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Grassed my 1st deer last Friday


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I finally broke my duck after 3 stalks and managed to grass my 1st deer.

Went out with a pro stalker Friday evening and after about an hour of mixed woodland/pasture stalking, we came across a Fallow Doe and a yearling grazing on the other side of a brook around 100 yds away.

I set up on the sticks but the youngster was slightly obscured by a tree so we couldn't make out the sex until he just poked his head out enough to see the buttons. Waited a few more seconds, that seemed like hours for him to emerge broadside and give me a clear heart/lung shot.

A steady breathe out, centered the crosshairs in position and bam, down he went. Textbook leg kick backwards for a heart shot and dropped on the spot. I was calm as you like until I knew it was down, then by crikey didn't the old ticker start going!! :yes:

Not as much as the lungs though dragging the ****** back to the truck over about 1/2 a mile, christ am I unfit!! I got to keep the carcass too so we have enough venison to last months and started with burgers on the bbq yesterday, which were scrummy!! :good:




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Well done! I went stalking for the second time ever yesterday and it was very frustrating sitting watching 4 roe does wander about 120yds away and then a couple of bucks appeared about 30 feet away - one of them walked behind us downwind and as I was halfway through the trigger pull on the larger buck in front of me the downwind one spooked and they both legged it so still no deer for me....next time hopefully.

Edited by oscarsdad
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