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Doorman take down...

leeds chimp

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I've been a bouncer before for 5 years, one thing to remember lads, if there wanting the fight and drunk, they could have out on em, a bottle, knife or out... Personally I'd rather not fight and always managed my doors so as not to fight but the police were far too slow always... So like I said if there tooled up like hard wanna be hard men are nowadays I'd rather knock em out and face questioning than be lads on a slab with my wife n child in pieces whiles our crappy corrupt system gives said attacker 10 years out in 5 with a new house and a degree

seems this chap had the same hit them first attitude, still he only gave him a slap eh? lying thug should have been locked up for life.



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I'm not sure kneeing someone in the head of slamming someone head first into the ground do they're unconcious should play any part in a licensed doormans 'toolbox'


There are times a doorman should have to only defend them self of walk away and call in the police.


This is sick. A doorman is paid to control drunk people. Whilst I don't agree with excess drinking, commercially that's the reason this industry exists. Slamming your pay ticket into the ground is too much.

not been in that situation then?? you do what is needed


Again,totally irrelevant to the post in question.The doorman was not in a position where he NEEDED to defend himself;he put himself there.He was outside the premises on the pavement(how long does it take to get this point across?) and did not need to be there.At some point he left the premises to continue the altercation with the numpty,why?If the numpty has been ejected and was outside on the street then what reason does the doorman have for following him?It gives the appearance that he wanted the confrontation.This may not be so,but from what is on film doesn't give much scope for any other conclusion.

And just how do you enforce 'sensible drinking'?The drug is legal for crying out loud.


the bloke had already hit the doorlad and you see him going towards the doorlad again...he made the decision to make a pre emptive strike

I've been in loads of scraps like that, every weekend on the door I worked we got little knob-heads trying it on....it allways ended the same way...sometimes you have no choice but to give someone a good hiding...it's the nature of the job, but the other lad should have got hold of the lad and both just held him down, the doorman shouldn't have walked towards him and kicked out at him, neither should he have dumped him on his head....a lad I worked with got 3 years inside for putting a lad in a coma with 1 punch...loads of people have and will comment on this but only doormen know what it's like every weekend dealing with people like this who just wanna show off... They sometimes put you in a position were violence is the only solution..


spot on

ive watched it half a dozen times to try to give a more informed opinion of what happened , i have no idea what happened before or after the video so its impossible to comment.


the kid was a loud angry drunk idiot that was shouting abuse at the doorman , but , any experienced doorman (experienced in life and door work) would have enough brains to ignore it unless it went further than words (its just noise)


the doorman followed the drunk kid onto the pavement (unless the kid was damaging people or property it was none of the doormans business) the doorman was there to protect the club and its customers and he wasnt doing a very good job of it whilst he was brawling on the pavement like a thug.


the doorman made the first move , he tried to smash the kids knee and it didnt work , he then tried to throw the kid down but that didnt work either so it turned into a brawl (the other doorman should have had the balls to get stuck in and take the kid down before anyone got hurt) the kid should have been restrained for everyones safety until he calmed down or police officers took him away.


ive been in the same situation a thousand times , it can all happen very quickly and isnt always easy to deal with , you rely heavily on your mates (other doormen)but in this case his mate did nothing whatsoever to help him .


the doorman just walked away ! , that was disgusting ! , at the very least he could have checked that the kid was still breathing , he did his first aid training when he did his sia badge and should know better !.


the doorman in the video was a thug ! and his mate is a useless door supervisor ! , its due to thugs like this that doormen need to be badged now.


drunk kids like this are why doormen get work , if you cant handle a dunken idiot on a fri/sat night then you have no business working as a doorman !


for the record , ive been in this situation many times , yes it gets up your tits but thats what youre there for , save the rough stuff for the bloke with a knife or broken bottle and when it does go wrong and someone is laying spark out on the pavement , at least have enough human decency to make sure that you havent left them to die or suffer brain damage.


does not show you after when the lad got back up ..rips his shirt off and has another go


I wish u were right, but sadly far too many can't.


Must admit i never minded dealing with the normal drunk every weekend knob's at least u knew who they were and know most are just full off **** and hot air. If u ignore them they would go away and didnae really have the bottle to do owt


It's the normal respectable people that only drink once or twice a year say weddings and christmas nites out, were a nightmare. had no idea how to handle there drink and u had no idea how to handle them. Some would just snap and turn voilent with no warning. And these are normally respectablly middle aged folk with families, complete nightmare.


Give me a drink and drugged up ned any nite

the once a year drinkers are the worse to deal with


seems this chap had the same hit them first attitude, still he only gave him a slap eh? lying thug should have been locked up for life.



shame that happened but again ...cant judge from a video

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It's really not a job I would want, 2 members of my family have done security and door work for a fair few years

The talk about different situations and can't win sometimes , if they stand back they get grief for not stepping in , but if they go in a bit heavy handed the start a **** storm . A very fine line dealing with people you know nothing about what could have consumed a lot of alcohol and possibly drug which change people's attitude and tempers instantly

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It's really not a job I would want, 2 members of my family have done security and door work for a fair few years

The talk about different situations and can't win sometimes , if they stand back they get grief for not stepping in , but if they go in a bit heavy handed the start a **** storm . A very fine line dealing with people you know nothing about what could have consumed a lot of alcohol and possibly drug which change people's attitude and tempers instantly

I did it for 12 years and got the scars and now nearly blind in one eye because of it

you cant really judge untill you have done a few nights doing the job...its hard and not much thanks....glad to some extent i am out of it ...but i do miss the money and the banter on a good night

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The bouncers and police think they have it bad in there groups of 2+ have you every wondered after the drunks have been put in a bad mood where there last point of call is on a sat nt ???

The humble taxi driver

I was doing this for yrs and I don't think they get half of the credit they deserve.

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There is a lad in Grimsby now who is permanently brain damaged and in need of full time care.

Lets get things clear from the off, he was no angel however the bouncers in this particular club knew the CCTV blind spot and he was battered senseless by them....all closed ranks and even now Police are unable to prove who did it despite several 'tips'

Some are as has been stated, in it for the violence. Not all, but a lot of the ones I knew were.

Cases like this and the video posted do them no favours.

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not been in that situation then?? you do what is needed....potentially breaking someones kneck?



the bloke had already hit the doorlad and you see him going towards the doorlad again...he made the decision to make a pre emptive strike....no he didnt.....he wasnt getting anywhere with the drunk and was starting to look silly so went too far


spot on...again wrong...violence is NEVER the only solution


does not show you after when the lad got back up ..rips his shirt off and has another go...Really???

the once a year drinkers are the worse to deal with...will give you that one


shame that happened but again ...cant judge from a video....The blindness of some is amazing, your'e denying it happened, he died through needless violence



Nobody is saying all doorstaff are animals,


There are some very good door staff around...BUT...there are some thugs as well who drag everyone else down with them



Edited by shaun4860
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shame that happened but again ...cant judge from a video


is it that hard to accept the guy never raised his hands and yet was floored totally out of the blue? its manslaughter in any other walk of life nothing more nothing less, loved the "I slapped him off balance" bit




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With video evidence the thug has no wriggle room it's all there to look at, attempted manslaughter. Head slammed wwf style into pavement.


Hope the police get there finger out and bouncer gets done.This was outside and not needed the thug could have went back inside.


The size of him couldn't trip or take a lad down to ground that was small enough to pick up and slam into the pavement. What's he going to do when a big lad don't do as he wants, call on all his bouncer mates to give him a hand beating him up, in case he can't do it himself.


I'd be embarrassed not proud and strutting away with no concern for the victim.


Do bouncers do this to girls as well as they could use a bottle or knife too. Of course not not macho is it.



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With video evidence the thug has no wriggle room it's all there to look at, attempted manslaughter. Head slammed wwf style into pavement.


Hope the police get there finger out and bouncer gets done.This was outside and not needed the thug could have went back inside.


The size of him couldn't trip or take a lad down to ground that was small enough to pick up and slam into the pavement. What's he going to do when a big lad don't do as he wants, call on all his bouncer mates to give him a hand beating him up, in case he can't do it himself.


I'd be embarrassed not proud and strutting away with no concern for the victim.


Do bouncers do this to girls as well as they could use a bottle or knife too. Of course not not macho is it.



and Maybe get a bottleneck wrapped round your head from the lass? Treated the same if needed
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So you would pick up a girl and head slam her into the pavement.




Bouncers obviously have a different outlook to the rest of joe public.


Just because someone in the past has been tooled up don't mean everyone is. I'd assume if you thought that way wrestling with the person and being that close would be far to dangerous, better to stay away and let things diffuse or call the Police as its there job outside.




Edited by figgy
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I work with a Scottish bloke (bit if a nutcase) must be late 50s now and he said when he was younger as a doorman they was always scrapping, then the one time he had to escort a few young lads out one young lad come back to apologise and stabbed him 4 times, seen the stab and slash marks in his stomach with my own eyes and there very bad, started wrestling with the fella and ended up bleeding out, he died twice through the night, never worked a door again so this story alone makes me think it must be a very hard job to do and disitions must be hard to make.

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So you would pick up a girl and head slam her into the pavement.


Bouncers obviously have a different outlook to the rest of joe public.

Just because someone in the past has been tooled up don't mean everyone is. I'd assume if you thought that way wrestling with the person and being that close would be far to dangerous, better to stay away and let things diffuse or call the Police as its there job outside.


pointless debating with lc figgy he obviously agrees with the caveman antics and seems to be the only one here defending the animal, Edited by delburt0
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I am surprised anyone cares.


Does anyone here ever see themselves getting that drunk and all fisty with anyone let alone a doorman?




I'm going to get drunk as a skunk, go to the zoo tomorrow and start a fight with a silver back ape - when I get leathered please don't blame the ape :yes:

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So you would pick up a girl and head slam her into the pavement.




Bouncers obviously have a different outlook to the rest of joe public.


Just because someone in the past has been tooled up don't mean everyone is. I'd assume if you thought that way wrestling with the person and being that close would be far to dangerous, better to stay away and let things diffuse or call the Police as its there job outside.




Call the police? You really need to get out more on a Saturday night

We had a lad in a restraint after he smashed a lass up.... took them nearly 30 mins to attend and that was in Leeds city centre

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I am surprised anyone cares.


Does anyone here ever see themselves getting that drunk and all fisty with anyone let alone a doorman?




I'm going to get drunk as a skunk, go to the zoo tomorrow and start a fight with a silver back ape - when I get leathered please don't blame the ape :yes:

Sadly, It is more than a spectator sport for many

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pointless debating with lc figgy he obviously agrees with the caveman antics and seems to be the only one here defending the animal,

not fully defending the actions... just trying to explain the actions behind it instead of people judging from a 37 sec video clip


I agree... Maybe the slam was not the best action as it looks worse than it was in the end.... but sometimes needs... must

That's what you get paid for.



this happened actually outside the venue but we took the decision to get involved
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not fully defending the actions... just trying to explain the actions behind it instead of people judging from a 37 sec video clip


I agree... Maybe the slam was not the best action as it looks worse than it was in the end.... but sometimes needs... must

this happened actually outside the venue but we took the decision to get involved

Good on ya, sounds like you played it right and very professional. Could of just kicked the living **** out the guy of course.


Mind seen plenty of ****** given a good hiding by bouncers, think in all honesty mind they just turned up for the scrap. Was a regular event for a couple of months. I digress there really was no other way of dealing with em. And they were not scared of going in mob handed.



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No matter how drunk or angry I've ever been I've never felt the need to pick a fight with a doorman, and yes in that clip that bloke chose that course of action.


If I ever have too much to drink and stand in the fast lane of the M25 and I get run over, don't blame the bloke driving the car - it's all on me for being a total moron.


Spot on. Yes the doorman went well OTT, but he didn't ask the lad to cause trouble did he?! If you act like a moron and get hurt it's nobody's fault but your own in my opinion. I've had plenty of disagreements with coppers and door staff but not once have I been manhandled because I don't act the big man like this little **** did.

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