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frozen shoulder or rota cuff

darren m

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are these two injuries the same thing


i,m suffering like mad with my left shoulder and need to go to the docs with it , but first i,d like to try and help myself , i,m guessing rest is the starting point , but what if you cant rest ie - you need to work or be mobile etc .


firstly i have trouble lifting my arm above shoulder height , but if i do it crunches inside .

sometimes i cant even pull my trousers up with out pain , and then theres pain while trying to sleep etc :no: .


just wondering if these are both the same things and any excercises designed to help or advice on ice or heat , pain killers etc



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are these two injuries the same thing


i,m suffering like mad with my left shoulder and need to go to the docs with it , but first i,d like to try and help myself , i,m guessing rest is the starting point , but what if you cant rest ie - you need to work or be mobile etc .


firstly i have trouble lifting my arm above shoulder height , but if i do it crunches inside .

sometimes i cant even pull my trousers up with out pain , and then theres pain while trying to sleep etc :no: .


just wondering if these are both the same things and any excercises designed to help or advice on ice or heat , pain killers etc



This sounds suspiciously like a torn rotator cuff and I suspect you will need to have a MRI scan to diagnose it..get to the quacks asap...but in the meantime take some anti inflammatory like ibuprofen (if you can take them.)


Don't even think about physio before its diagnosed or you could make it significantly worse.


Hot water bottle will alleviate the pain temporarily...

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To better answer the first question. A frozen shoulder is not the same as a rotator cuff injury. Rotary cuff injury will not heal itself through time and people that have it suffer from it until it's repared. Basically if this has just happened then it might just be a pulled muscle/frozen shoulder, Ibuprofen or voltaren gel it very good for this kind of injury and obviously some rest etc. If the problem has gone on for months then you've got something else wrong.


The shoulder is a very complex part of your body. I was trying to self diagnose my own issue, I could rest my arm on the arm of a chair for example but couldn't lift it off, it wasn't particularly painful just I had very restricted movement.


In the end I found it wasn't a RC problem but I had severe calcification between the two tendons in my should (so much that you could see a bit lump moving) and also a tear to my bicep which amazingly goes right up in to your shoulder.


If its only just happened give it a while, use the pills gel and rest it. If it's gone on for a long time then you have to see a specialist and maybe have an MRI or X-Ray.

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2years ago I rolled my van and was found knocked out in a field :( . I smacked my right shoulder off the pillar and damaged my rota cuff which stopped my pulling my trousers up or lifting my arm above the shoulder .

I remember it was a week before my birthday and I went clubbing for my 30th lol but I couldn't lift my arm up :)

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Tell me about it. Scan is the only way. Get some heat pads, get a lot of heat pads and keep one on 24-7 helps me from Sept this time round and getting worse. Physio did well then all of a sudden things went backwards fast. Ultra sound scan at least 5 weeks wait I have been told, MRI? more chance of having lunch with the queen.

Get those heat pads :good: Pills will just make you feel ill as its not a 3-4 day thing

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Put ice on it,

This reduces swelling and pain.

Normally heat, it increases the blood flow- swelling has never been an issue with this condition when I have had it. I guarantee more pain if my shoulder gets cold at present, diabetics are far more likely to get it because of the poorer blood flow into these areas and the lack of blood flow is one reason why it takes so long to fix
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OK a lot of untruth being spoken here and while I am sure the advice is given in good faith it may be a little misleading


Frozen shoulder and rotator cuff injuries are not always the same thing, a frozen shoulder is a rotator cuff problem and damage to the rotator cuff can go on to become a frozen shoulder.


A frozen shoulder is a clinical diagnosis and does not need mri scans though an x ray is suggested to rule out degenerative change in the joint.

frozen shoulder is a self limiting condition and will always resolve given time (the average is 18 months the longest I have seen is 4 years) otherwise steroid injection MAY help with the pain, in some cases an operation can be offered but is by no means guaranteed to resolve the problem hence most surgeons will advise no surgery.


Rotator cuff injuries are varied the two most common are cuff tears and impingement, usually diagnosed clinically and with a x ray and usually an ultrasound, tears will not heal but treatment may not involve surgery, repairing cuff tears is a complex operation and requires a long rehab after, often not acceptable to self employed


hope this helps, everybody has different issues and a specialist opinion is the beltway forward, I have had to deal with to many misdiagnosed and badly advised shoulder problems



Edited by docholiday
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Lets be fair about it there is no money in it for the drug companies so this must effect research funding?


not sure what you are trying to say but I can assure you shoulder surgery has a huge amount of research going on and has grown enormously over the last 10 years


I do wish people who have no idea would not come out with random statements about things they really haven't a clue about

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not sure what you are trying to say but I can assure you shoulder surgery has a huge amount of research going on and has grown enormously over the last 10 years


I do wish people who have no idea would not come out with random statements about things they really haven't a clue about


Well when you have the professionals saying they don't know what causes it and why they don't all respond the same, it begs the question. I recommend you try the other side of the desk one day and listen to those that "understand it" contradict each other. One might have thought such things were well understood before the last ten years, wait another ten and we will likely be told different again? Anyone can search the net and find the disagreements within the medical ranks.

You say it can take an average of 18mnths but have seen 4 yrs-why? Why does a steroid injection "sometimes" work, if the diagnosis is correct? If a mechanic said such things about your car you would think they don't actually know much about the problem or were it actually lay

Sorry I know some in the medical profession see the white coat and the Doctor title beyond question but there are sure as heck a number who are incompetent, just like any profession. Heck there is another guy on here who is employed by the NHS to investigate their mistakes!

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Well when you have the professionals saying they don't know what causes it and why they don't all respond the same, it begs the question. I recommend you try the other side of the desk one day and listen to those that "understand it" contradict each other. One might have thought such things were well understood before the last ten years, wait another ten and we will likely be told different again? Anyone can search the net and find the disagreements within the medical ranks.

You say it can take an average of 18mnths but have seen 4 yrs-why? Why does a steroid injection "sometimes" work, if the diagnosis is correct? If a mechanic said such things about your car you would think they don't actually know much about the problem or were it actually lay

Sorry I know some in the medical profession see the white coat and the Doctor title beyond question but there are sure as heck a number who are incompetent, just like any profession. Heck there is another guy on here who is employed by the NHS to investigate their mistakes!


I understand your points made above but thats got nothing to do with the wild and totally incorrect statement you made before


trying to compare medicine and treatment to a car shows your lack of understanding


are there good and bad Doctors of course, do we make mistakes of course, are there people out there making money out of that of course.


will we ever understand all medical problems completely…. never

will we have a cure for every illness…..never


will we stop trying to improve our care……never

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I understand your points made above but thats got nothing to do with the wild and totally incorrect statement you made before


trying to compare medicine and treatment to a car shows your lack of understanding


are there good and bad Doctors of course, do we make mistakes of course, are there people out there making money out of that of course.


will we ever understand all medical problems completely. never

will we have a cure for every illness..never


will we stop trying to improve our carenever

Excellent post.

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I understand your points made above but thats got nothing to do with the wild and totally incorrect statement you made before


trying to compare medicine and treatment to a car shows your lack of understanding


are there good and bad Doctors of course, do we make mistakes of course, are there people out there making money out of that of course.


will we ever understand all medical problems completely…. never

will we have a cure for every illness…..never


will we stop trying to improve our care……never


The best thing I did was ask for a referral to a shoulder specialist who set me straight very quickly, the GPs couldn't diagnose my problem and I had the same ideas that they did on what it was. The problem is getting to the specialist in the first place, I had private medical care which changed everything as soon as I mentioned I had it I was seeing a specialist within days, then off for X-Ray and MRI and then had the op. From seeing the specialist to my Operation was a matter of 10 weeks and it would have been faster if I'd been available earlier. Now I don't it's hell on earth to see specialists for other issues I have.


I think if we have a persistent problem we have to push hard to get the specialist advice.

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Was I right in saying do mobility exercises.

I think I am but would like a doctors verdict or a sports injuries specialist out look


I am really sorry but don't think it is appropriate to be giving specific medical advice on this forum, You need to see someone who can listen to your problem and examine you before giving advice

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