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medical records to be shared??


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I've been on holiday for a few weeks so forgive me if this has been done, i've just copied this of another site i go on, I think it may be even more important to us gun owners


Are you allowing your medical records to be hoovered up and shared outside the NHS?, If you don't opt out now, they will be (England only).

In the next few months the full medical records of every NHS patient in England will start being hoovered up directly from GPs' computer systems by an organisation called the Health and Social Care Information Centre. They "share" this information (including selling it), sometimes anonymised, sometimes not, not only within the NHS but also with outside organisations such as researchers and pharmaceutical companies. For your convenience the government has changed the law so that the Data Protection Act doesn't allow GPs any say in this and you will automatically be opted in unless you object.

•The NHS is sending out an extraordinarily thin "fact" sheet titled "Better information means better care":


- not to you individually, but in amongst the Royal Mail junk mail leaflets, which you may just have thrown away. It doesn't include any opt-out form.

•For an alternative, far more comprehensive, and sceptical, view of this, a Hampshire GP has set up a simple website:


Unlike the NHS information, it includes an opt-out form.

Whether you are happy with this and think it's a great idea, or think it stinks to high heaven, I've met so few people who are aware of it that I think it's worth doing everything possible to let people know what's happening and what they can do about it. Once the data's uploaded you have no control over it, so you need to decide now.

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Already done it. Wrote my own letter to my GP's practise. But now I've seen that "Dissent from secondary use" form on the link I've printed that off as well and I'm going to hand that in too just to be on the safe side.


Good links there KennyM. this is the info people need. The HSCIC helpline is useless.

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Thanks KennyM, shall fill out the opt-out form from the link.


Surely providing this info to anyone this contravenes a doctors hippocratic oath - "All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal. " Or dont they bother with this anymore?

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Whether you are happy with this and think it's a great idea, or think it stinks to high heaven, I've met so few people who are aware of it that I think it's worth doing everything possible to let people know what's happening and what they can do about it. Once the data's uploaded you have no control over it, so you need to decide now.


I'm in the "stinks to high heaven" camp.


Note that even if you have previously opted out of the Summary Care Record with the 93c3 code, you have to opt out again from this farrago with the 9Nu0 and 9Nu4 codes - just ask your GP to add these read codes to your record to stop the uploads of confidential and non-identifiable records respectively.


Letter printed, filled in and waiting to be posted through the surgery door tomorrow morning.


And thanks to kennym for the heads-up.

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Thanks KennyM, shall fill out the opt-out form from the link.


Surely providing this info to anyone this contravenes a doctors hippocratic oath - "All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal. " Or dont they bother with this anymore?

The 2012 Act concerned makes it illegal for GPs to object to the upload!

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Apparently, names and telephone numbers won't be uploaded.


Can't see the problem.



I'm not so sure about the names and telephone numbers being witheld/not uploaded.

Very shortly (Less than a couple of weeks) after my "medical problems" became apparent I received a letter from a company called Sinexus in Chorley who were inviting me to take part in one of their "medical research programs" and they seemed to know more about my medical history than I would have wanted them to!

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