silver spoon twit who has now been proved to not having the faintest idea about the average man in the street his needs or aspirations, recognising only that the big boys need their "breaks"


NO thanks I will roll the dice






Cheers KW


Well said that man.....

Edited by tigger
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Non EU membership would be great because I don't agree with us (UK) being tied up with them. It's a big waste of money. If we just left tho trade sanction would be put in place until we sort out a trade deal with the EU like other countries have. Countries who trade with the EU but aren't a member still have to abide by EU laws/rules but don't have a say in the forming of said laws/rules. It would mean we could sort out are fishing and farming, also give control of are own laws. Also a lot of non EU companies and non EU members invest in the uk as we are a safe gateway into Europe, which boosts are economy. It's a tangled web and we are in deep, I would like to leave but if we do and it goes bad there would be no turning back. Maybe it would be better to re hash are current terms with the EU from with in rather than the outside looking in.


Again... You can't renegotiate with the EU. It is not a trading block. It was never conceived as a trading block. It is a route carefully planned to move by a series of irreversible steps to a socialist republic ruled by an unelected Polit Bureau. The architects of Europe have never made any secret about this. National governments have done the lying. They have either actively connived in the process or gone along with it passively rather than tell the truth to their electorate and risk destabilising their government.

This is not a members club whose rules need adjusting. It is a one way ride to the dissolution of nations. If that wasn't bad enough, judged by current Internationally accepted parameters, this proto nation is already a failed state before its even got off the ground. We get out or we become extinct. What is so hard to understand about that? And why are people so afraid of self governance? I know Blair tried to turn the entire population into compliant, gurgling babies who would be content to chortle at their toys while the State did their thinking for them, but I am staggered by the extent of his success.

Edited by Gimlet
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Not sure where you got that figure from but for the sake of accuracy the net amount we pay is actually around 4 billion a year so that's 11 million a day.


UKIP use a report created in 2008 by Gerard batten ukip MEP which claims its costing the uk £65bn a year to be in the EU. It gets to this amount by using figures from knock on effects eg upholding laws/rules and policy created by the EU. It's clever way of making the figure higher for shock value. The policy's it uses to create a larger figure would still need to be monitored by the uk if we where in the EU or not so the cost is still there.

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Does it matter what the figure is.....Whatever amount it is, It would be better spent in this country on things that those who have a right to be here need and not squandered on the wages of non elected nobodiys. in foreign lands.

Defenders of our contribution would suggest that the income gained would outweigh the expense and part the cost is set against the unprecedented peace that has fallen over western Europe, and any saving ukip would make would be spent on the now necessary defence of our island. Not everything is as black and white as it is portrayed.

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Defenders of our contribution would suggest that the income gained would outweigh the expense and part the cost is set against the unprecedented peace that has fallen over western Europe, and any saving ukip would make would be spent on the now necessary defence of our island. Not everything is as black and white as it is portrayed.


Defence of our island....against who?......Zee Germans..... :lol:

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Does it matter what the figure is.....Whatever amount it is, It would be better spent in this country on things that those who have a right to be here need and not squandered on the wages of non elected nobodiys. in foreign lands.


It's the case of paying in £8bn per year, we export about £400bn to EU per year. Leaving is not just the money we have people working in EU countries would could loose there jobs due to not be eligible to work in EU countries, it all depends on what deal we can work out for leaving. I think leaving is a good idea but if tomorrow we said no more EU where would it leave us? But we can't just stop like that. It would take years to leave probably longer than one party was in charge. Then you need to next political power to keep it up.

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Defenders of our contribution would suggest that the income gained would outweigh the expense and part the cost is set against the unprecedented peace that has fallen over western Europe, and any saving ukip would make would be spent on the now necessary defence of our island.


As far as I know our membership of Nato has never been dependant on being in the EU.



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It's the case of paying in £8bn per year, we export about £400bn to EU per year. Leaving is not just the money we have people working in EU countries would could loose there jobs due to not be eligible to work in EU countries, it all depends on what deal we can work out for leaving. I think leaving is a good idea but if tomorrow we said no more EU where would it leave us? But we can't just stop like that. It would take years to leave probably longer than one party was in charge. Then you need to next political power to keep it up.


The EU sells much more into Britain than Britains exports to the rest of the EU.


They couldn't afford to impose any trade barriers, and as I posted before MEXICO has negotiated the same trade access that we have as a member of the EU (and Norway and Sweden).



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Exactly, are you saying mr, Mercedes,VW,Renault,BMW,Citroen, etc are not going to export cars to our island what a load of rubbish, you can still trade with Europe without being in it that's just scaremongering and people fall for it everytime......

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