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What's a reasonable hourly wage for a 13yr old ?


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He should get at least the minimum wage.. Regardless of age....


Work like a man - be paid like a man...

whoa! according to another popular topic on this forum he will be on £10 ph. I pay my 13yr old daughter £2-50 ph in our busy kitchen but she does get board and lodging, its good to know the value of money or lack of it though

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  • 6 months later...

I know this an old post but good to hear some kids are pulling their weight and not living in front of a play station! My niece has worked for me at my cafe, only 14 years, but I pay her Saturday girl wages. Probably not worth that much, £5 an hour but she's ok and hopefully it make her keen to work and not get under my sisters feet. Hopefully bringing on the right attitude is well worth an extra few quid!

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I did quite a few different jobs washing wagons aged about 10 or 11 paid me £2 up depending on tips for cleaning inside the cabs. Later cafe's paid £2 odd an hour. Got more for hay timing got the same as everyone else by age 13, I was told that as I could do the same as the others lads I got paid the same, but the best money was from ferreting 33p/lb generally made £20+ a weekend. Sad thing is in over 25 years the price of rabbit has barely changed.


As for how much an hour £3 sounds fair to start. Reward hard work with a raise. I don't think age should prevent you earning a decent wage.

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Paying too much per hour might make a youngster think there's no point in persuing further education, as they're 'raking it in' in their heads. Finding the right amount to pay depends on the youngsters attitude and aspirations. This also needs to be balanced against your chance to teach some life lessons, so the pay may fluctuate depending on performance and initiative etc. As others have said around £3 p/h would be a good point to start, as it's not too little to make them think it's not worth it, and it's not too much to spoil their outlook on academic achievement. Tis an old thread though, so probably not of much use to tbe o/p :)

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Christ, I wish you chaps would employ me! £5 an hour at 13?! I'm 20 years old, I have a range of qualifications and experience and work 5 9 hour shifts manual labour, and I'm on £5.03 P/H. With no offence to any 13 year olds that may read this, but I'm highly confident I can work faster, work harder, last longer without tiring and generally be much more effective at a given task than any 13 year old. Now the question is, is the 13 year old massively over paid or am I underpaid?

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live anywhere near lichfield ,m8 my firm are desperate to take more peeps on.u start on the agency and if u good you will get a contract 3 shift sytem and 2 shift system .buckets of overtime .its factory work but nnobody pays more within a 30 mile radius and youl certainly get more than 5 quid n hour.its assembling carbits for jag/landrover atb

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Christ, I wish you chaps would employ me! £5 an hour at 13?! I'm 20 years old, I have a range of qualifications and experience and work 5 9 hour shifts manual labour, and I'm on £5.03 P/H. With no offence to any 13 year olds that may read this, but I'm highly confident I can work faster, work harder, last longer without tiring and generally be much more effective at a given task than any 13 year old. Now the question is, is the 13 year old massively over paid or am I underpaid?

If your not happy with the wages you earn then perhaps you should look to go into something else?! I certainly would if I was on that rate.


If nobody would work for so little then the job would probably pay more if it's essential.


I went part time this year and have really struggled financially but have completed a full time course whilst also working to get myself into uni.


If you want something then go out and get it cos nobody's coming to hand you what you want on a big silver plate!

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The work is part time work to get money for Uni next year (My loan doesn't even cover rent, let alone bills, food and additional course costs), and this job wasn't handed to me on a plate, it was the result of an awful lot of hard work. I've been working it for 2 weeks and I've only just covered by petrol costs I racked up trying to get work in the first place. The sad fact of the matter is that, in my area at least, work simply isn't available. That is also a contributing factor to everyone in the local area paying as little as possible, you accept the low wage or you don't have a job at the end of the day. Sad state of affairs. I'd like to think at least I'm not relying on it to live, but come September I will be.


Anyway, thats by the by. Back to the tread topic.

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The work is part time work to get money for Uni next year (My loan doesn't even cover rent, let alone bills, food and additional course costs), and this job wasn't handed to me on a plate, it was the result of an awful lot of hard work. I've been working it for 2 weeks and I've only just covered by petrol costs I racked up trying to get work in the first place. The sad fact of the matter is that, in my area at least, work simply isn't available. That is also a contributing factor to everyone in the local area paying as little as possible, you accept the low wage or you don't have a job at the end of the day. Sad state of affairs. I'd like to think at least I'm not relying on it to live, but come September I will be.


Anyway, thats by the by. Back to the tread topic.


"Suffer now an live the rest of your life as a champion!"


Keep working hard pal, I'm starting in sept also. Like you my loan doesn't even cover the rent! Lol


Work hard n you'll make it :good:

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