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Well dressed old men


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I recall passing through Glasgow following a hearse on the way to a funeral many years ago. We had to slow down for traffic and as we did so, some smartly dressed old boy on the pavement stopped, removed his hat and bowed his head as the hearse passed by. Quite a touching moment.

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The older generation definitely do dress smarter, my dad is always suit, shirt and tie, however there is a touch of the PW misty eyed halcyon days as usual...


This is my take, these people we see as smart would once have been seen the same way we see teenagers with their pants on display, a straight tie rather than a crevatte, a sports jacket instead of tails at dinner, no spats, what is the world coming to? Then we eventually get to my generation, who look very scruffy next to the suited elders, but way smarter than the scruffy oiks, who will in turn look like Sunday best compared to whatever is next, although god knows what that will be...

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Having reached mid seventies I'm sad to be letting the side down.

Promise I will improve as I get older...


All my working life was spent in a uniform - Now its nice not to have to conform.

Always clean but with a well worn look.

Hate buying new clothes - Ties were invented by the devil.

Dress for comfort - Not looks.

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We used to have a gentleman of mature years who fished our angling clubs water. He was always well turned out with a shirt and tie, smart waxed jacket, and barbour "waist waders". He was also a keen wildfolwer and i often wondered if he dressed similarly when on the marsh. Pleasure to see and a really nice chap, sadly no longer with us.



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