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Any none hunters (or anti hunters) on here?

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I think there are plenty of anti, s on here waiting to pounce, I once posted a picture of a head shot rabbit on the airgun bit to show the capability of fac air & got absolutly slated af 3 members to the point I felt I had to remove it & appologise.

davyo, I remember your post mate and it even turned my stomach,, it was a bit of a raw picture with the bunnies eye hanging out and to be honest bud even I thought it was not a very good picture to put on the forum


if that makes me an anti then I apologise, but an anti I am certainly not, I was just explaining that the picture would help the anti,s with their stupid cause


I apologise if you felt pressured to remove your post but I think the mods would have removed it even if you didn,t bud,,, but no harm or offence meant mate


cheers Bob

I dont shoot squirels dose that count ?

shame on you, :lol::lol: :lol: :lol:

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Greys should be shot on sight!

:stupid: I would love to see red squirrels down my way again in my lifetime.


I started off clay shooting but was interested in working my dog. I got permission and now shoot clays and quarry. I'll shoot anything the farmer asks as I now understand the damage some wildlife can cause to his livelihood. :good:

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I shoot on a regular basis but I don't think posting pictures of what you have shot on a open forum is a good idea it makes

Us all look like blood thirsty nuts sorry for the rant

I just don't agree with the pictures take them and show

Them to your mates and for memory's

The antis don't see the carnage Charlie creates

When he visits they just see his baby's shot by a bunch

Of nuts


I will get my cost

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It`s an interesting insight into the hunters sense of fairn play and open mindedness that we can actually have this discussion on a shooting forum.


I don`t think that you`ll find the same tolerance and common sense on an anti webiste.


Indeed, when I tried something similar on an anti hunting forum I was greeted with insane and irrational hysteria, death threats (!) and, eventually, excommunication by moderators who were equally narrow minded and bigotted.

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I have no problem with pest control or shooting to eat. I don't shoot live quarry myself because I am not experienced enough and it really p.sses me off when inexperienced shooters start to shoot live quarry too soon before they have had a chance to perfect their shot. Vermin or not all life should be respected and despatched in an efficient, quick and with least suffering way. I would also say that sometimes particular pictures or comments made on kills can come across as neanderthal and plays right into the antis hands. Again just to be clear I am not anti. I have great respect for those who are able to sustain a way of life by eating what they kill or indeed grow.

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I have no problem with pest control or shooting to eat. I don't shoot live quarry myself because I am not experienced enough and it really p.sses me off when inexperienced shooters start to shoot live quarry too soon before they have had a chance to perfect their shot. Vermin or not all life should be respected and despatched in an efficient, quick and with least suffering way. I would also say that sometimes particular pictures or comments made on kills can come across as neanderthal and plays right into the antis hands. Again just to be clear I am not anti. I have great respect for those who are able to sustain a way of life by eating what they kill or indeed grow.

Very sensible post and I agree. Some of the pictures which are posted are unnecessary - we all know what a rabbit shot with an HMR looks like and what a dead fox with its guts hanging out looks like so I think in a lot of cases the graphic images are just ammo for the antis. I don't often go on the pictures section for that reason.

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Very sensible post and I agree. Some of the pictures which are posted are unnecessary - we all know what a rabbit shot with an HMR looks like and what a dead fox with its guts hanging out looks like so I think in a lot of cases the graphic images are just ammo for the antis. I don't often go on the pictures section for that reason.


I'm with you on this :yes:

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Good debate folks. I think the other part the rest of the world don't see is the conservation of the land. We are in danger of becoming a suburban society. The National Trust did some mass observation and most people don't walk further than 100yrds from where they park their car.

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I shoot on a regular basis but I don't think posting pictures of what you have shot on a open forum is a good idea it makes

Us all look like blood thirsty nuts sorry for the rant

I just don't agree with the pictures take them and show

Them to your mates and for memory's

The antis don't see the carnage Charlie creates

When he visits they just see his baby's shot by a bunch

Of nuts


I will get my cost

I was speaking to another guy of hear yesterday and we have both agreed to stop posting pics up on here....I was shooting yesterday over 100 crows again..didn't even get the camera out..

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Oddly (just taking a slight diversion down a side road), I'm in favour of canned hunting, even big game! If the choice was (as it currently is) the controled hunting of big game which is bred for the purpose in a safe business like environment where the quarry is specially selected, OR, the hunting of wild big game which has no direct economic benefit to the local economy, the game is in an unknown state (breeding, raising young, pregnant, etc), and the population is affected, THEN, I'm most certainly in favour of canned hunting.


If no hunting of big game then that, for me, is the best choice but canned hunting is the lesser of two evils (IMHO naturally).

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Totally agree I will shoot anything if there is a good reason to but I do agree personally I wouldnt post a picture of anything with its braind scattered across a field we all know what it looks like but I wouldnt call anyone for doing it.

Totally agree I will shoot anything if there is a good reason to but I do agree personally I wouldnt post a picture of anything with its braind scattered across a field we all know what it looks like but I wouldnt call anyone for doing it.

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I shoot because I like shooting, you can argue whatever you like but no one does it purely to put food on the table it is because they like doing it.


Big game hunting people over here just don't get but just look at what happens when you don't control elephant numbers they trash the parks remove the vegetation and in a natural state that would turn to desert they would all die and then regrowth would start again. Same with the predators over there they eat people, and their livelihoods as they are subsistence farmers. The alternative if the animals aren't worth anything or managed is that they deal with them by snares poison or AK47's Shooting and conservation go very much in hand as you have to have something to shoot.

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you can but over here how do you stop the foxes eating everything you are conserving for instance hares and grey partridges, both you won't see in numbers unless foxes are shot.


In Africa you can't just overpopulate areas with herbivorous animals as the land cannot support it. Elephants kill trees without trees the land turns to desert, a certain number can be supported but with no natural predators and long lifespans it doesn't work other than by leaving it to nature. Then you get overpopulation followed by disease and starvation when they don't have enough food.

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You also have to remember that Britain has no wilderness. Our entire countryside is a market garden of one form or another and is maintained as such because there are 70 million people to feed. Africa is heading rapidly in the same direction. Pest species flourish because we have provided them with artificial abundance. We could withdraw and let nature get on with it but we would have neither the diversity our activities have established nor the means to feed ourselves. I'd be entirely in favour of allowing the country to revert to natural wodland devoid of human beings. There's just the small matter of dislodging the human termite colony first. Unfortunately we can't have our cake and eat it. And we can't keep importing it from Kenyan poly tunnels either.

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Conservation doesn't need hunting or shooting though, you can have conservation without it.

I agree.

However, I'm a part-time game keeper and last weekend I was out on one of our covers shooting Pigeons that were damaging the new cover-crop.

Now I know my job is to raise birds just to be shot at and, on the face of it, that's not very ethical but the cover I was shooting over was smothered with thousands of Butterflies, Dragonflies, Beesand all sorts of insects and birds.

This cover is surrounded by Oilseed Rape so it is a veritable oasis of wildlife that would not exist if we didn't run our shoot. It actually made me feel proud to be doing what I do.




Personally I'm happy hunting because I'm not paying someone to kill my meat for me. I take full responsibility for it.

My creator gave me omnivore teeth, including canines, and man is, by nature a hunter/gatherer so I'm happy with that.


I perfectly understand that thousands of people only shoot inanimate targets and get a great deal of fun doing so. That's brilliant. Just because we shoot doesn't mean we have to kill things.


I've been on both sides of the fence. I was bought up with shooting game by my Gamekeeper Grandad. I did 10 years in the forces. One day, nearly 30years ago now, I had a shining light conversion experience which led me to train for dog-collar ministry for a few years. At that time I wouldn't even kill a fly. Over time it became obvious that I was not being called for dog-collar ministry and my life took other paths which has led me back to the start where I'm a part-time gamekeeper.


The first time I shot another Rabbit I suffered some guilt but the Rabbits that needed controlling were causing colossal damage to some Horse paddocks.


We can have conservation without killing animals but, to me, it is more to do with natural balance.

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You also have to remember that Britain has no wilderness. Our entire countryside is a market garden of one form or another and is maintained as such because there are 70 million people to feed. Africa is heading rapidly in the same direction. Pest species flourish because we have provided them with artificial abundance. We could withdraw and let nature get on with it but we would have neither the diversity our activities have established nor the means to feed ourselves. I'd be entirely in favour of allowing the country to revert to natural wodland devoid of human beings. There's just the small matter of dislodging the human termite colony first. Unfortunately we can't have our cake and eat it. And we can't keep importing it from Kenyan poly tunnels either.



I agree.

However, I'm a part-time game keeper and last weekend I was out on one of our covers shooting Pigeons that were damaging the new cover-crop.

Now I know my job is to raise birds just to be shot at and, on the face of it, that's not very ethical but the cover I was shooting over was smothered with thousands of Butterflies, Dragonflies, Beesand all sorts of insects and birds.

This cover is surrounded by Oilseed Rape so it is a veritable oasis of wildlife that would not exist if we didn't run our shoot. It actually made me feel proud to be doing what I do.




Personally I'm happy hunting because I'm not paying someone to kill my meat for me. I take full responsibility for it.

My creator gave me omnivore teeth, including canines, and man is, by nature a hunter/gatherer so I'm happy with that.


I perfectly understand that thousands of people only shoot inanimate targets and get a great deal of fun doing so. That's brilliant. Just because we shoot doesn't mean we have to kill things.


I've been on both sides of the fence. I was bought up with shooting game by my Gamekeeper Grandad. I did 10 years in the forces. One day, nearly 30years ago now, I had a shining light conversion experience which led me to train for dog-collar ministry for a few years. At that time I wouldn't even kill a fly. Over time it became obvious that I was not being called for dog-collar ministry and my life took other paths which has led me back to the start where I'm a part-time gamekeeper.


The first time I shot another Rabbit I suffered some guilt but the Rabbits that needed controlling were causing colossal damage to some Horse paddocks.


We can have conservation without killing animals but, to me, it is more to do with natural balance.


I agree. I believe we have gone down a path to conservation that, in the majority, we cannot turn around from. There are always other options but these appear to be in the majority.


I think that's why I'm not an "Anti", however, killing for the sake of killing (pheasants (in some cases) etc) will never sit right with me.

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Please Gentlemen, 'hunting' is the term Americans use for shooting. Hunting is what we do in the UK with hounds. 'Shooting' is the generic term which should be used at all times for the pursuit of quarry with a gun. The only exception being 'stalking'.


Can we not get these mixed up please?

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Please Gentlemen, 'hunting' is the term Americans use for shooting. Hunting is what we do in the UK with hounds. 'Shooting' is the generic term which should be used at all times for the pursuit of quarry with a gun. The only exception being 'stalking'.


Can we not get these mixed up please?



Hunting is, by definition, the persuance of an animal (regardless by what means) for sport or food. Simple as that. To bring semantics into a discussion like this is a bit daft and doesn't contribute anything.

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Hunting is, by definition, the persuance of an animal (regardless by what means) for sport or food. Simple as that. To bring semantics into a discussion like this is a bit daft and doesn't contribute anything.


How wrong can you be?


Why not do a straw poll of the keen decoyers on here and ask them if they go hunting or shooting and agree to accept the findings?

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I am a meat eater, yes. I buy the best welfare standards for meat that I can afford.


and you'd be amazed how much poorer those animals existence is to the wild animals we put on the table.


Pheasant shooting is a great sport and if you eat any form of chicken that will have had a poorer life in my eyes

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