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Is Europe getting tired of the EURO/EU?


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I read of a poll that was conducted across europe, and unsurprisingly to me the results of the major nations were showing a small majority, saying that they were getting very disillusioned with being in the 'club', with spain showing a massive 72% of disapproval of being in the euro/eu


I wonder whether we could end up with an ironic situation of not needing a referendum on the eu. Maybe ukip will end up needing to change their name. It could all collapse on its own.



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Was the poll about the EU or the Euro, or both?


I am broadly in favor of a Union within Europe but would hate to have the Euro, or to be pegged to it, or to be part of a United States of Europe.


I wouldn't be surprised that many residents of Europe don't like the way their countries, if rich, are paying for the poor ones, and if poor are being bullied by the rich ones.

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Well, the Duke, yes, but we've still been chucking stuff at them, and them at us, for nearly a 1000 years.

I think you'll find that it was the French in England who were chucking stuff at the French in France for the first couple of hundred years or so. The English were just paying for it all.

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Nope, Harold and his mob were English, and although the team leaders may have been 'de grenoilles', the foot sloggers were English.


You're right about paying for it though.


I think you'll find that it was the French in England who were chucking stuff at the French in France for the first couple of hundred years or so. The English were just paying for it all.

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Nope, Harold and his mob were English, and although the team leaders may have been 'de grenoilles', the foot sloggers were English.


You're right about paying for it though.


They weren't just fighting the Normans, but also the Bretons, Flemish and French (Normandy wasn't a part of France until 1204).


The English probably would've won at Hastings, too, if weren't for the other Harald and his not-so-merry band of Norwegians.

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And Harold's turncoat brother Tostig. Caught the Norse napping at Stamford Bridge.



Although the Normans were of Norse origin too, hence the name, a variation on Northmen/Norsemen.


They weren't just fighting the Normans, but also the Bretons, Flemish and French (Normandy wasn't a part of France until 1204).


The English probably would've won at Hastings, too, if weren't for the other Harald and his not-so-merry band of Norwegians.

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Nope, Harold and his mob were English, and although the team leaders may have been 'de grenoilles', the foot sloggers were English.


You're right about paying for it though.

Just to deliberately difficult, Harold was Anglo-Saxon so he descended from the Angles and the Saxons which were both German tribes. So it was a German fighting a Frenchman, well sort of.


Britain has been 'multicultural' for some time.

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Just to deliberately difficult, Harold was Anglo-Saxon so he descended from the Angles and the Saxons which were both German tribes. So it was a German fighting a Frenchman, well sort of.


Britain has been 'multicultural' for some time.


We're all immigrants one way or another

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The one problem with every country having its own currency for those that can remember back in the 60/70s we had big problems when that rich guy and his chums made a fortune out of us when they forced down the price of the pound something that they could not do to the Euro or dollar as the numbers are to big for even them to mess with and that was part of the reason why we planed to go in to the Euro before it all went wrong.

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Just to deliberately difficult, Harold was Anglo-Saxon so he descended from the Angles and the Saxons which were both German tribes. So it was a German fighting a Frenchman, well sort of.


Britain has been 'multicultural' for some time.

I think instead of multicultural the British/English are a mix of different (White Nothern European people) for the most part people from other parts of the world did not get here in any numbers before the 1950s.

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Europe is not achieving what it set out to do because many of the countries have been blatantly taking the piddle and just milking it for everything they can get of it. No attempt to do what they were supposed to do and very little remorse or contrition now its all gone wrong. Now people in Spain are disillusioned with Europe. Well excuse me, but don't the words "own and "goal" have any part to play in Spain's present situation?


Is there actually any hope for it at all?

Edited by Vince Green
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Europe is not achieving what it set out to do because many of the countries have been blatantly taking the piddle and just milking it for everything they can get of it. No attempt to do what they were supposed to do and very little remorse or contrition now its all gone wrong.


Is there actually any hope for it at all?


Hope for the euro is ailing without doubt, one or two more bail outs could be the end of it tbh. Europe in one form or another will continue imo... would be interesting to get an inside line on the money printers, i wonder who makes the paper the money is printed on, if you see their order book go dramatically up then is the time to short the euro

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The one problem with every country having its own currency for those that can remember back in the 60/70s we had big problems when that rich guy and his chums made a fortune out of us when they forced down the price of the pound something that they could not do to the Euro or dollar as the numbers are to big for even them to mess with and that was part of the reason why we planed to go in to the Euro before it all went wrong.


Actually it was the 90's (1992) and the rich man you are refering to was George Soros.


The 'size' of a currency is irrelvant. If enough people buy or sell it then it will move. The USD and EUR still move significantly and as you say they are 'big'. Also forcing down the price of anything will only make you money if you know you can buy it back at a lower price. In a free market there is no guarantee.


What happened in 1992 was not to do with people just selling Sterling it was due to the fact that the UK government had to keep buying Sterling to keep it within the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) bands (linked to the German Mark at the time). So the whole World new that Sterling was being kept artificially high due to the weakness of the UK economy at the time. Therefore you sell at this artificially high price knowing that eventually the Government will not be able to sustain it and the rate would fall to it's 'correct' level. Then you buy at the lower price and instant profit. Job done. A bit like you having loads of boxes of cartridges that somebody is willing to buy from you at £10 a pop and you know that tomorrow they will be £5.You sell the cartridges at £10, buy at £5 and you have £5 profit and the cartridges. The mug is the person who had to keep on the buying them at £10. That was the Government.


In a free market there is no guarantee that the rate is at any point 'high' so whether your decision to buy expecting it to go up or sell expecting it to go down is based upon market economics (or just a punt). As Maggie said "you can't buck the market".


So the ERM and Euro are completely different things.

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And the word english is derived from Angle, so he was English :yes: .

Just to deliberately difficult, Harold was Anglo-Saxon so he descended from the Angles and the Saxons which were both German tribes. So it was a German fighting a Frenchman, well sort of.


Britain has been 'multicultural' for some time.

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Actually it was the 90's (1992) and the rich man you are refering to was George Soros.


The 'size' of a currency is irrelvant. If enough people buy or sell it then it will move. The USD and EUR still move significantly and as you say they are 'big'. Also forcing down the price of anything will only make you money if you know you can buy it back at a lower price. In a free market there is no guarantee.


What happened in 1992 was not to do with people just selling Sterling it was due to the fact that the UK government had to keep buying Sterling to keep it within the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) bands (linked to the German Mark at the time). So the whole World new that Sterling was being kept artificially high due to the weakness of the UK economy at the time. Therefore you sell at this artificially high price knowing that eventually the Government will not be able to sustain it and the rate would fall to it's 'correct' level. Then you buy at the lower price and instant profit. Job done. A bit like you having loads of boxes of cartridges that somebody is willing to buy from you at £10 a pop and you know that tomorrow they will be £5.You sell the cartridges at £10, buy at £5 and you have £5 profit and the cartridges. The mug is the person who had to keep on the buying them at £10. That was the Government.


In a free market there is no guarantee that the rate is at any point 'high' so whether your decision to buy expecting it to go up or sell expecting it to go down is based upon market economics (or just a punt). As Maggie said "you can't buck the market".


So the ERM and Euro are completely different things.

Thanks for that I new it was something like that but from what I can remember about that time people said we should be in the euro as it would be safer for our economy to be in a large group rather than being on our own ( god I still hate that Soros guy for steeling all of our money the way that he did )

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