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An enjoyable short session - shooting that is!


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I had a call from one of my farming friends on Tuesday evening telling me that if I wanted to shoot his rape stubble I would have to do it tomorrow (Wednesday) as he would be ploughing it on Thursday. Cajoling was not necessary to get me there this afternoon.


There were a lot on when I got there but I know full well that the flight lines around this field are along and behind a belt of trees and birds do not always show themselves over the field. Some are also heading into the distance and cannot readily be stopped. I knew from this that decoying would not be easy.


First things first I had to bag off one end of the field which i could not shoot for various reasons. I used my great grandmother the Dowager's bloomers for this purpose and you can see them in one of the pictures. They were very effective and not one bird attempted to land anywhere near them in the two hours I was in the field. Birds crossing the belt to my left (downwind) decoyed reasonably well, but those crossing to my right (upwind) carried on across the field into the distance. The ones I shot coming from the left all fell into 'the hole' near the rotary.


I had two hours in the hide and shot and picked 38. I enjoyed this afternoon more than I enjoyed last Saturday when I shot quite a few more.


Of the 38 I shot 25 were young birds. I have no worries about shooting young birds at this time of year as they will soon be old birds and eating the winter rape. Besides I enjoy roasting young ones more than old ones and one of the chefs who I supply knows the value of a nice tender young bird in his kitchen.








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