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What Sort Of People By A .22 Uzi?


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I stumbled over a RFD selling .22LR Uzi's, M16's and AK74's and it got me thinking what's the point? For me a rifle should be (sniper) rifle shaped for accuracy with a scope unless you're trying to impress with iron sights lol.


I'm not a newbie troll trying to offend anyone here lol. It's just why would you want an .22 Uzi with crappy sights to attempt to shoot rabbits over a CZ Brno with a scope?

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Militarised sporting rifles always repelled me. But have a go with a quick firing .22 with a massive mag on a plinking range and it all makes sense. Its an absolute hoot. I wouldn't want one in the field though. I reckon there'd be an armed response call-out in before you got near any rabbits.

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The last time I fired a Militarised .22 rifle was an SA80 with the H&K .22 conversion for indoor training ranges. It was garbage!! The .22LR didn't have enough charge to make the gas parts blow back properly so it jammed every other shot.


As for it being fun.....I seem to remember that word from some time before I was married....luckily I'm nearly divorced now so it's coming back lol

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A guy that i know bought an AK replica. The mechanism was just a blow back bolt thingy. There was no gas system on it at all. It had a big mag on it and you just kept pulling the trigger. We took it to the range one night and It was very, very inaccurate. It was so bad that a rabbit at range distance 25yrds would have been safer to just sit still and wait for the mag to run out. It was a pressed sheet metal construction so it wouldn't have even made a decent fence post.

Edited by fortune
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I shoot a h&k mp5 .22lr and beleave it or not these are a hell of a lot of fun to shoot and are quite accurate ( ovcourse not as much as a scoped bolt action ) but as a practical shooting style gun great fun and on the matter of the Uzi my dad intends to get one in a cupple of weeks and he's in his 50's so not just for the young shooters out there

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I've never been a "black gun" type and take the p*** out of a mate of mine about his AR on a regular basis. That said it's a good range gun and he enjoys it. If it's legal (and we should never complain about anything being legal!) then why not? It's a whatever floats your boat thing.


I'd imagine they're great for chucking a tennis ball ten yards away and shooting the **** out of it until it's bounced so far away you can no longer hit it. I do that with my 10/22 so there's no real difference apart from the look.

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The same people who wear cammo to the gamefair or Tesco's when doing their weekly shop :innocent:




In all seriousness, i'd love to give one a go, but to actually own one - meh. I can't imagine it would be a good idea to be walking on a field somewhere with one of these in cammo hunting rabbits.

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I can't imagine it would be a good idea to be walking on a field somewhere with one of these in cammo hunting rabbits.

Ok then, if you insist, I'll bite.Why can't you imagine it would be a good idea to be walking on a field somewhere with one of these in cammo hunting rabbits? Do they make Uzi's in cammo or do you mean dressed in cammo?

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A guy that i know bought an AK replica. The mechanism was just a blow back bolt thingy. There was no gas system on it at all. It had a big mag on it and you just kept pulling the trigger. We took it to the range one night and It was very, very inaccurate. It was so bad that a rabbit at range distance 25yrds would have been safer to just sit still and wait for the mag to run out. It was a pressed sheet metal construction so it wouldn't have even made a decent fence post.



Just like the REAL thing then!

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this has come up so often on here, the up shot is this... the general public couldnt give a flying toss what the gun looks like, if they dont like guns they dont like guns or vice versa.


The main people who have issues with the more modern styled rifles etc are the Yar Yar traditionalist shooters and the like.


I've got a SIG522 lined up for my next 22LR... yes I plan to bosh bunnies with it and couldnt give two craps what the Yar yars think.

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this has come up so often on here, the up shot is this... the general public couldnt give a flying toss what the gun looks like, if they dont like guns they dont like guns or vice versa.


The main people who have issues with the more modern styled rifles etc are the Yar Yar traditionalist shooters and the like.


I've got a SIG522 lined up for my next 22LR... yes I plan to bosh bunnies with it and couldnt give two craps what the Yar yars think.


I disagree. I think alot of people see shotguns and rifles as hunting or sporting tools. They may not agree with hunting - but I see that separate to not liking guns. There are people in both camps, but I'd say there is alot of crossover in those two camps which see no practical use for an 'assault' type weapon - particularly after what has happened in the US. To their eyes, it has neither sporting or hunting roles.


I would not be at all surprised if these are banned sometime in the future - similar to how 'tactical' type knives are seen as offensive weapons.


P.S. These views are not my own - just how I see it from other peoples point of view.

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Then you'd be wrong...


Last time this came up I thought I'd get a true indicator rather than simply putting my finger in the air as you have.


Over a few days I asked a number of people in my local shop what they thought and my results are as above. The majority couldnt care less what it looked like, a gun was a gun.

Edited by thepasty
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I Suppose it's a case of whatever floats your boat.

I have no interest in deer stalking, although I would like to go on a stalk if given a opportunity , but I won't take my ds1 or go after a bigger calibre as I'm not interested ( nothing against deer stalking though ;) )

I like my pigeons rabbits corvids and foxes , albeit wildfowl if any fly over me .

My brother and the rest of his divorced friends go to Thailand a couple of times a year, last Christmas when he went ,they went to Vietnam on a trip, he said that lots of young Americans went over with them for the purpose of a days hunting.

My brothers and freinds had purposely gone over to use the firing ranges as it seems there firearms laws are next to nil, also to do other excursions in Vietnam.

He said the Americans where paying so much for a calibre + another fee for your quarry,

He said when they met up with them for the trip back to Thailand , the Americans where talking about blowing boars up with rocket launchers,

And various other scenarios ,

Would you call this hunting or ( blowing things up ) ???

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