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E - Petition .22 RF Pistols. Coordinated By Shooting Organisations


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  On 23/03/2014 at 19:58, Livefast123 said:

Signed, should I hold off my lbr.......


It will be interesting to see how many signatures it gets considering it is being sent out by BASC etc. I fear apathy and 'I'm alright jack' will rear their ugly head

If it fails to gain significant support it will only be down to the apathy of those who claim to want pistols back.those who have no interest cannot be expected to sign or be accused of I'm alright jack.

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I can agree that the result will depend on the apathy of shooters, but if we follow your logic it would mean you are suggesting that following the shootings in Cumbria with a .22 rifle and 12 bore double ejector shotgun the reason why less than 2% of shooters nationwide bothered to sign petitions to lobby Government or lobby them via email etc was down to shooters having no interest in keeping their 12 bore shotguns or .22 rifles? Apathy, and apathy alone was the answer, and the inevitable 'someone else will do it'.

I have no interest in taking up pistol shooting again in whatever calibre, but I signed primarily because I'm a shooter, and secondly because I believe in freedom of choice. You have the freedom of choice not to sign, and that's perfectly fine also, but don't lay the blame for apathy at the feet of pistol shooters; as a minority section of shooting as a whole they don't have the monopoly on apathy.

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  On 24/03/2014 at 10:35, bostonmick said:

If it fails to gain significant support it will only be down to the apathy of those who claim to want pistols back.those who have no interest cannot be expected to sign or be accused of I'm alright jack.



Its called solidarity.Look it up in a dictionary if you're unsure of its meaning.

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(I don't miss the Egyption 1911 rip-off the club kept made in chrome plate that I swear was really made and dropped into Egypt by the Isrealis just so their arch enemies would injure themselves. The slide would come back all sharp edges and points and NASTY)


.....sorry ....bit of a pistol trip there...............it's the excitement......................

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  On 24/03/2014 at 13:30, Imperfection said:



Its called solidarity.Look it up in a dictionary if you're unsure of its meaning.

Just had a quick look back at the last of these polls that was posted on here and the solidarity numbered just over 1600 signatures.so if that is a measure of the strength of feeling I doubt they will be stocking pistols in the shops any time soon.also you might want to look up the numbers of people who hold sgc/fac and then compare to how many hold membership to basc/cpsa then see where the solidarity is.i can remember the days when trade unions had many millions of members.governments were brought down by the power of the people.solidarity at work.rather than sign on to these pointless polls why not sign on to the organizations and give them the power.internet polls and talk are cheap.solidarity costs.atb


Just to add I believe that the handgun ban was wrong.thre was many ways the government could have tried before a total ban.

Edited by bostonmick
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Lets try and keep this clean please.


If anyone thinks there are better ways of doing things, why no help, not only complain. PM me i would be interested to hear how things could be done better.


Thanks for the suggestion for the NRA/NRSA i will ensure that is added to the list of people to contact. In the mean time feel free to drop them an email yourselves. Also feel free to PM me with the email addresses, names or websites of any clubs you may be a member of so we can contact them also.


As it is we have full backing from a number of shooting organizations, the number of which we expect to grow, but we have to fit all this around our day jobs so things take longer than we would like to organize, we welcome and encourage everyone's help with this, post on other forums, and any and every other avenue of support you can think of. The Firearms UK team is dedicating as much time as possible to achieving the same.


In the few days the petition has been up and running we have managed to go from the most recent 1600 to quote Bostonmick, to over five thousand in a much shorter space of time. Part of the problem is shooting is a hidden sport, shooting goes on from the level of plinking in the back garden to hunting out in the middle of nowhere, to pest control services in the city, to competitive shooting, so if there was ever a good avenue to unite the largest majority of people to sign this petition it has to be through the internet.


There is no one organization that represents the entire shooting community and all its diverse factions, so the best we can do is to help each other help ourselves. With approximately one hundred and forty thousand firearm certificates on issue at any one time. If we do stand together these is more than enough of us to effect a change.


If any one would like to read hundred's of depressive posts please use the search function to look for previous petitions, saves repeating the same rubbish here.


Thanks for all your support.



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I like demonwolf's attitude. It is time to rise up for shooting no matter what your discipline is. Let's stop the infighting, the only fighting we should be doing is against ridiculous gun laws and anti-gun organizations and a government who wants to ban our sport.

Edited by Steppenwolf
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  On 24/03/2014 at 16:17, Steppenwolf said:

I like demonwolf's attitude. It is time to rise up for shooting no matter what your discipline is. Let's stop the infighting, the only fighting we should be doing is against ridiculous gun laws and anti-gun organizations and a government who wants to ban our sport.



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  On 24/03/2014 at 20:07, wymberley said:

Just had a look at their web-site for some background info prior to signing. Not too sure now - I think that their 1st Anniversary 2014 logo may well prove to have been a mistake; possibly sending out the wrong message. Unless, of course, that's their colours firmly nailed to the mast.


I fear you have read into a message that was never given out! Firearms UK supports all legal use of legal firearms, and concentrates its efforts on trying to protect what we currently have, and fight for what we believe we should be able to have such as plinking being a more that reasonable reason to own an airgun ( as was often insinuated through the airgun licensing scheme in Scotland), and target shooting for pistols, as in the current e-petition.


Firearms UK support's all legal uses of guns, that goes from Rifle shooting and shotgun shooting in all their various forms, to air soft, to reenactment, to air rifle. To Firearms UK so long as the use for one or type of firearm or another is legal, and the people pursuing that use do so without cause or intent to cause harm to anyone ( as is the case with 99.9% of legal gun owners ) we will support it.


As often as possible when guns are misrepresented in the media, Firearms UK in the last year has issued responses to all those articles. We are not a membership organization, consider that so long as you own guns we are trying to represent you as a gun owner or user.


Next year it could be a target rifle, air rifle, shotgun, or a gerbil. - I will try and find out exactly why the black gun in the 1'st anniversary logo was chosen, there may have been an informal vote on the fb page? or it could have been completely random, I'll ask the team and get back to you!




( just noticed as well, the logo as my avatar is a very old logo and shows an airgun which i think was a Webley, the following logo had a MK4 lee enfield on it, so we do seem to change it every now and then! )

Edited by demonwolf444
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  On 24/03/2014 at 18:08, wymberley said:

Having just read Post #36, I must say that I simply can't understand why the very first approach was not made to the national governing body - The NSRA - for this sport.

They have been contacted. I have been focusing on a backlog of personal work recently, and been out of the loop, the team is working through a list and i believe from what i have heard they were contacted at the outset.



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ive signed, and i hope that we get some kind of movement this time.


unfortunately, all too many people, wether they like to admit it or not, suffer from "im alright jack" syndrome.


and as for wymberly's comment, its time we stopped looking for reasons to not do things... there really is no wrong message, just one united voice for every shooter in the uk. regardless of what they wish to own.

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Here is a link to you about our first anniversary post on our website, which should help people see what the team spends every spare moment doing even if the results of their efforts are never seen.




The Anniversary Logo was a promotional image, a novelty if you like. The Firearm in the picture actually belongs to one of the team members and as actually an air soft gun but its worth noting that straight pull and .22RF versions of these firearms are available and legal. I know my local club has a good following in what it calls "carbine rifle shooting" which is a more relaxed form of competitive target shooting using these types of firearms. There does not seem to be any particular reason why this type of firearm was chosen for the promotional image other than for a change.



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