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Channel 4 - Skint


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I'm wondering if the airing of this show isn't some sort of subtle political ploy. I think (I hope) the vast majority of voters are a oblivious to where their tax money actually goes. Sure they hear about it - but have probably never seen it play out.


I didn't watch it all - I had to change channels when the guy was showing off his vasectomy.

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Nah, having worked for them, Channel 4 would be championing their right to live on benefits, as an ethical life style choice, just like the ***** shows if that was the case.


I'm wondering if the airing of this show isn't some sort of subtle political ploy. I think (I hope) the vast majority of voters are a oblivious to where their tax money actually goes. Sure they hear about it - but have probably never seen it play out.


I didn't watch it all - I had to change channels when the guy was showing off his vasectomy.

Edited by Penelope
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I have a cunning plan to deal with out of work people instead of just paying people to sit at home watching TV they should be paid by the hour if they had to be in a certain place to clock in and if they wanted to be paid they would have to stay for the 8 hours if they are late or leave before there time is up they lose money that is the part that I have worked out but the problem is what do they do.

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Guest cookoff013

I have a cunning plan to deal with out of work people instead of just paying people to sit at home watching TV they should be paid by the hour if they had to be in a certain place to clock in and if they wanted to be paid they would have to stay for the 8 hours if they are late or leave before there time is up they lose money that is the part that I have worked out but the problem is what do they do.


where can i vote for this?

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Didn't need to watch it I see it every day working in their houses


2 things that boil my **** are lazy benefit scoungers and immigrants both who are on the gravy train from last labour gov and the do gooders


I have a thing now where I check the tax disc on cars at the houses i work in its amazing how many have disability cars

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They came up with the right idea many many moons ago called a workhouse, an honest days dole for an honest days work.


There is loads of stuff that they could do that would save the councils a fortune or benefit the community in some way. It needs sorting as this country is doomed if it continues to produce a prolific mongtard class.

Edited by Livefast123
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They came up with the right idea many many moons ago called a workhouse, an honest days dole for an honest days work.


There is loads of stuff that they could do that would save the councils a fortune or benefit the community in some way. It needs sorting as this country is doomed if it continues to produce a prolific mongtard class.

Workhouses and honest days pay don't really belong in the same sentence.
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Blood is boiling and I daren't write anything comprehensible as am sure I will sound like 'judge Dred'.......




How can we the honest working people,be expected to pay our Council Tax, Income Tax, Road Tax, Insurance along with the mortgage etc knowing that everything I do is being effectively robbed from me and my children by these ********************** (sure you can guess or place your own words).


How can it be stopped?

We vote one party or the next but not one has the guts to say- Enough, lets change the system to one where the Benefits will be paid but on conditions- Such as , voluntary work- turning up at certain times to break up the day and stop then sitting on their ***** watching their peers on Jeremy Kyle- Cut benefit if they fail to do as required- limit on Children..... God I am sure we could all pitch in and come up with a multitude of ideas.


But could we implement them? Not a chance when society is becoming more and more soft, geared to the generation of "What about me's"along with the "you can't do that, I got me Human Rights " supporters.


Well let me say this, when you or your family are in need of a Hospital bed urgently but are unable to be admitted locally due to these idiot druggies overdosing or your wife is unable to deliver your child in your Hospital of choice- maybe you are the victim of a hit and run by some kids on motorbikes as depicted in this series then what do you do??????


Time has surely come when we stop burying our heads......


Phew, rant over

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Better than an honest days pay for sitting on your derrier. I'm sure that normal people who are unfortunate enough to find themselves out of work would not mind putting in a few hours to get something to live on.


No political party really wants to tackle it as it is a massive vote loser

Edited by Livefast123
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Better than an honest days pay for sitting on your derrier. I'm sure that normal people who are unfortunate enough to find themselves out of work would not mind putting in a few hours to get something to live on.


No political party really wants to tackle it as it is a massive vote loser


Not necesarily.The people on the show look like they're incapable of writing an X on a ballot card anyway and probably use it as a roach instead.

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If it means keeping a party in power that facilitates their way of life then I'm sure that they would all turn out to vote.


They don't look like they can string a sentence together, let alone read a ballot and put an X in a box.

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If it means keeping a party in power that facilitates their way of life then I'm sure that they would all turn out to vote.


On the flip side of that view I'm sure that the decent, hard working people would put themselves out to go and vote for a party that really wanted to deal with it? We only have to look at the recent UKIP voting surely?


Liebore are very guilty of encouraging idleness and dependability on the state, it only works while the earners and wealth creators out there remain passive to the wasting of their hard earned money though.


There is no such thing as "government money" it has all come from the wage packets of the working man and the investors in this country, the government is made up largely of people who have never had to generate a profit in their life.


Easy come, easy go, just like the benefit sponger who smokes 20 fags a day and sits in front of a 60" telly swigging beer all day.


It will eventually hit the rails as expenditure runs out of control, in reality it already has but nobody looking to put the brakes on will win a popularity contest as the same, genuine working people who didn't cause the problem will be the ones paying for it yet again while the feckless, ever breeding morons will continue just as before, until their financial lifelines are severed.

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Blood is boiling and I daren't write anything comprehensible as am sure I will sound like 'judge Dred'.......


How can we the honest working people,be expected to pay our Council Tax, Income Tax, Road Tax, Insurance along with the mortgage etc knowing that everything I do is being effectively robbed from me and my children by these ********************** (sure you can guess or place your own words).

How can it be stopped?

We vote one party or the next but not one has the guts to say- Enough, lets change the system to one where the Benefits will be paid but on conditions- Such as , voluntary work- turning up at certain times to break up the day and stop then sitting on their ***** watching their peers on Jeremy Kyle- Cut benefit if they fail to do as required- limit on Children..... God I am sure we could all pitch in and come up with a multitude of ideas.

But could we implement them? Not a chance when society is becoming more and more soft, geared to the generation of "What about me's"along with the "you can't do that, I got me Human Rights " supporters.

Well let me say this, when you or your family are in need of a Hospital bed urgently but are unable to be admitted locally due to these idiot druggies overdosing or your wife is unable to deliver your child in your Hospital of choice- maybe you are the victim of a hit and run by some kids on motorbikes as depicted in this series then what do you do??????

Time has surely come when we stop burying our heads......

Phew, rant over

Amen to this.

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It will eventually hit the rails as expenditure runs out of control, in reality it already has but nobody looking to put the brakes on will win a popularity contest as the same, genuine working people who didn't cause the problem will be the ones paying for it yet again while the feckless, ever breeding morons will continue just as before, until their financial lifelines are severed.


the simple answer is a coalition government can't put the brakes on fast enough, if you look at the progress made they have done a fair bit to the welfare state but in this day and age you can't just take it away all together much as many of us would like to happen. Sadly its the people that really shouldn't be allowed to breed that are doing most of it as the rest who work have to breed to the limits of their finances, if you rely on the state then you don't have the same issues.

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