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Doorman take down...

leeds chimp

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Dekers - what happened in the old days was that some doormen beat up drunks for fun. These were sick individuals. One appears to have survived to the modern era and ended up in this video.

Other people might well have been rushing to assist, but not the doorman.

I still think he was showing off. A bit pathetic, but the alternative is no better.

The guy was more than Likely off his face on drugs like 90% of people on a night out now anyway.


I love this - not one to let facts cloud the issue. A tremendous bit of tripe. :whistling::whistling::whistling:

Edited by Gordon R
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You're now creating scenarios in an attempt to justify his actions in an attempt to save face for your own ramblings.Common sense says the situation could have been avoided if he'd simply stayed inside.

None of us have any idea why he went outside.The fact of the matter is that he did, and confronted the numpty.


I have nothing to save face for, I have not at any point charged in making assumptions.


Common sense says the whole situation could have been avoided if the punter had behaved, or just gone home. Once again can I remind you this is a snapshot in time, the doorman has discussed the situation with the Police and no charges have been bought, so the PW massive have the doorman hung drawn and quartered, but the Police have no issue with his actions here.


Seems a bit odd don't you think. :hmm:

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Me and my door staff only deal with matters in the venue end of. Outside just use CCTV and film them and ring the police stuffed if I'm dealing with rubbish out side I'm not the police

The doorman in this clip did wrong simple he was outside venue when there is no need to be and his mate I'd want him sacked ASAP

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Dekers - what happened in the old days was that some doormen beat up drunks for fun. These were sick individuals. One appears to have survived to the modern era and ended up in this video.


Other people might well have been rushing to assist, but not the doorman. Natural reaction, moved away drew breath and then did what??????? kept walking away or went back to check on the guy????


I still think he was showing off. A bit pathetic, but the alternative is no better.


I love this - not one to let facts cloud the issue. A tremendous bit of tripe. :whistling::whistling::whistling:

Guys, I am not supporting or condemning anyone here, I simple refuse to be drawn into all the assumption and righteousness.

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Dekers - what happened in the old days was that some doormen beat up drunks for fun. These were sick individuals. One appears to have survived to the modern era and ended up in this video.

Other people might well have been rushing to assist, but not the doorman.

I still think he was showing off. A bit pathetic, but the alternative is no better.



I love this - not one to let facts cloud the issue. A tremendous bit of tripe. :whistling::whistling::whistling:

Mate, your obviously Nieve or out of touch with the club and pub scene. I'm 25 an I go out quite often and out of a group of friends of about 15 only 2 of us don't touch drugs, just go to the toilet on a Saturday night in any town or city in Britain and you will find empty packets on the floor. more than half the people out would have taken or know someone taking them. Wake up mate meow/ m cat whatever you want to call it it rife! I feel like the odd 1 out when I go out

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Common sense says the punter was drunk, the doorman wasn't. So whose judgement was worse?



:hmm::hmm: Interesting question, perhaps the answer is here!


The doorman has discussed the situation with the Police and no charges have been bought, so the PW massive have the doorman hung drawn and quartered, but the Police have no issue with his actions. :good:

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I've not read further than page one before typing this.


It obviously doesn't show the full story but from that clip which is the only evidence we have that seems totally excessive.


Even if it were deemed reasonable in the circumstances, walking away saying "that'll teach ya" is ******* outrageous, do doorman not have any sort of duty of care at all? No first aid just swaggering off to get a blowy from some impressed teenage girl I imagine.





:hmm::hmm: Interesting question, perhaps the answer is here!


The doorman has discussed the situation with the Police and no charges have been bought, so the PW massive have the doorman hung drawn and quartered, but the Police have no issue with his actions. :good:

If police don't have an allegation or support from a victim then there's no crime to investigate, just because he wasn't charged doesn't mean what he did was right, or that police had no issue with it.

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Dekers - I accept your right to a view - I just don't agree - that's life. It may be still be under consideration, but if they take no action, your view will be more realistic than mine. :good::good:


Mollyspringer - I do enjoy seeing a professional at work. In backing up your amazing generalisation, I presume you have been to every city in the country and visited every toilet, on a Saturday night. Otherwise, you might be making yourself look silly and a bit prone to exaggeration.


Scrub the "bit".

Edited by Gordon R
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Mate, your obviously Nieve or out of touch with the club and pub scene. I'm 25 an I go out quite often and out of a group of friends of about 15 only 2 of us don't touch drugs, just go to the toilet on a Saturday night in any town or city in Britain and you will find empty packets on the floor. more than half the people out would have taken or know someone taking them. Wake up mate meow/ m cat whatever you want to call it it rife! I feel like the odd 1 out when I go out

I, for one, have no interest in being 'in touch' with these types of people. None of my friends are into drugs...... Of they were....and chose to continue .... They are no longer friends.

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I have nothing to save face for, I have not at any point charged in making assumptions.


Common sense says the whole situation could have been avoided if the punter had behaved, or just gone home. Once again can I remind you this is a snapshot in time, the doorman has discussed the situation with the Police and no charges have been bought, so the PW massive have the doorman hung drawn and quartered, but the Police have no issue with his actions here.


Seems a bit odd don't you think. :hmm:

I have based my opinion on what I have seen and simply pointed out the possible consequences of slam dunking someone onto a pavement and how it could have been avoided.The fact he did what he did isn't an assumption,it is there for all to see,namely slamming someone onto the pavement.You have provided fantasy scenarios to justify the reason why the doorman was outside,no one knows why he went outside.

You're right,the situation could have been avoided if the numpty had behaved,but he didn't,the doormen at that pub/club as a result then had to deal with the situation which they did by ejecting him from the premises.That should have been the extent of their involvement,but for whatever reason the doorman went outside with the numpty.

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:hmm::hmm: Interesting question, perhaps the answer is here!


The doorman has discussed the situation with the Police and no charges have been bought, so the PW massive have the doorman hung drawn and quartered, but the Police have no issue with his actions. :good:

you missed this posted earlier



City Centre Neighbourhood Inspector Caroline Ord said: "This was a serious incident of violence which will not be tolerated by Northumbria Police. "


Just saying...



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The guy was more than Likely off his face on drugs like 90% of people on a night out now anyway.



I'm 25 an I go out quite often and out of a group of friends of about 15 only 2 of us don't touch drugs, just go to the toilet on a Saturday night in any town or city in Britain and you will find empty packets on the floor. more than half the people out would have taken or know someone taking them.



Mollyspringer - I am not naïve and out of touch. However, I am in touch with simple maths.


First - 90% are on drugs.


Next - over 50% are on drugs or know someone who is.


Spot the exaggeration - it isn't hard.


As for your friends - there are 15. 13 are drug taking idiots, one exaggerates and the other - well - we don't know about the last one.


You really need to get a new circle of friends. :no::no::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Edited by Gordon R
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I've not read further than page one before typing this.


It obviously doesn't show the full story but from that clip which is the only evidence we have that seems totally excessive.


Even if it were deemed reasonable in the circumstances, walking away saying "that'll teach ya" is ***king outrageous, do doorman not have any sort of duty of care at all? No first aid just swaggering off to get a blowy from some impressed teenage girl I imagine.





If police don't have an allegation or support from a victim then there's no crime to investigate, just because he wasn't charged doesn't mean what he did was right, or that police had no issue with it.


Ha ha, I don't see too many murder victims making an allegation. Video/film/Hard evidence is perfectly acceptable. The Police have this video (it is in the public domain), if there was evidence within it to charge anyone then it is up to them if they want to bring a case, even if the alleged victim does not want to bring charges, the police have a duty to the public and if they thought there was evidence or it was in the public interest THEY will charge the doorman whatever anyone else says. :good:

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you missed this posted earlier



City Centre Neighbourhood Inspector Caroline Ord said: "This was a serious incident of violence which will not be tolerated by Northumbria Police. " Perhaps she meant, we will not allow abuse against doorman in this way....................


Just saying...




Sorry, I really am just getting my coat! :good:

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I've been a bouncer before for 5 years, one thing to remember lads, if there wanting the fight and drunk, they could have out on em, a bottle, knife or out... Personally I'd rather not fight and always managed my doors so as not to fight but the police were far too slow always... So like I said if there tooled up like hard wanna be hard men are nowadays I'd rather knock em out and face questioning than be lads on a slab with my wife n child in pieces whiles our crappy corrupt system gives said attacker 10 years out in 5 with a new house and a degree

Edited by ddanby111
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not again , that looks pretty bad , doorman get bad enough press as it is and this i agree should never have happened .

being on the doors is not easy , its a job and a hard one , the other DS with him needs locking up for not interveining what a jacket filler


i doubt very much that the door man was trying to kill or seriously hurt him just take him down , he had to defend him self , the little lad was going hell for leather and did,nt look like it was going to stop either .


i,ve been on the doors for a while and on occasion had to deal with total nutters coked up etc , you dont want confrontation , if you turn your back he's going jump you ( had this done and ended up in hospital with stitches to a head wound ) , so what do you do .


maybe the DS in question is a total knob who loves the aggro , who knows or maybe he just wants to go home to his family in one peice



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