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What to do about neighbours dogs barking?


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No, the only time she barks is if another dog shows aggression, otherwise she may grumble but doesn't bark

I had a little dog and it never barked until it was about four years old then all of a sudden it started to bark just like a normal dog very strange its not normal for a dog not to bark when someone approaches the place where they live they are telling the rest of the pack that an intruder is coming.

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I had this, mine are kenneled outside and i received a letter saying my dogs were barking constantly from the council. I asked my neighbour about it and they said it wasn't them that had complained, which i already thought as we get along very well, so it must have been someone in the new houses at the back. My neighbours reckoned my dogs did give the odd bark but on the whole were very quiet unlike the basset the other side of them that was shut out and barked non stop until it was let in, which i already knew about. As mine were kenneled they were more visible and therefore assumed to be the culprits. Anyway i was in touch with the dog warden on a regular basis regarding the complaint who informed me it wasn't an issue they would be following up on as the complainent had filled in the forms and it wasn't deemed to be excessive. she said that all dogs bark and it was expected to have a certain amount of noise but unless it was pretty much constant they didn't have a problem with it.


Anyway, i was concerned that my dogs might possibly upset the neighbours at some time or another so i took actions to try to limit it. My kennels have a radio fitted so the dogs don't hear the slightest noise at night and kick off plus i made up a simple water system that gives them a 5 second blast of water should they decide to have a shouting match.




All it is is a pir movement/sound sensor with the movement bit taped over wired into a washing machine inlet valve, cheap and effective

Edited by Madness
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I had this, mine are kenneled outside and i received a letter saying my dogs were barking constantly from the council. I asked my neighbour about it and they said it wasn't them that had complained, which i already thought as we get along very well, so it must have been someone in the new houses at the back. My neighbours reckoned my dogs did give the odd bark but on the whole were very quiet unlike the basset the other side of them that was shut out and barked non stop until it was let in, which i already knew about. As mine were kenneled they were more visible and therefore assumed to be the culprits. Anyway i was in touch with the dog warden on a regular basis regarding the complaint who informed me it wasn't an issue they would be following up on as the complainent had filled in the forms and it wasn't deemed to be excessive. she said that all dogs bark and it was expected to have a certain amount of noise but unless it was pretty much constant they didn't have a problem with it.


Anyway, i was concerned that my dogs might possibly upset the neighbours at some time or another so i took actions to try to limit it. My kennels have a radio fitted so the dogs don't hear the slightest noise at night and kick off plus i made up a simple water system that gives them a 5 second blast of water should they decide to have a shouting match.




All it is is a pir movement/sound sensor with the movement bit taped over wired into a washing machine inlet valve, cheap and effective


Thats one that you should take to dragons den lol


Excellent idea

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Sleep deprivation caused by any nuisance noise whether its dogs , music,neighbours shouting or even having a bit of nikynakynoonoo can be extremely frustrating if its persistent. Lack of sleep can and does cause anxiety and can lead to depression. I dont need to go into much more detail as FAC holders we all know the consequence of that on your Dr's notes.


Again its persistent noise, not just once in a blue moon. The water sprinkler is a good idea, you can also get noist activated collers that spray a mist type gas infront of the dogs face as a deterrent they seem to work ok.

Dogs bark for a reason it could be bordem, neglect-lack of attention, any number of reasons. It can in most cases be trained out as the dog grows up at an early age. Improper handling or ignorance from the owner's just shows a lack of consideration.

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I must admit my neighbor's dog (****zu) barks all the time and they find it funny that she runs round in circles barking at the doves flying round that the other neighbour keeps, then three doors down have bought a boxer dog and lock it out all day so that barks at the patio doors until let back in. then over the back you get another dog barking and then my lab only barks if she chases the fox away. But all in some sunny summer mornings it sounds like im staying at the dog pound. I do dream of winning the lottery and living in a nice detached house with land around me :) But until then i just put up with it as we all make noise at some point so swings and roundabouts really. but i do understand if its that bad and its keeping you awake that something should be done about it, i would approach and just talk to the neighbours they may get offended, they might not. but one sure fire way to offend them is to go the sneaky tell tale route. I hope you sort it out amicably :good:

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I had this, mine are kenneled outside and i received a letter saying my dogs were barking constantly from the council. I asked my neighbour about it and they said it wasn't them that had complained, which i already thought as we get along very well, so it must have been someone in the new houses at the back. My neighbours reckoned my dogs did give the odd bark but on the whole were very quiet unlike the basset the other side of them that was shut out and barked non stop until it was let in, which i already knew about. As mine were kenneled they were more visible and therefore assumed to be the culprits. Anyway i was in touch with the dog warden on a regular basis regarding the complaint who informed me it wasn't an issue they would be following up on as the complainent had filled in the forms and it wasn't deemed to be excessive. she said that all dogs bark and it was expected to have a certain amount of noise but unless it was pretty much constant they didn't have a problem with it.


Anyway, i was concerned that my dogs might possibly upset the neighbours at some time or another so i took actions to try to limit it. My kennels have a radio fitted so the dogs don't hear the slightest noise at night and kick off plus i made up a simple water system that gives them a 5 second blast of water should they decide to have a shouting match.




All it is is a pir movement/sound sensor with the movement bit taped over wired into a washing machine inlet valve, cheap and effective

My mum and dad have a springer that goes out in the garden and barks at most things so they got a water pistol/supersoaker. as soon as she see's it, she goes straight in. But the funny thing is she will jump into any water and swim like crazy. but i little water pistol and she ducks indoors :lol:

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I hate barking domestic dogs and I hate people who are pig ignorant enough to let them do it. I spent most of my childhood on a farm and I know where dogs prefer to be and it isn't in some kennel or concrete backyard pebble-dash hell-hole where many are kept. No wonder they go mental with boredom.

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I would strongly recommend talking to them, the reason is a few years back we had a GSD that had separation anxiety and we never new (we were at work) until one of the neighbours pointed this out to us. We treated the separation anxiety and everyone was happy...

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I hate barking domestic dogs and I hate people who are pig ignorant enough to let them do it. I spent most of my childhood on a farm and I know where dogs prefer to be and it isn't in some kennel or concrete backyard pebble-dash hell-hole where many are kept. No wonder they go mental with boredom.

Not all dog lovers are that privileged, but it doesn't mean that their dogs aren't well looked after and loved. We have a modest house in Hertfordshire and we kennel our dogs.


We would most certainly prefer if our dogs had free range of a farm and farmhouse but that's not going to happen while we are working class town folk, yet we plan on keeping our dogs and our dogs are very relaxed, well trained and seemingly happy dogs.

We walk our dogs all around the fields of Walkern (notably they get the longest and most stimulating walk out of all other dog walkers we see out and about), they attend every country show that we attend which is most weekends in the summer, and they are also in gun training. My dogs are bonded with our family, and are happy as long as they are around us, wherever that may be.


Of course a dog would prefer to be on a farm, I would prefer to live in a mansion, but tough **** that ain't gonna happen.

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I hate barking domestic dogs and I hate people who are pig ignorant enough to let them do it. I spent most of my childhood on a farm and I know where dogs prefer to be and it isn't in some kennel or concrete backyard pebble-dash hell-hole where many are kept. No wonder they go mental with boredom.

Tru dat! I take it your hounds still retire to the thunderbird four poster in the west wing of thunderbird manor to dine upon the thunderbird peanut butter upon the thunderbird mighty mallet?

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just to clear things up,i am not irresponsible,i do control my animals,my neighbours never complain about dogs apart from in jest about one noisy bitch i own. my spaniel is indoors and only barks if someone comes in gardens,which i am happy for her to do,and stops when i instruct her too. my terriers are outside and only bark when play fighting in garden on nice days,which is not annoying . on two occasion my dogs barking during night has alerted myself and elderly neighbour of an intruder that was breaking in to her shed ,who was caught and arrested ,and also allerted police of a runaway who stole and dumped a van in my area and thought it good to hide in my garden,who was also arrested,the police also commented on the dogs has being very handy.so swings and roundabouts i think. never did say that my dogs bark all day or night and cause nuicance ,just that dogs usually bark for a reason and i think it silly and cruel to try and stop them being what they are.

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Are you aware that chocolate is poisonous to dogs and can kill them??


my neighbors alsation barked continously...fed it 2 bars of laxative chocolate,didnt stop the barking but it was funny watching him cleaning up diarrohea for the next 3 days

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The worst thing is when the owner just stays in the house whilst the dog goes nuts in the garden at any wildlife that moves which lasts for ages. I have a nighbour on one side with a huge loud dog. When we moved in it went nuts everytime I opened my back door. so she was very good and came over with the dog and asked if she could introduce the dog to us and we all gave it a treat thing each (Kids included) and the dog doesn't bark when we are in garden at all. the other side however has a little Westie that yelps to within an inch of it's life. annoying.

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