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interesting to hear that music and maths seems to be not a problem, my little grandson seems to pick up very quick on maths , yet very slow at picking up reading, there has been a mention of a test..thats one reason why i was interested

i found the shaded font interesting... does anyone find that useful ?

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Maths is a massive problem for me.


I am envious of anyone who can retain information even when they are bored and so not interested in the subject. I just cant do it and reading fiction is just a no go for me :|


Ill read true stories that I already know about, I can get into them really easy and having grasped the basis of the story makes it easier to get in to.


Looking back to my school days in lesson, my mind just went blank when the teacher was talking, all except for history.

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I, too have a bit of an issue with numbers, reading, writing and spelling is fine and I can devour books in no time but with numbers I sometime just go blank.


Maths is a massive problem for me.


I am envious of anyone who can retain information even when they are bored and so not interested in the subject. I just cant do it and reading fiction is just a no go for me :|


Ill read true stories that I already know about, I can get into them really easy and having grasped the basis of the story makes it easier to get in to.


Looking back to my school days in lesson, my mind just went blank when the teacher was talking, all except for history.

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my grandson has had a slow and grinding 4 years at secondary school, my son has just had the lad tested at £450 out of his own coffers, and the tests have come back moderate to severe. why dont schools do a test at an earlier age.


Because it depends on what their particular funding is like. For example,one school might hire a dedicated tutor for those children with dyslexia and they would be given funding by the local authority to cover this. Another school however might not have quite as many pupils who suffer from it or maybe its in a run down area and they know they wont get additional funding-so it would have to come out of the schools bank balance. To hire a tutor who specialises in this might mean making another redundant.

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Maths is a massive problem for me.




I was always and still am terrible at maths,but curiously i can memorise random digits.Literally,i can recite my drivers licence number, passport number, NI number, bank accounts, every single regestration of vehicles i've owned,serial numbers etc etc.


I was good at English though so was in the top set of that,but the dunces class with maths.

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What gets me is i would really like to be able to sit and get into a book and read it from start to finish but it takes so much time and concerntraition that by the time i have finished it if forgotten about what happened in the previous chapter and i struggle to pick up the moods and charictors that are portraied in them so i give up and just read magizine articles which are short and easiler to follow.


Dougy your right.......... how ever you can right click and save the image and then view it seperatly ! LOL Looks like it was taken at the hotel we went to last year in the dominican :P

Edited by salop sniper
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I find on a skittles night when asked to do the board I really struggle just adding up the totals and often get it wrong when there is odd numbers involved! My brain does just not compute numbers.


When I write, I can only do it in capital letters, if I try hard to use small letters then all i get is a mixture of the two. (quite common apparently) How many of you suffer from this?


Most dyslexic people are either artistic, clever with their hands, or are very practical or so I've been told

Edited by tonker
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People who are good at maths are all sociopaths, possibly even borderline psychopaths and should really be segregated from normal society. If we need to get some sums done or need somone to invent some new, terribly clever, gizmo for us too goof around with, we could let them out briefly (supervised of course).


What, you want proof? Hitler, Stalin, Tony Bliar - all good at maths!


Of course its true, I just made it up!



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I find spell check rubbish .. Can't read it.. If I new what the word looked like, I could spell it ....

I am with you there or should it be their just one of the problems with English and spell checkers then to add to the problem you get American spell checkers at this point I give up and just hope that if I can rite it other people can usually understand it and if they think that they are being clever by making fun of me that is up to them.

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in the 60s there was no such thing you were just stupid and teachers took great delight screaming this down your ear!! I was diagnosed when I went to tec collage, the lecture was a star he coped his notes and gave them to me as I couldn't write of the blackboard

yes im one , 60+ now . thay just told us we are thick . at school . my sun has it to .

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I find on a skittles night when asked to do the board I really struggle just adding up the totals and often get it wrong when there is odd numbers involved! My brain does just not compute numbers.


When I write, I can only do it in capital letters, if I try hard to use small letters then all i get is a mixture of the two. (quite common apparently) How many of you suffer from this?


Most dyslexic people are either artistic, clever with their hands, or are very practical or so I've been told


I find on a skittles night when asked to do the board I really struggle just adding up the totals and often get it wrong when there is odd numbers involved! My brain does just not compute numbers.


When I write, I can only do it in capital letters, if I try hard to use small letters then all i get is a mixture of the two. (quite common apparently) How many of you suffer from this?


Most dyslexic people are either artistic, clever with their hands, or are very practical or so I've been told


I find on a skittles night when asked to do the board I really struggle just adding up the totals and often get it wrong when there is odd numbers involved! My brain does just not compute numbers.


When I write, I can only do it in capital letters, if I try hard to use small letters then all i get is a mixture of the two. (quite common apparently) How many of you suffer from this?


Most dyslexic people are either artistic, clever with their hands, or are very practical or so I've been told




Ok with the maths side but i also write in capital letters.

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Dyslexic here to, no good at spelling, attrocious hand writting, good at science, maths and with out sounding big headed always quite articulate when expressing myself verbally, had help at school since I was in the last year at primary school, which was actually always really good. Became an engineer so I didn't have to do to much written work, spent most of my life writting reports! The best way to describe it for me is I remember what words look like and not how they are spelt, I will often have all the right letters and in an order that makes no sense at all. On a related note the equivilant for maths/numbers is dyscalculus!

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I am with you there or should it be their just one of the problems with English and spell checkers then to add to the problem you get American spell checkers at this point I give up and just hope that if I can rite it other people can usually understand it and if they think that they are being clever by making fun of me that is up to them.

I find my iPhone helps .. You can hi light words and the phones speaks it out .. It's a hard thing to have but I believe It makes me with practical thinking!

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What gets me is i would really like to be able to sit and get into a book and read it from start to finish but it takes so much time and concerntraition that by the time i have finished it if forgotten about what happened in the previous chapter and i struggle to pick up the moods and charictors that are portraied in them so i give up and just read magizine articles which are short and easiler to follow.


Dougy your right.......... how ever you can right click and save the image and then view it seperatly ! LOL Looks like it was taken at the hotel we went to last year in the dominican :P

Salop there are many audio books now that can be downloaded, some you pay and some are free also libraries hold audio books - just a thought.

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My wife had struggled for years. Academically quite good but struggled at sports or practical things.


In her mid-forties she had to pack up her nursing job so she came into my stained glass/engraving business. At first I was getting frustrated because I thought she was not listening to me. One day she'd carry out a process easily but the next it could be like she'd never done it before. She said it was like she knew the information was in her head but she was unable to access it.

Also, she was unable to co-ordinate more than two things at once. For example, using a set square, pencil and drawing board ended up with lines that were anything but true and parallel but, to her, it looked ok.


I came to realise that there was a fundemental problem. We too paid £400 for a test although a Dyspraxia test did not exist the Dyslexia test revealed a problem of Dyspraxia.


Armed with her new-found knowledge, some help from Mind and the Richmond Fellowship, and some aids such as a voice recorder and software so she could review lectures and produce mind-maps, she has completed a three year diploma course and is now a qualified Mental Health Nurse.


I'm much more aware now and I've come to realise that, for my wife, it's not that she can't do things it is a case of how she does things and will often need more time and practice.


My 9 yr old Grandson's annoying habits have finally been diagnosed as Tourettes.


I'm learning not to be so intolerant :mellow:

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A very close friend of mine son had trouble at school when he was at junior school so his mother took him to get his eyes check they said nothing wrong with his sight he is dyslexic (someone with sense) and that got the ball rolling he is now at college and with luck will end up in engineering like his father. But the school never even questioned why he was had problems at that earley age.

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Good friends son with severe dyslexia screwed up special laptop for condition by downloading huge amounts of porn. Mum, distraught by this asked for advice, my view was


1) let him know you know


2) realise you won't have to give him sex lesson


3) better than the health and efficiency mags I had to put up with 40yrs ago!!!!

Edited by norfolk dumpling
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My miss's has it, she went through school, collage and uni with being diagnosed, she had some problems at work and was tested and it turns out she has it bad. Unfortatuly her work has done nothing to help and aid her, but has done every thing they can to push her bout of the job.

She's currently off sick with stress whilst a claim of unfair treatment bullying etc goes through.

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My miss's has it, she went through school, collage and uni with being diagnosed, she had some problems at work and was tested and it turns out she has it bad. Unfortatuly her work has done nothing to help and aid her, but has done every thing they can to push her bout of the job.

She's currently off sick with stress whilst a claim of unfair treatment bullying etc goes through.

what type of work does she do. I am in senior management in a private nursery/primary - two of my staff are dyslexic - one is a nursery teacher and the other is the SENCo (special educational needs co-ordinator) both are bloody good at their jobs - I just make sure that their written work is in order for them and correct where necessary and if they have difficulty in class then their colleagues help out. With a bit of co-operation it should not stop anyone working, makes me livid.

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what type of work does she do. I am in senior management in a private nursery/primary - two of my staff are dyslexic - one is a nursery teacher and the other is the SENCo (special educational needs co-ordinator) both are bloody good at their jobs - I just make sure that their written work is in order for them and correct where necessary and if they have difficulty in class then their colleagues help out. With a bit of co-operation it should not stop anyone working, makes me livid.

She's a nurse, she been treated horrendously not given the surrsport or training to help do her job, yet another nurse who has it, has been treat differently given tools to help her do her job.

It really stinks but fortunately myself and her mother are very good a these things and there's been a catalog of errors by the NHS, we have pulled every thing apart, there's been things they accursed her of, serouse things yet never done any investigations as these have been made to sound worse than they actuley are.

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She's a nurse, she been treated horrendously not given the surrsport or training to help do her job, yet another nurse who has it, has been treat differently given tools to help her do her job.

It really stinks but fortunately myself and her mother are very good a these things and there's been a catalog of errors by the NHS, we have pulled every thing apart, there's been things they accursed her of, serouse things yet never done any investigations as these have been made to sound worse than they actuley are.

Good luck with it all.

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