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Some HGV drivers

the crowman

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And thats the reason they have speed limits coming up to road works so it gives you time to merge. But no yr average sales executive in his bmw thinks it there personal slipway to the front .because they dont want to be behind a lorry so they will risk life and lim to get past....

Edited by fruitloop
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There are good and bad drivers in all walks of life and they drive all makes of car.


If it takes so long to stop a 44 ton truck, why do trucks sit so close to each other in lane 1?


In 50 mph roadworks with my speed at 54mph, why is a truck sat a foot off my bumper with his full beam on?


Lastly, why do some so called pro drivers just pull out with no indication, or indicate after they have pulled out.



Why do some cars, especially those driven by ladies, speed up and slow down depending on the conversation.


Why do seniors sit at 50moh in lane 1


A friend has just shown me a pic of his car upside down in a ditch at the side of the M1. He was spun off the road by a moron in a Merc undertaking him at 101mph. The Merc driver had his wife and child in........


No group of drivers is perfect.



And thats the reason they have speed limits coming up to road works so it gives you time to merge. But no yr average sales executive in his bmw thinks it there personal slipway to the front .because they dont want to be behind a lorry so they will risk life and lim to get past....

Beg to differ, I drive a BMW ( and a Defender and Landcruiser), work in sales and whilst some may see it that way, I do not :lol::lol: :lol: :lol::lol:

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Sadly Crowman, they don't, I leave gaps until the 200 yard signs to let people filter and people drive past the gap trying to get to the front causing brakes to get slammed on


So you can voice for all HGV drivers, I don't think so I see it every night.I drove HGV for over 10yrs and I

can drive. I'm not one who is driving a BMW OR MERC in a rush or sitting in the second lane wirh a nice shiny box on the parcel shelf

Edited by the crowman
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I think you need to read my posts again Crowman. I assume by "voice for all HGV Drivers" you mean I am tarring all HGV drivers with the same brush?


Kindly point out where I have made this point old chap.


It's not just BMW or Merc drivers in a rush as I have pointed out.


What relevance is a shiny box?


PS, I am sure you can drive......

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Why do we do it? Because we can :D


I must confess to doing it with my L200 let alone anything else, its simple people screaming up the outside till the last minute then forcing their way in making everyone brake slows traffic so by doing it you actually speed up how fast you get to the 2 lane section. They are signed for miles so there is no reason to filter at the last minute

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I once clocked a pair of guffos in lorries do 7 miles alongside each other on the A19, really intelligent chaps they are,see similar almost weekly !


Professionals ????????

Ah , one of them could do 55.99998 mph, but the other didnt want to sit behind him when he could do 55.99999 mph sod all other road users !

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I once clocked a pair of guffos in lorries do 7 miles alongside each other on the A19, really intelligent chaps they are,see similar almost weekly !


Professionals ????????

I concur, see it all the time - all it does is really **** other motorists off and causes tail-backs and all for very little gain to the HGV driver who's doing the overtaking - I often ask myself what's the point in doing that....? Edited by Bloggs
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should be like Germany and ban them off the roads between 6am till 6pm. and not going into the outside lane when duel carriageway..

Riding along two them blocking the lanes, half of them think they have a sports car..

Where in Germany are they banned off the road during those hours?


An yeah, ban trucks off the roads in the daytime... Good idea! You will soon be crying when your local gun shop runs out of cartridges because they are only open 9-5!

Edited by WelshLamb
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Do not disagree with you Harry, happened again last night, I am already tucked in and the eejits still come flying down. Al4x, I will also do it in the cruiser. For those that know the tunnel under the runway at Leeds/Bradford, I do the same there sometimes.

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Just got back from a holiday in St Ives, Cornwall. In the 720 miles - there and back - I didn't see one bad HGV driver, which I will admit is a bit unusual. That said, I saw probably over 100 idiots in cars. tailgating, cutting in, under-taking etc.


As a generalisation - I think HGV drivers are more competent and better drivers of their respective vehicles than car drivers.

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Hi all, here's my rant I drive to London 6 nights a week and see all the road works being set up. WHY O WHY DO SOME HGV DRIVERS THINK IT'S THERE DUTY TO BLOCK LANES 2&3 AND MAKE THE TAIL BACK TWICE AS LONG. RANT OVER :) :)

Cheers Mark

Tell you what, go and get a LGV license and take to the streets in one. You will soon find how inconsiderate car owners are by not letting you out when you fully loaded at a round about or cut you up. As for blocking lanes 2 and 3, is that not just because they are narrow and have to straddle both

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Tell you what, go and get a LGV license and take to the streets in one. You will soon find how inconsiderate car owners are by not letting you out when you fully loaded at a round about or cut you up. As for blocking lanes 2

and 3, is that not just because they are narrow and have

to straddle both

I have an HGV license my friend for over 15yrs :) :)
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It's to stop the very thing you complain about in post 28 Crowman, all those BMW & Merc drivers who are rushing down the last 4oo yrds to push in .

I find it interesting how posession of a different class of driving licence automaticly entitles the holder to police the roads , take control of multiple lanes and force other drivers to behave in the way you think they should yet still go to sleep safe in the knowledge that you are not being a complete pain in the backside to all and any other road users , could one of the professionals please point me to the section in the Highway Code where it say that lorry drivers have that right?

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unless there are restrictions in force like on some dual carriageways, there is no law and we are totally within our right to

overtake another slower vehicle just like anybody else.


Also because we can, and we know it winds all the car drivers up. :whistling:


Were the King of the roads don't you know. :lol:


The whole country would grind to a halt without us.


as to the idea to have it like Germany, I'm sure you'll all complain when the cost of everything goes up to cover the extra cost

of all drivers/stores etc to operate at night.

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