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Overheating when beating! cold when standing!

big bad lindz

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Hi guys,


I may not be the fittest guy on the block but when I was out on a shoot at the weekend (walk 1 stand 1) I sweated buckets and the shirt that I was wearing became very damp and uncomfortable. I wasn't over dressed I only had on my lasken fleece over a medium weight tattersall cotton shirt. It was to cold not to wear the fleece and then cold and damp when standing.

So my question is what shirts do you guys generally wear next to skin and what would you wear over them when you are out beating/picking up and then shooting. I am thinking of an under armour type T shirt and a lighter cotton shirt. I use a merino wool shirt for warmth when I am on the foreshore but this is far to warm when doing this much walking.



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Try to avoid cotton its natural fibre and when exposed to moist it will soak it and trap it in for long time.

try to use base layer of good brand and best will be silk or merino wool. ( RAB is superb)

silk or merino wool wont trap moist in.


good fleece (make shure its polartec ) any other fllece is not as efective as that one.


get fitter :blush:

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Try to avoid cotton its natural fibre and when exposed to moist it will soak it and trap it in for long time.

try to use base layer of good brand and best will be silk or merino wool. ( RAB is superb)

silk or merino wool wont trap moist in.


good fleece (make shure its polartec ) any other fllece is not as efective as that one.


get fitter :blush:


And there's me thinking silk and wool were natural fibers :lol:

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Do what serious walkers do and that is to have several layers which they put on/take off as and when. It might look a bit naff but take something like a trout fisherman's bag to put your outer layer in when you are walking.


........ and get fit.

Cheers Dog,

I suppose it may depend on the definition of fitness.

I already do a bit of walking on the hills myself but nothing to serious now, and the dogs get a good walk most days anything from 1/2 mile up to 3 miles and I do layer up/off when required it was just that I sweated up a fair bit on the first beat of the day for me and after that my shirt was sodden and I did have my game bag with me, so maybe I should look at a different type of fleece but I suppose its all down to the weather on the day and each persons choice.


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Do what serious walkers do and that is to have several layers which they put on/take off as and when. It might look a bit naff but take something like a trout fisherman's bag to put your outer layer in when you are walking.


........ and get fit.



I hope you aren't suggesting we join the red sock brigade? :lol:



Edited by Nikk
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The thing I find that makes a huge difference is headwear and something around my neck. Usually when its really cold and I am going to be sitting for a while I wear my normal shooting gear plus a good warm hat and a long balaclava that can be worn round the neck and be tucked in to my jumper or worn as a balaclava. I can walk to where I am going then put it on and take it off when heading back or going for a walk and neither of these take up a lot of room.

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I think what you're experiencing is exercise.

Hi Billy,

yes I would agree with you on that one but by no means am I a couch potato. I do tend to heat up rather quickly even when working in the garden cutting logs mowing the lawn etc. I work offshore on a large platform with a lot of stairs so I do get some `exercise`. I am just wanting to find out what you other guys wear in an attempt to control the build up of heat and then the wet / damp clothing. So I think I am going to have to change what I wear a little and maybe leave a list out for mrs santa!



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