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where do I start, we travelled down to boddingtons reservoir Tuesday morning, 6 travelling in two cars and one van


after fishing the match we packed all the equipment away and headed back to our hotel, after about 5mins of driving we headed along a country road A361 and as we approached a long sweeping left hand bend at the top of the hill , this total utter idiot came flying around the bend,travelling at a ridiculous speed in wet conditions and lost control of the car.


as he came down the hill totally out of control we had to swerve onto the grass verge to miss him on our side of the road ,he missed our vehicle by millimetres, but hit the second car in our convoy head on,


he was doing well over the speed limit in wet conditions, my two fishing buddies in the second car were smashed up and were trapped in the car , it was a rite off they had to cut through the doors and take the roof off the car to get them out which took well over an hour,


one of my mates is still in hospital now and one has been released, we still cant believe they both survived , WHY WHY do these young ****s think every road is a racetrack


he has life changing injuries and do I feel sorry for him NO I DONT , the only ones I feel sorry for is my two buddies in their car travelling well below the speed limit because of the conditions,


3 hours we had to stay at the scene and the only good thing to come out of it was NO ONE WAS KILLED







Edited by Teal
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I haven't learnt to drive yet but I've heard a few stories of people from college who shouldn't have been let near a car. Including one incident where someone drove at over 100mph and took a photo of the speedometer to prove it. There's also the boy racer type who just race down a local country road all the time, including a crash a few years ago.


The young drivers being dangerous drivers stereotype is a massive generalisation, but quite a few (but not most) young drivers really are stupid. The only good thing that could possibly come out of accidents like this is that maybe they've learnt a lesson and know not to drive like idiots next time. But it shouldn't take a crash to get them to drive properly.

Edited by Reece
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Hope your friends make a full recovery fella, I lost 4 friends in one accident when they were all 17 no other cars involved. At least it looks like it was a Volvo estate they are built like tanks so hopefully it helped your friends evade serious injury!!

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All the very best to you all and especially the chap injured.

All too frequent a scene on our roads sadl.

Whatever happens to you all, you have had a shocking, life-changing experience - my sincere wishes that none of you ever have a similar one again.

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My OH is currently pursuing a claim against a young lass who ran into her after being unable to stop in time when she drove around a corner to meet my OH stationary car.My OH had pulled over the the side and stopped when she had glimpsed this other car through a gap in the hedge 'going like a bloody bullet'.

The driver turned out to be a young lass and a newly qualified driver,in a car Mam had bought her.She inititally was full of apologies and accepted she was going too fast,but a couple of days later(no doubt after talking to Mammy)she had changed her mind.

This was last year some time,but I also nearly bumped into her the other day when she pulled straight out of a junction at a hell of a lick without even pausing.Lesson learned then!

On an update,the gypsy who did a runner after rolling a rented X5 just outside town,as I mentioned the other week,is 26 and was bailed to attend court in town just in time for Fair week ,which I thought was damned decent of his honour as it will save the young man a trip back up!

Hope all involved in your accident make a full recovery.

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I'm not sure if the photos have been edited (for legal reasons) but I can't tell what the cars are.


I had the black one down as a Ford Focus and the turquoise car - no idea.


Could someone be a love and enlighten me.

I was going Passat estate and 207 but now not so sure

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When they drive like that they should be done for attempt of murder because they could kill some one at any time,,, Ive lost a brother to a ******* idiot like that, he was only 19, and walking on the pavement, early hours Christmas morning, so Ive got no sympathy for drivers like that they should die.

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