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Oh the Yanks are at it again...

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It's not even remotely the same as pheasant / game shooting in this country, a pretty big step is being missed in that video. Pretty big point being missed too by anyone who can't see the difference or understand the repulsion of people who themselves shoot !


They are hurling pheasants up into the air by hand over waiting guns with multi capacity shot guns :|:sad1: .



Nope.. they are deliberately breeading and rearing living creatures with the SOLE intention of using them as live targets FOR FUN... nothing else in the entire process matters. THAT is the inhumane part of the 'sport.' Once you have taken that step then absolutely nothing else you could do to the animals comes remotely close to being as sinister!


As I have said, I don't have a problem with pheasant shooting and would never, ever criticise someone for doing it, I shoot wild animals but wouldn't shoot a specifically bread beast for fun, that is my mind set and my choice.. BUT... if you think that it is the method of target presentation that is the issue and can neatly 'ignore' the most basic, fundamental issue with this type of game shooting, then I would suggest you take a long inward look at your moral compass..


Each to their own and I would defend any game shooters rights to enjoy thier sport but please leave the hipocrasy at home!

Edited by Vipa
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Dog men call it giving the hare Law, many primitive people pray and thank the animal after they've killed it, your average hunter over here calls it respect for quarry. The video shows nothing but contempt and utter detachment and irreverence towards the birds.

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The moderators may well have to intervene in this one.


Those with strong anti driven shooting views, expressed on a forum dedicated to shooting pigeons amongst other quarry species, will only add fuel to the antis fire.


What... not allowed to express a personal opinion or viewpoint? tow the line or shut up? hmmm! :rolleyes:

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So.. Breeding pheasant and then releasing them into a known area when they are mature, then getting a load of people and dogs to force them Ito the air to be shot for fun




Breeding pheasant and then releasing them into the air to be shot for fun.......


Personally, I can't see much difference other than the American way misses a step out!


Bit of hipocrasy going on here me thinks!


Don't have any issue at all with pheasant shooting but not my bag, however, criticising someone else's methods, when the process is in effect the same.. I.e. breeding animals with the sole intention of shooting them for fun, is a bit rich!

I couldn't agree more.
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What... not allowed to express a personal opinion or viewpoint? tow the line or shut up? hmmm! :rolleyes:


I read your first post and I could see the stance you were taking and that is fair enough. You have expressed your opinion now several times, as has jayDT10. You are simply repeating yourself with continued posts along the same lines which is pointless.

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I agree, can't see any need for modding here, it's all pretty civilised.


Exactly Hamster... I have my views but it wouldn't stop me standing shoulder to shoulder with the game shots out there to defend their sport..


The nice thing about being human is that I have a choice... a choice to participate or not. I have deep moral reservations surrounding pheasant shooting in particular but also any othe 'sport' that involves rearing living fun targets.. but don't have any issue whatsoever with others persuing thier chosen recreational activity..


What I am having a dig at here is the fact that, as soon as you step over that line and take that decision to give life to and care for an animal with the sole intention of then killing it for sport, EVERYTHING else in the process is overshadowed by what has already been done.. that is the same whether you release the birds from a box, by hand, into a field.. it's all the same and it is when brits get on their soap boxes and criticise the yanks for their methods it all just gets a bit paradoxical...


You are both doing the same thing.. I really can't see why bringing an animal into the world, caring for it then transporting it to a field in a box or opening the pens and letting them out, scaring them into flight then shooting them is any different or more humane than manhandling them into flight... all the other steps in the process are the same and , at the end of the day, you have both made the concious decision to give life to something in full knowledge and with the intention of then shooting it for fun!


Anyhoo.. just repeating myself now.. so I'll shut up! :whistling:

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I read your first post and I could see the stance you were taking and that is fair enough. You have expressed your opinion now several times, as has jayDT10. You are simply repeating yourself with continued posts along the same lines which is pointless.



What I get the impression you are saying is "quick.. if we can shut the naysayers up, there will be a few more pages of posts and anyone lokking at the thread will not notice that there are actually some shooters who aren't afraid toi rock the boat!" :rolleyes:

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What I get the impression you are saying is "quick.. if we can shut the naysayers up, there will be a few more pages of posts and anyone lokking at the thread will not notice that there are actually some shooters who aren't afraid toi rock the boat!" :rolleyes:


Well then your impression is incorrect.

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Am enjoying this immensely. When I first saw the title of this thread 'the yanks are at it again' and then saw the subject I thought 'the yanks are at what again...killing living creatures for recreation'?

You hypocrates need to have a good strong hard look at yourselves,or indeed look at what the yanks are doing and what we are doing, and then decide which one the antis would prefer.

We rear and then release non-indigenous species into the environment for one purpose only, where they never before existed (or wouldn't without the interjection of man) and then drive them towards a waiting line of guns to be shot for no other reason than recreation,fun,enjoyment or so called 'sport'. You can indeed describe it as 'sport' if you find it morally more comfortable,but 'sport' doesn't mean you enjoy it any the less .It is killing for 'sport' which the antis find abhorrent.

As I've said before,we get what we deserve; and at the rate we're going I'll still be around to see it.

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Am enjoying this immensely. When I first saw the title of this thread 'the yanks are at it again' and then saw the subject I thought 'the yanks are at what again...killing living creatures for recreation'?

You hypocrates need to have a good strong hard look at yourselves,or indeed look at what the yanks are doing and what we are doing, and then decide which one the antis would prefer.

We rear and then release non-indigenous species into the environment for one purpose only, where they never before existed (or wouldn't without the interjection of man) and then drive them towards a waiting line of guns to be shot for no other reason than recreation,fun,enjoyment or so called 'sport'. You can indeed describe it as 'sport' if you find it morally more comfortable,but 'sport' doesn't mean you enjoy it any the less .It is killing for 'sport' which the antis find abhorrent.

As I've said before,we get what we deserve; and at the rate we're going I'll still be around to see it.


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I read your first post and I could see the stance you were taking and that is fair enough. You have expressed your opinion now several times, as has jayDT10. You are simply repeating yourself with continued posts along the same lines which is pointless.

our post are only as pointless as yours pal as they are all preferences and opinions . I'm in no way an anti driven pheasant shooting man as I do shoot pheasants regularly , just don't see why people would condemn the( yanks) because they do what we do differently .
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Can we try and forget the personal angles ?

Pheasant shooting is also a livelihood for many, a way of live for those who love and live fully in the countryside and also a little like keeping chickens. I do driven pheasants on a small DIY shoot and most of us enjoy the rearing, the fox control, beating and particularly when they get away to grace our shoot another day. If you look, even Lady Amhursts pheasants have naturalised and are considered British birds, although endangered.

IT isnt quite the same as using trained dogs to drag deer down illegally and many other illegal and legal ways of killing animals for food. All our birds are eaten and I stress - it is a driven pheasant shoot.

I know our birds are respected and treated with care and also that some are not, in driven shooting.

The american still shoot live pigeons from traps in certain states and this example is staggeringly cruel and unsporting.

I do not and will not accept that those of us who shoot small driven days after rearing the birds have ,limited moral compasses or need to look to our methods.

We all just need to be considerate, careful and moral dispatchers of game, we have had a long time to get where we are but sadly the Americans have not.

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The shooting of live pigeons for competitice 'sport' was stopped by the personal invittation of Queen Victoria who also supported stalking and driven pheasant shooting she just thought live pigeon shooting a long step too far and was disgusted by the money bet on the outcome. Same moral compass as many of us.

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Very big Pheasant days could have similarity's drawn to the video, days when there are so many birds down that they come over the guns 1 after another. But for the main driven shooting is about the chase as much as it is the killing, when you release 1500 pheasants onto a huge piece of land and after 8 shoot days the total bag for the season is around 700 then they have had a chance to go wild and avoid the guns. Being thrown from a tower somewhat limits there chance of survival, i wonder what percentage of birds they shoot?

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Guest cookoff013

driven shooting is that, driven, not hand thrown over a hedge to be shot.


it is totally controlled. it wouldnt suprise me if they had a 1:1 cartridge ratio. but then again what do i know?

these shoots have been around for ages. nothing new here.


i went on a small driven day. and had some excellent sport. i fluffed up a few shots. i cant see the people in the video having a variety of targets.


i`ve also seen youtube vids of them shot out of a launcher. highly controversial.

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The birds were hand launched, surrounded by 20 plus guns and there was often 2 or even 3 gun shooting at the same bird in the video, with 3 shot semi autos.



Anyone who believes this type of shooting is remotely similar to driven shooting in the UK has no idea of game shooting.

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The birds were hand launched, surrounded by 20 plus guns and there was often 2 or even 3 gun shooting at the same bird in the video, with 3 shot semi autos.



Anyone who believes this type of shooting is remotely similar to driven shooting in the UK has no idea of game shooting.


So doesn't UK game shooting involve rearing animals with the sole intention of shooting them for fun then?

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The birds were hand launched, surrounded by 20 plus guns and there was often 2 or even 3 gun shooting at the same bird in the video, with 3 shot semi autos.



Anyone who believes this type of shooting is remotely similar to driven shooting in the UK has no idea of game shooting


You will be the lucky man that has never been on a 'killing' drive to push a bag up? Happens all over. Keep your head in the sand

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