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Oscar Pistorious

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I'm sure there was 1000's of women killed worldwide that day. What makes this one so special?

High profile athlete, one who's done a lot for the publicity of paralympic sport and a victim who was a model. If you don't care, fair enough, but for the rest of us it's an interesting case. How many of those 1000's were killed by someone with no legs, whose guilt or innocence is likely to hinge on if it's possible to prove if he'd taken the time to put his fake ones on?

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I would be absolutely amazed if he got off...its obvious to me she was going to dump him and the old red mist came down and the green devil took hold...


Another poster mentioned about the security problems over there and you do indeed have to take that into account as you are constantly in fear of being burgled, beaten or normally worse. My Aunts house is surrounded by an electric fence and the armed guards regularly have OK coral style shoot outs with the local black gangs.


Some of the residential security measures would not be out of place in the pentagon.


I would be surprise even if Henry Fonda could get him off however.

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High profile athlete, one who's done a lot for the publicity of paralympic sport and a victim who was a model. If you don't care, fair enough, but for the rest of us it's an interesting case. How many of those 1000's were killed by someone with no legs, whose guilt or innocence is likely to hinge on if it's possible to prove if he'd taken the time to put his fake ones on?


Maybe he wore his fake ones in bed? Maybe he bummed over to the bathroom?

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Maybe he wore his fake ones in bed? Maybe he bummed over to the bathroom?

I thought you didn't care? :P

But it does pose some interesting lines of debate! Personally, I think he's got a very canny lawyer who's giving him the best shot of avoiding First Degree. This is the only defence that could work. If done well, and if the ZA police haven't done everything by the book, things could go in his favour. Should they? no. I think he got angry and snapped.

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Without all the details, impossible to say BUT who shoots into any room not knowing whether his girlfriend is in there - how could he sleep so soundly that an intruder could get in, why a woman's screams before shots - obviously a key point for the Pist barrister, why discharge a gun in a restaurant, why have such a mercurial temper that R S's previous boyfriend warned her about. Why do this when he must have known his girlfriend was pregnant.


If he gets off I'd have to say its would be surprising, as most of this is common knowledge.


I'd let him wear his blades for one last time if its a guilty verdict, one last long walk.

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i think he is guilty of 1st degree murder 4 shots through a toilet door with a woman screaming!!!!!!!! you only have to see the row he caused when he got beat running to see he has a temper issue

Absolutely, when he was beaten by the Brazilian he complained about his prosthetic legs not being legal and in an interview on TV he was loosing it. I had great admiration for him, prior to that, as I'm an athletics fan but he came way down in my estimation and I took a dislike to him.

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Absolutely, when he was beaten by the Brazilian he complained about his prosthetic legs not being legal and in an interview on TV he was loosing it. I had great admiration for him, prior to that, as I'm an athletics fan but he came way down in my estimation and I took a dislike to him.

i felt exactly the same i thought he was an amazing athlete until then its always bad as an athlete when you get beat but the way he took it showed his true colours

guilty as sin as far as i can see

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Guilty, even if he thought he had an intruder, who shoots indiscriminately through a closed door ?


You are looking at this through 1st world British eyes. I've lived in both places - and things are just different there. What would be totally unacceptable here is considered acceptable and even legal there. Case in point - would something like this be legal in the UK to thwart car hijackers?






Completely legal in SA. The company that made these went out of business - that that's another matter :-)


Edited by aris
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