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advice on stoping gun when i fire


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Dear Shaun,


If you are continually stopping the gun, seems to be a waste of money shooting competition or registered target until you cure it.


You don't learn how to shoot skeet by shooting rounds of 25, you shoot one target till you own a picture and technique, then move onto another target


Seems like he needs to walk before he can run,



Dear Kermit.


He never said he was shooting either of what you mentioned


All I said it was that shooting the bits wouldnt work in either of the above,


But unless you have lessons or access to a trap then most, and I say most places wont let you just pop away at 1 target because you are generally squaded, even for practice or straw bale type shoots


If you are continually stopping the gun then I would suggest an hour with a good coach/instructor, it will pay dividends in the long run



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As Shaun says a lesson will pay dividends, but if you want to try something yourself...


Reposition your feet as suggested. Then swing the gun with the clay, say bang at the kill point and keep swinging and following through. It's easy to do when you take the pressure off actually shooting. Do this 3 or 4 times, then the next time shoot it and keep following through. Once you get into the rhythm you should find it starts to become more automatic, but if you go back to stopping and missing behind just practice swinging with the clay again.


Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I have taught quite a few people to shoot clays over the years, this can often be a problem for new clay shooters. The issue is that once the trigger is pulled and you hear the 'bang' a novice looks to see if the clay has been hit and stops the gun swing, as well as lifting the head of the stock. After trying many different approaches to resolve the issue, I setteld on this one.... As you pull through the target and fire add '1' to the bang and '2' to the second shot bang. This works quite well, so just pull the trigger and in your mind add a 1 or a 2, and do not move your head of the stock. This will enable you to carry the swing through without worrying about it. Give it a try see how you get on and good luck.

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1) who told you that you stop the gun when you fire?

2) that person should tell you why!

3) stopping the gun has several reasons , not only the stance!

4) follow through must come naturally, not imposed

5) internet coaching is like doing a surgery over the phone

6) get somebody to fix you until is not too late, The bad habit is around to the corner!


Good luck!

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Actually they now do surgery over the internet!!!!

Stopping the gun is the reason he is is missing (so I believe.)

Follow through is not a natural tendency it has to be taught, many find it easy some do not; it's the same as lead, that is not natural either, another problem is we do not, (as humans) like shooting toward the ground. That's why so many rabbits are shot over the top, and most clays are missed behind.

Best advice is get a lesson.

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1) Internet surgery can be done when two experts are communicating but not in our case on which the novice ( lack of experience) try to fix something that not even was diagnosed based on forum's people suggestions!

2) how you can diagnose if you can't see?

3) if the body setup is right the follow though is a result of the gun's inertia! Lead is a natural thing translated in "the feeling" for it !

4) rabbits are easy if you know how to deal with them

5) most clays are missed behind for many reasons


Taking a lesson is the right thing to do!

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Inertia is the 'tendency' to resist change by an object in motion or at rest.


The resistance to the gun's motion is the holder of said object not the gun!

I have not offered a diagnosis of his problem, only responded with a possible solution to his reported problem of stopping the gun. even if he is not stopping the gun, the remedy given will not disadvantage his shooting.

Stopping the gun can have absolutely nothing to do with the stance or set up of the body, it can and often is caused by the brain reacting to the pulling of the trigger and the sound of the shot.

And lead in my opinion and after 45 years shooting is not natural.


And yes rabbitts are easy if you 'know' how to deal with them, but many don't know, and sorry to state the obvious, but most clays are missed behind because not enough lead was given or stopping the gun, that's it no other reasons!


I have no intention of offending, I just don't agree totally with your comments.

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This is how I understand inertia,: a car running with high speed will not stop instantly once you step on the break,Same with the gun, if the setup is correct and allows follow though after the shot, the gun speed combined with its weight should give you the follow through !


On this one i totally disagree :"Stopping the gun can have absolutely nothing to do with the stance or set up of the body" I can give you 15 or more reasons to stop the gun,that

have nothing to do with the brain but with the technique.


Going back to how the stance and body setup can stop the gun, imagine a crosser right to left and your stance is way to the right ! you will follow the bird to a certain point where your body mobility allows it and after that you will slow down the gun speed losing the contact with the bird and shoot behind it! So what you gonna do for the next shot, you will open your stance to allow your body to finish the movement at the breaking spot!


"And lead in my opinion and after 45 years shooting is not natural." why is not natural? How it is?



"I have no intention of offending, I just don't agree totally with your comments." Same here


All the best!

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Your interpretation of inertia is correct regarding the car at speed and the effect of the brakes, so the car is resisting the brakes action and therefore inertia is evident. The difference in shooting is that the gun is not the force of motion the shooter is, the weight (energy) of the gun is not enough to cause enough inertia for the gun to continue moving as the shooter is the force of motion and it is that force that is stopping. So for instance if at the point of pulling the trigger, the shooter let go of the gun, it would immediately drop to the ground with some minor lateral movement, it would not continue laterally as it has no force of motion, so would succomb to the force of gravity.


I agree that technique is a fundamental requirement for better shooting and there are many reasons for stopping the gun, my inference is that for the 'novice' shooter it is a common problem for the shooter to stop due to the shot being fired. With regard to the crosser analogy, the bird is often missed behind and above, as the shooter's stance is to the right, as the hips swing to the left and reach the end of natural movemnt, the shooter attempts to carry the swing further, slows down and lifts the torsoe as weight is shifted to the left foot and the right heel is lifted and the shooter stands on his right toe.


Humans evolved long before the invention of gunpowder and guns, our hunting techniques were born of stealth and ambush, skills of tracking, running and tiring our prey to a state of exhaustion and then despatch at close range. For most new shooters the incomer and going away targets are the easiest, as to shoot straight at something is more natural. Introduce the fast crosser and advise the shooter to give it a 'farmgate' in distance and the brain will attempt to shorten that distance, it takes training and practice to finally get the length. This is so evident every weekend at local clay shoots, and why we have C, B, A, AA classes, because the better shooters have perfected that picture of lead.


Best wishes

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There are two very good suggestions in this thread, one says book a lesson and one says use an instructor.


There are some other good posts as well and some useful advice, but until you see the person shoot and can identify the EXACT cause nobody can give the correct answer.

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I have/had this exact issue. But I love my rifles. Think this throw an egg at a car moving and you get one chance, throw a handful of gravel and some of it is more Likely to hit. Keep the gun still and you rifle the shot, flick the barrel end as you pull the trigger and you get a bigger pattern. The swing through is just the same as a flick, so pull the trigger just as the barrel goes where you think the clay will be and keep moving.

Have fun, don't try too hard and muscle Memory and sight pictures will build with time. Took me a good 6 months.

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Adjust your stance.


If it is a crosser, stand in your comfortable position with the gun pointing at the kill point. then move your feet so that the comfortable aim position is past that point

in the direction of the clay. ( right to left, then more to the left ) then wind your body back to the pick up point.


When you shoot at the kill point your body wants to naturally turn to the comfortable position and should carry the gun through the target whilst firing.


Try it and see if it helps.


Good luck and don't worry.


If all else fails try trap shooting, no crossers.



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