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Do they ever learn?


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I just love reading the comments...


"Shooting animals should not be encouraged, especially amongst children who may cause more suffering to the victim and may shoot illegally. Last thing I heard about that child is that his family had to go to court because he tried to burn down a house... Slippery slope - If you don't teach children to care about animals, they can grow up to put human lives in danger!"


Yup, I go shooting and have and unnatural fascination with matches. Dear God... :rolleyes:

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Come on guys, don't you agree with this petition? Just as surely we should be putting all meat in a shop on the top shelf as it would be very damaging to people! Also, we should remove the name of the meat like 'beef', just to make sure we have no idea where it came from when it ends up on our plate!

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Come on guys, don't you agree with this petition? Just as surely we should be putting all meat in a shop on the top shelf as it would be very damaging to people! Also, we should remove the name of the meat like 'beef', just to make sure we have no idea where it came from when it ends up on our plate!

Going on recent events in the news this is already happening :lol:

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Best thing I’ve read so far today!


My step daughters school kept asking me about it at parents evening and saying that she drew a picture in art of the countryside with me and her in it and with me holding a gun and her teacher was worried...


IN CASE OF WHAT? Oh my word, she knows what a gun is – it’s probably too late –she’ll be burning houses down and owning 10 staffies and possibly the leader of an underground gang by 10 L

Edited by Mentalmac
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We should keep an eye on this though. Remember it was their campaigning last year that caused us shooters problems for a bit, and it started after their anti shooting week, and this year's is approaching quickly.


Keep an eye in newspapers and things and be sure to respond to any anti shooting articles or letters, to stop them gaining any support.



Get posting people.

Edited by Reece
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It is definetly a good thing that we are continuing to remain vigilant with regard to the sale of shooting magazines in shops and not to stay silent when a problem arises. This year BASC has dealt with a number of misunderstandings in WHSmith and Tesco stores - to find out more click the link below.


Shooting magazines in shops – report discrimination to BASC


Animal Aid's latest campaign will most likely be shortlived and ineffective - last year it called on its activists to leaflet WHSmith nationally on 15 December. Looks like nobody turned up - they were all too busy helping out at the Glastonbury Vegan Fair and the Birmingham Cruelty-free Christmas Fair on that day. It is good to be vigilant on the latest campaign but lets not give Animal Aid any credit for having influenced WHSmith last year. They didnt.


The reason we all became aware of the till prompts in WHSmith stores in October was not because age restrictions were suddenly introduced, it was because one shooter shared his experience of the age restrictions on pigeonwatch which triggered many more shooters to follow suit. Awareness snowballed within hours, campaigns started and a few days later the national media took an interest.


I don’t believe that WHSmith introduced under-14s age restrictions in October 2012 in reaction to Animal Aid’s announcement in August 2012 that shooting magazines should be placed on the top shelf and not be sold to under-18s. That is what the national media may have claimed. That claim is only plausible because we like things black and white but there are many shades of grey on this one.


I think it’s more likely a combination of the following factors. WHSmith head office thought that 14 was the legal age for "obtaining" a firearm, there was a misunderstanding over the legality of free gifts potentially provided with shooting magazines and poor head office communication with staff and subsequently customers on why till prompts were in place for some shooting magazines. Those till prompts were in place for several years.


WHSmith did not instruct its staff to place shooting magazines in the top shelf nor did it introduce an under-18s age restriction. In short it did not bow to pressure from a small animal rights organisation. WHSmith did however listen to the complaints received from its customers, many of whom were shooters, who rallied together in force to explain how ludicrous the under-14s age restriction was.


That lobbying by shooters was the essential ingredient that was missing in 2004. What happened in 2004 you may ask?


In 2004 'Malcolm' had taken a day off work to go Christmas shopping. Popping into his local WHSmith store in Bromley in east London he was surprised to find absolutely no shooting magazines on the shelves.


He asked the shop assistant why this was and was told that a head office memo had instructed branch staff to stop putting shooting publications on public display. The assistant offered to have a look in the stockroom because as far as he was aware the new dictat did not apply to items not displayed.


Malcolm thanked the assistant for his kind offer but told him that as far as he was concerned WHSmith could stuff their stockroom copy where the sun doesen’t shine and that he would in future buy his magazine and everything else he usually bought from WHSmith elsewhere.


That might have been the end of the matter and none of us would have been none the wiser. However, Malcolm wrote to Countryman's Weekly to raise awareness of the problem and this appeared as their star letter on 9th December 2004 accompanied by a footnote from the editor to state that a WHSmith spokesman had said that no such instruction had gone out.


Subsequently, Malcolm received a letter from WHSmith denying that there was an anti-shooting policy and the following month the usual range of shooting magazines were again on the shelves of his local store.


Misunderstandings can and will happen, but as long as someone speaks up and acts on them, they will be shortlived, as we have found in six cases since December.

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Have just had a gander on their website,and the article to which they reference their campaign is dated 11.9.2012! They have then written underneath what their intentions are following a poll,the results of the poll,and the policy of WH Smiths regarding till prompts and shooting magazines.This article and all it refers to is almost a year old.What they have forgotten(?) to mention(or update) is the fact that their campaign, as ineffectual as it was,was defeated by shooters and that WH Smith have NEVER had a policy of an under 18's only policy regarding shooting publications,as far as I can tell.

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The whole thing is absoultly rediculous, kids who go in to buy shooting magazines probably have parents who shoot, the magazine teach the kids the laws on shooting and safe shooting practice. It has nothing at all to do with children, and everything to do with trying to make shooting and fieldsports into something abnormal and dangerous. I think shooting is a moral choice, like eating meat or diary, we have the right to choose for our selfs, should vegetarian and cook books be age restricated? As you need to be over 18 to make a moral decision like that and not be influenced by your parents.

Spending time with my Dad when I was younger ferretting, shooting, fishing and generally being out and about was great quality time together. I'm not a Dad yet but when I will spent time with my kids out in the fields in all weather! Hunting and shooting is a great family activity. Let us live our lives in peace and you go back and enjoy your worrying that kids who spent quality time with their parents in the countryside are going to turn in to mass murderers who know how to use their guns in a safe and legal manner!

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A quote from Libby from the site in the opening post.


libby stubbs TEDDINGTPN, WV
  • about 10 hours ago
  • Liked 0

guns are evil



So tell us Libby how is an inanimate object evil? Can only firearms be evil? What about knives? I suppose you are a vegan and only eat lentils so you only need a spoon. I bet you're really keen to get Kinetically involved in Syria, you know to save the children and all but do you know what that means?


I will stop now. I am sorry but idiots like Libby really grind my gears because they rely on the main stream media for their moral compass and that is kind off like getting moral guidance from Satan. :mad:

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! A quote from Libby from the site in the opening post.


libby stubbs TEDDINGTPN, WV
  • about 10 hours ago
  • Liked 0

guns are evil



So tell us Libby how is an inanimate object evil? Can only firearms be evil? What about knives? I suppose you are a vegan and only eat lentils so you only need a spoon. I bet you're really keen to get Kinetically involved in Syria, you know to save the children and all but do you know what that means?


I will stop now. I am sorry but idiots like Libby really grind my gears because they rely on the main stream media for their moral compass and that is kind off like getting moral guidance from Satan. :mad:


You could go on their website and ask her directly.

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It is definetly a good thing that we are continuing to remain vigilant with regard to the sale of shooting magazines in shops and not to stay silent when a problem arises. This year BASC has dealt with a number of misunderstandings in WHSmith and Tesco stores - to find out more click the link below.


Shooting magazines in shops – report discrimination to BASC


Animal Aid's latest campaign will most likely be shortlived and ineffective - last year it called on its activists to leaflet WHSmith nationally on 15 December. Looks like nobody turned up - they were all too busy helping out at the Glastonbury Vegan Fair and the Birmingham Cruelty-free Christmas Fair on that day. It is good to be vigilant on the latest campaign but lets not give Animal Aid any credit for having influenced WHSmith last year. They didnt.


The reason we all became aware of the till prompts in WHSmith stores in October was not because age restrictions were suddenly introduced, it was because one shooter shared his experience of the age restrictions on pigeonwatch which triggered many more shooters to follow suit. Awareness snowballed within hours, campaigns started and a few days later the national media took an interest.


Considering there's a focus on the badger cull at the moment, this campaign probably will be shortlived and won't work. People will be handing out leaflets arguing against the badger cull, not shooting magazines. Combine that with the news focusing on other issues like Syria and they won't be getting as much column space as they might in a slow news week.


But I'm pretty sure restrictions were introduced suddenly. No reports of till prompts had come through before around the middle of October, they seemed to appear suddenly soon after AA's anti shooting week.



By the way, their petition isn't doing too well. That petition has been up for close to a week now and it has 700 and something signatures. Better than their petition last year, but a lot less than the 1000+ every 24 hours that we were managing at the petition's height.

Edited by Reece
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