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Suprisingly reasonable grouping considering


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Hi All


I have gone back to .177 for general hunting (sorry Evo :whistling: ) and with pheasant season ending I know the call will come in soon to do some Squirrel bashing on a friends permission.

As a lot of this tends to be fairly close range <25 yds I was considering trying some pellets with a bit more wallop know how tough the grey bushy tailed blighters can be.


So I deceide to give the H+N barracuda extreme a go with the weight being a little higher and they have a novel expansion design on the front being a bit like a Phillips screw head!




Now previously my experience of anything but dome headed pellets has been anything but great with the groups opening up horrendously at anything above 10yds so hopes were not high, but I must say I am surprised at the results. The below were comparison groups shot off a bench in still conditions at 25yds indoors.

All groups are 10 shot groups straight from the tin and I have put a 5p in to give an idea of scale.

Ignore the top line as this was me tweaking the zero a bit.

I would think the groups may open up on the H+N past about 30yds but for sub 30yds I will certainly be giving them a crack at Squirrels and Rats when we get going down the fishery later in the year.


Atb Neil







Edited by Zetter
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Friend used the 22 version for a while and although heavy they did do a good job on what ever he centered.



I think I will definitely take them for a test drive on the Squirrels see how they go. Accuracy is acceptable at the ranges I am shooting at.

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I have only just started regularly using my pcp having purchased a pump.


Previously all hollow point pellets were of no use to me, could not get much better than four or five inch groupings through any of my springers or co2 guns, with regular fliers.


Ran out of pellets while playing at the targets the other day and tried the hollow points in the pcp and got similar results to your picture at 30 yards from a rest. Took the gun out and shot 15 rats with the night vision and used up some of the hollow points.


The other guns are plenty accurate with other pellets just thought the hollow points were a waste of time, but they do seem to work.


Let us know how the squirrels go, can't wait to start at the end of the season.

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The hollow or flat head type are highly accurate (the latter being the choice for the paper puncher) right up until they just suddenly loose the plot. Exactly were that range occurs will depend on the gun in question (its barrel and its energy/ how the energy is created spring or pcp), the pellet and most likely the prevailing weather at the time.

Ultimately the only way to know is testing but do expect to find an accuracy wall

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looking at your test results I would use the Daystate sovereign pellets, they are domed and grouping very well and if you smack the squirrel in the head it certainly wont get back up, be it .177


or .22 ,,


as for the H&N hunter extreme ,, in .22 they are 19.08g and up to 25yrds I found them very accurate but after 25yrds they would have a mind of their own so for me I personally stick to


whatever pellet groups the best (domed) and use them for hunting which for me is the jsb exacts 15.89g,


I wouldn't worry too much about a .177 pellet being heavier, just put it in the right place and its a dead squirrel


atb Evo

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I do love those daystate sovereigns! It's what I use in My R10. I've got to admit, that's pretty reasonable grouping for the H&N pellets. I do like the short range shock and awe of the hollow points, especially on squirrels, but it is just the range capabilities that unsettle me. If i got those groupings at 25 yds, i'd immediately look for something else - even if I was shooting closer. If i do use a hollow point, it's the Bisley ones for me - at 25yds, all the pellet holes are at least connected to each other, even if they're not pellet on pellet. Still all shots within a 5p is good enough for rat splatting/short range stuff :)

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I've used these pellets and they have been very good! I have a Daystate X2 in .177, and it's favourite pellet is the H&N FTT. The Hunter extremes group very nearly as good out to at least 35 yards. There is a little drop in comparison due to a few more grains weight.


The great advantage is that they seem to be made from an identical lead mix as the FTTs? Which means I can swap between pellets with no adjustment period to settle in the barrel!


They do hit very hard indeed. Short range shooting absolutely poleaxes anything in their way!

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The Daystate pellets give great groups for me but I fancied trying something a bit harder hitting for closer ramge so I dont get over penetration.

Oddly enough my Daystate seems to be remarkably non pellet fussy. I know the groups with the H+N were not world class but they were ok and I havent had any shotgun patterns with anything yet just varying degrees of the group expanding.

Bit of a switch from the HW100 I had that refused to shoot anything apart from AA field and thew a right strop with anything from H+N

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The Daystate pellets give great groups for me but I fancied trying something a bit harder hitting for closer ramge so I dont get over penetration.

Oddly enough my Daystate seems to be remarkably non pellet fussy. I know the groups with the H+N were not world class but they were ok and I havent had any shotgun patterns with anything yet just varying degrees of the group expanding.

Bit of a switch from the HW100 I had that refused to shoot anything apart from AA field and thew a right strop with anything from H+N


My Daystate isn't pellet fussy either, will swallow anything :good: Funny how they are all different.......my HW100 is a pinholer with Bis Mags. Its a weird world this air rifle stuff :lol:

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Ive tried these h&n extremes in my r10 at 15 yds they were tight after 25 they flew all over .i tried them on woodpigeon last week in my roost wood i was hitting them at ranges from 12 yds to 20 yds and they just flew off so i whent back to my airarms field in 177 and zeroed at 35 ysd .i picked only the ones where i could get head shots and i was dropping them stone dead several right out to 47 and 1 at 50 yds .Itslike evo said if your getting tight perfect grouping with daystates then why try something else just go for head shots and its dead everytime accuracy is the most important factor when hunting

My extremes are in the bin were they belong carbage

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