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Difficult Decoying

pigeon controller

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Friday saw us full of enthusiasm as we set out for the pea stubble, ploughed. Rape stubble, Pheasants no pigeon. Barley stubble, no pigeon and finally wheat stubble, no pigeon. We then realised that we had not seen a bird flighting and we started on the theries, due to the excessive heat that we have had are they feeding first light ,resting during the day in the shade and feeding last thing?. As we drove looking for birds we covered in excess of ninety miles when we came upon a wheat field with the combine in it with its blade missing and half the field processed and saw a flightline passing over it. We watched it for twenty minutes and the birds were flying over it to a standing rape field which if we shot would create more damage than the pigeons. So we obtained permission on the wheat stubble a set up. They would not decoy but passed over and gave us some great shots so it was a good end to a frustrating day and we ended up with fifty three pigeons and five crows.


Saturday saw us set out with the threat of being totally washed out by the intended downpour. On our way home on Friday we had noticed some birds flighting to a wheat field which we have tried to obtain permission before and always rejected. We drove to the farm and could not get any responce so we assumed they were out or away. We went back to study the flightline again and noticed that it crossed land we have permission on so we set up and waited. We started with twelve fresh birds from the day before and just put them out on spikes on some freshly ploughed land under the flightline. We did not use a magnet as we think that they see to many of them this time of year with all the shooters out on the stubbles. Of the birds we shot about sixty percent decoyed and the others passed over high but not too high for DB to drop them as he shood in the back of the hedge behind my hide. The rain held off till 17.30 when we packed up and picked up one hundred and thiryt one pigeons so it ended up another great weekend. In the passed ten days I've put just over five hundred and forty pigeons in the freezers, great to be back.





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Back on form I see. It is your ability to drive around until you see a shootable flight line that gets you the birds.

When we drive around our area we criss cross to allow us the intersect different flocks to find the flight line they are on on that day. As we find that some permissions have two or three flocks that use the same ground. This also allows us to hit different flocks so they do not see the same set up too regularly . It may seem to be a high mileage but we have not moved too far out of our area, Bunny blaster will report that he will have to cover similar miles. The answer to a lot of the success is in the nature of the area we live and the the name of the quarry ie Wood Pigeon as in our area we have a great number of woods but saying that when I drove 38K a year I would see birds all over the country. It also comes from shooting pigeons for the past 24 years most week ends.

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