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some people should not be driving


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parked my car this morning outside work like I always do, this little old lady 88 year old on her way to the hair dresser got a little confused between first and reverse and this is the damage.

She did not stop there she decided to keep going mounting the path almost running over the post man, driving down the path for 200 yds, before parking up.





She admitted balme straight away, so insurance have confirmed that i will have no excess to pay as its all benn covered by her insuance company.

When she finaly got out of the car she had to get someone to help her get her walking frame out of the back, so she could hobble down to the hair dresser.

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The truth of the matter is the INSURANCE companies should contact the DVLA once the reports come in. When a big incident like this occurs, and the wittnesses statements clearly show the persons driving standards to.be questionable, Then a report should be filed with the DVLA to persue!


Sorry about your car.

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Sorry to read the story about your truck.


There really are far too many old folks dithering and doddering around on the roads. Some sort of system of testing for competency is long overdue.


On the upside, at least you have someone admitting blame. My workday motor has been 'nudged' whilst parked on three occasions and, no one has come forward, leaving me to swallow the cost of repairs each time. :no:

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yea real pain, going to a gararge tonight to get an estimate done so the ins can approve the reapirs.

Sorry to read the story about your truck.


There really are far too many old folks dithering and doddering around on the roads. Some sort of system of testing for competency is long overdue.


On the upside, at least you have someone admitting blame. My workday motor has been 'nudged' whilst parked on three occasions and, no one has come forward, leaving me to swallow the cost of repairs each time. :no:


The driver didn't really have a choice, I have very good witnesses one of which was almost hit when she drove up the path. Its these people eho actually came forward to tell me about the accident. As I heard nothing.

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The police should have the power to recommend a re-test. Most dont want to though as it tends to 'end' the life of older people who live in rural communities. Sadly this kind of incident usually involves automatic cars and often results in serious injury or death.

Glad it has worked out for you and only the car was dented.

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The truth of the matter is the INSURANCE companies should contact the DVLA once the reports come in. When a big incident like this occurs, and the wittnesses statements clearly show the persons driving standards to.be questionable, Then a report should be filed with the DVLA to persue!


Sorry about your car.

that's it in a nutshell.

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Even if you took their driving licences away they can still be a liability.Few weeks back while having a break in Sainsburys carpark Braintree an old lady lost control going backwards in her mobility scooter and hit my van. No damage to either,but i did sit there expecting to hear Harry Hill's voice comming out of nowhere.

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i saw a old couple run a old girl down turning out of a road he ended up parked on the ladies ankle he was just sat in the car (probably shock) while she was on the floor screaming i had to tell him to drive of her leg it was horrendous. he must have been about 70

bloody hell! scary isn't it? completely oblivious to their surroundings and in control (well, sort of) of 2 tons of rolling tin.

how was the old girl after?

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The police should have the power to recommend a re-test.

Don't think they should have this power, take a dislike to you and make you re sit a test!!


Police can conduct eye test on road and report to dvla. But I think after 65 you should have to sit a reaction test every so often, like new drivers do on hazard perception. Computer simulated drive with cars pulling out etc and test reaction time. To slow then they surrender their license.

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Having an eye test at 70 maybe one thing, but this old *** could hardley walk, god knows what her reaction time would be and don't get me started on disabled drivers. If they can't walk 30 tds to thr front door of the shops how can we know they are able to drive properley and yes some are driven by non disabled people but the majority of them at my local shop rock up at dinner time in there fancy new merc driving them self then struggle to get out of the car.


Insurance renewal is not such a big deal as its a company car so i don't pay for the insurance, but will check just to save my boss.

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I note with interest the clamour to clamp down on the older generation.


I too have seen some elderly drivers who are past their sell by date. However, they are in a very small minority compared to the middle lane hogging, tail gating, mobile phone using, boy racing cretins I see every day.


If you are going down the road of re-testing, just how many people on here would pass their test first time - if they had to re-take it today? How many have an annual eye test?


I have been obliged to take more rigorous driving tests than the standard one and have annual eye tests. A number of younger colleagues failed the eyesight test and a fair number fail the driving.


One incident - and it is a regrettable one - and in goes the boot in true PW tradition.


Insurance companies have it right - they do it for a living. They know who the at risk group are and it isn't the elderly. :innocent::innocent::innocent:

Edited by Gordon R
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I remember watching an old dear who couldnt even see over the steering wheel, driving a big automatic Capri, drive right down the side of an immaculate escort estate in a supermarket car park. It did every panel from front to back and dug in so far it was lifting the escort on its suspension as she went forward. She calmly backed away and drove off, I was so gobsmacked I didnt even get her registration.

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Don't think they should have this power, take a dislike to you and make you re sit a test!!


Police can conduct eye test on road and report to dvla. But I think after 65 you should have to sit a reaction test every so often, like new drivers do on hazard perception. Computer simulated drive with cars pulling out etc and test reaction time. To slow then they surrender their license.


Hazard perception and reaction test

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