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Should Scotland keep the pound?


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It's either independence or it's not. Cake and eat spring to mind.


I'm astonished that this daft government closed the naval shipbuilding in Plymouth and took it to Govern, a possible foreign power. Why not just move it to China and save everyone some money? There doesn't seem to be much logic to this, it's just pandering to Salmond so he can't claim he's being treated unfairly and get extra sympathy votes.

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Why do you think we didn't go Euro? Because we wanted needed to control our currency. No way should they have 100% control of their economy and keep stirling . its either independence or not. BTW don't worry when the fools get through with the Scottish economy shops and businesses up there will still prefer the pound over whatever else they have as national Scottish currency and will likely bank it in England :yes: .

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If they go into the Euro they should go the whole hog and change the Country's name to Greece V.2.0


The gobby nationalists in Scotland crave independence but even they want (because they need) the pound, else they are treble screwed.


If they want out so bad, then they should leave the pound behind and row their own boats.


They won't like it up 'em Pike.

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An interesting book to read is 'Making it Happen: Feed Goodwin, RBS and the Men who blew up the British Economy' it gives insight into how the muppets running the show there had such a hatred of England that they were blind to some of the decisions they were making. Alex Salmond used to work there!

Edited by AVB
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And no doubt sanctioned by Gordon Brown, another England hater.


An interesting book to read is 'Making it Happen: Feed Goodwin, RBS and the Men who blew up the British Economy' it gives insight into how the muppets running the show there had such a hatred of England that they were blind to some of the decisions they were making. Alex Salmond used to work there!

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You can't have monetary union without political union. Look at the mess that is Euroland for proof.

We should at least be thankful we now have a Governor of the BE who isn't a leftist patsy and is prepared to speak grown-up truths.

I suspect Salmond is manoeuvring for devo-max, an invidious settlement where Scotland receives substantially preferential political and fiscal treatment over the other counties of the UK with its supposed partners footing the bill. And I'll bet he gets it. A Pyrrhic victory for Cameron and the Unionists that will apply salt not balm to old nationalist wounds.

Its a crying shame Scotland doesn't have a proper Nationalist leader. A successful independent grown-up Scotland outside the EU is just the model the continent, as well as the UK, needs.

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The de-facto currency in Zimbabwe is now the US$. But Zimbabwe have no say in how the US Federal Reserve runs its affairs. If Scotland want to use the pound - that's fine - who is to stop them, but they will have no say in how the Treasury conducts its affairs, borrows, and sets interest rates. It also means they will have a tough time borrowing on the markets.

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Why not? Won't effect me in any way.


Of course it will - or do you use the Groat in Phlegm-Land?


We English have pandered to the money-pit of Celtic nationalism for too long - squandering millions on national assemblies that are nothing but talking shops to chat about how to spend the subsidies handed over by central government.


Cut them all off and England can be like Switzerland - a safe haven with lower taxes, higher GDP and its own currency - Sterling. The rest of you can either join the Euro (who won't have you), use Bitcoin or re-introduce bartering.


Good luck and close the door on the way out!

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No. You can pass freely from one country to another in Europe.


Scotland will remain in Europe as a geographical site.


That has nothing to do with the EU and free passage, it raises an interesting point, Scotland as such has never joined the EU, so where would they stand on that if given FULL independence?

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They will have to apply to join, but the Spaniards take a dim view on this given that regions of Spain also want to go down the independence route.



Scotland will remain in Europe as a geographical site.


That has nothing to do with the EU and free passage, it raises an interesting point, Scotland as such has never joined the EU, so where would they stand on that if given FULL independence?

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Of course it will - or do you use the Groat in Phlegm-Land?


We English have pandered to the money-pit of Celtic nationalism for too long - squandering millions on national assemblies that are nothing but talking shops to chat about how to spend the subsidies handed over by central government.


Cut them all off and England can be like Switzerland - a safe haven with lower taxes, higher GDP and its own currency - Sterling. The rest of you can either join the Euro (who won't have you), use Bitcoin or re-introduce bartering.


Good luck and close the door on the way out!

Well said Edited by THE MEK
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The de-facto currency in Zimbabwe is now the US$. But Zimbabwe have no say in how the US Federal Reserve runs its affairs. If Scotland want to use the pound - that's fine - who is to stop them, but they will have no say in how the Treasury conducts its affairs, borrows, and sets interest rates. It also means they will have a tough time borrowing on the markets.


That would be the Pound in name only which is not what Salmond proposes. He wants the real thing but with political ties cut. It can't be done.

All this talk of keeping the Pound and retaining the Queen as Head of State is mere face saving. He knows he will lose the vote and he's trying to grab what plunder he can while he can.

I wouldn't put it past Salmond to engineer a settlement intended to cause maximum resentment within the rest of the UK in the hope it will widen divisions within the Union and strengthen the Nationalist cause for a second attempt at a later date. A deeply damaging and dishonourable tactic and one which I'm sure would please him greatly.

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No. You can pass freely from one country to another in Europe.

But they will not be in Europe if independent. Membership of the eu is not a certainty.

Spain have indicated they may block Scotland from joining as this has a knock on for the basque region.

So.... No pound , no EU, no NATO, no chance

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