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disposal of pigeon carcass


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Hi all

This Is my first post and looking for some help from locals, i had a great day out yesterday with a friend and his son, steady shooting all day bagged us 53 birds,I debreasted my share of the bag this morning and took the carcasses to the local tip only to be turned away. In all fairness the guys at the tip were pleasant enough but could offer me no advice on what to do with the waste. Yes i can sneak them into the black rubbish bags, tip them on the side of the road or a multiple of other ways but this is going to be an ongoing problem for me, pigeons, Ducks, Rabbit. Swansea council are my waste disposal dept and i have a number to ring tomorrow but in the meantime is there any body else who live's in this area got any answers or advice,


Thanks in Advance


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a farm muck heap is another good option. if the foxes don't take them there, they will rot down and be spread on the fields with the muck. :good:



if there are any badly shot up birds then you can leave a few for the buzzards to thats what we do they prefer them breast up they dont tend to get them quick enough if they are breast down the foxes tend to get them first!!!

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This is my second year pigeon shooting, last year i just took the debreasted carcass up to the tip no problem. This year the council have decided that is not an option. i shoot 80 miles from my home so leaving the debreasted carcass in a hedge for the foxes ect is not viable and i cant imagine the local farmers being to happy about me fly tipping a load of pigeon carcass on their land.I have contacted swansea council this morning and they didn't Know but are getting back in touch with me later today.storing in a freezer until black bag day seams an option but they didn't seemto keen on that.




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This is my second year pigeon shooting, last year i just took the debreasted carcass up to the tip no problem. This year the council have decided that is not an option. i shoot 80 miles from my home so leaving the debreasted carcass in a hedge for the foxes ect is not viable and i cant imagine the local farmers being to happy about me fly tipping a load of pigeon carcass on their land.I have contacted swansea council this morning and they didn't Know but are getting back in touch with me later today.storing in a freezer until black bag day seams an option but they didn't seemto keen on that.




I can not see why it can not go into BLACK bin collection as it is food stuff..... just like the left over chicken from a Sunday roast just not cooked. Mine go into a plastic bag to keep the flies to a minimum and then into the black bin. Never had a complaint or someone question. Sometimes if you ask you get the job's worth who does not know so will say no. Now if you said where can i dispose of my household waste which includes non-compostable food stuffs then I bet they would point you in the direction of the relevant steel bin.....

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Some come home with me and some will go in to the bushes for the foxes, I have never had an issue with my bin men as everything goes in a black bag and then the black bins for general house hold waste. Bin men arn't all that fussy when loading them on to the tipper and do not look through your waste. I agree these are food waste and you should not have any issues.

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