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eley 2" cartaridges

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i have been given some of the above shells i am trying to find abit out about them age and so on i will put a pic up later they are in a card box with a orange paper around them with the details on address imperial metal industries (kynoch) limited birmingham b6 7ba england 7/8 #6 50mm. And on the side of the box is a code 43R31A. I thought that they would have been paper cases but they apear to be plastic in good condition. Dose ant one know where i can look to find out more about them any info would be great cheers


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Thought I was with you, but sadly not. I have a box as you describe and also some loose 2" rounds which I assumed would belong to the box. The 2" are exactly that: loose, as the box is 28 bore. This lot was my late father's but he never owned a 28. Eley should be able to help as they're not truly historical or antique. The price on the 28s is £1.89. They may ask whether the shot size (also on the over shot card) is stamped on the box or on a white strip stuck on the box which doubles up as a seal.

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Eley two inch have been made for many years. There were two inch chambered shotguns made but not many. Mostly they are a light load used in ordinary shotguns.




look in the 12bore game cartridge section.

Edited by Vince Green
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there was a norwich gunmaker (im havin a senior moment..forgotton the name)...who used to make Avent-tout boxlocks i think 25 inch specially for partridge shooting on the fens...where pheasants were considered to be vermin !...his guns were chambered 2 inch......i think it was a partridge thing



ahhhhhhh remember the name ..Rosson...

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The ones that i have eley 12 printed around the head the heads not brass or copper its sliver in colour with a copper primer with a silver ring around it

Not uncommon in the 1950s. Paper cased with a rolled turnover with the ICI stamp on the head. The cap (primer) in these was the Type 1B in a captive brass battery cup that helped hold the shell together like a rivet. I reckon the ones you have, if plastic, have a Fiocchi 209 primer with a copper battery cup

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2 inch loads are Fine in any chamber gun , they are a light load , i find them ideal for bolting rabbits because they dont blast the wabbit to bits , just make sure you use a good chamber brush after using them or you might get ejection problems when you go back to 65's or 70's


The ones you have are 1970's / 80's

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there was a norwich gunmaker (im havin a senior moment..forgotton the name)...who used to make Avent-tout boxlocks i think 25 inch specially for partridge shooting on the fens...where pheasants were considered to be vermin !...his guns were chambered 2 inch......i think it was a partridge thing



ahhhhhhh remember the name ..Rosson...

A lot of the old Rosson guns where made with 2 inch chambers.

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wow they look as good as new. :)

They are aga just a very little rust on the odd one i am going to put a couple through the gun an see if they have been damp but apart from that pristine just the same as all the eley 3" 410 shell he got and they work just fine :lol: well the pigeon din"t complain

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lol don't forget to sniff the empty's. the smell of them old eley's is bloody marvelous.

They are aga just a very little rust on the odd one i am going to put a couple through the gun an see if they have been damp but apart from that pristine just the same as all the eley 3" 410 shell he got and they work just fine :lol: well the pigeon din"t complain

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I wouldn't mind a box or 3 of these!!


Mick, do you have any?

I have 2 one gallon ice cream tubs and 2 SA80 ammo boxes full which I can't/ won't sell as they're home loads. These are proper 2", not 2" and a bit, with a crimp closure loaded with No 7s.

Edited by wymberley
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