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Do you really want this lot

Fisherman Mike

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Show your colours gents.

Same old balls. Same old useless incompetence? We are so far in the ****........

Nigel has the vote of the protestors and good luck to him and UKIP for the options he has given those that truly care about Britain.


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Show your colours gents.

Same old balls. Same old useless incompetence? We are so far in the ****........

Nigel has the vote of the protestors and good luck to him and UKIP for the options he has given those that truly care about Britain.

Speak for yourself...the feel good factor has returned to many people since the recent upturn in the economy...we are not out of the woods by a long way. But why risk a reversal by voting for more UKIP MEPs to do nothing more than the previous ones, since their terms in office, other than pick up the significant expenses taxpayers like me have provided whilst sleeping on the job.


U Kip if you want to but the gentlemans not for kipping. :lol:

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Speak for yourself...the feel good factor has returned to many people since the recent upturn in the economy...we are not out of the woods by a long way. But why risk a reversal by voting for more UKIP MEPs to do nothing more than the previous ones, since their terms in office, other than pick up the significant expenses taxpayers like me have provided whilst sleeping on the job.


U Kip if you want to but the gentlemans not for kipping. :lol:

By your logic the UKIP MEP's have done nothing while in power for the last term,except pick up their expenses,yet the feel good factor has returned.

Let's have more UKIP MEP's for a greater feel good factor they must be doing something right. :)

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Sorry to disappoint you but it’s the stringent fiscal policies of the current government and the continued investment of some of Europe’s largest companies in the infrastructure and commerce of this country that as instigated the shoots of recovery. Nothing at all to with UKIP MEPs… who have done nothing at all. By voting UKIP you are taking a massive gamble that this infancy won’t regress. I like a bet as you know… but not at such prohibitive odds.

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Sorry to disappoint you but its the stringent fiscal policies of the current government and the continued investment of some of Europes largest companies in the infrastructure and commerce of this country that as instigated the shoots of recovery. Nothing at all to with UKIP MEPs who have done nothing at all. By voting UKIP you are taking a massive gamble that this infancy wont regress. I like a bet as you know but not at such prohibitive odds.

So let's talk this through,there were a few UKIP MEP's that you say did nothing at all yet while they did nothing at all the economy got better,so if we vote for UKIP MEP's this time round the economy will still get better as it got better when they were there already.as a betting man you must see that a vote for UKIP is a good one,as by your own admission the economy has got better,and in this period there were UKIP MEP's in power,why would you vote for anyone else? UKIP seem to be good for the economy.

The odds seem pretty good to me vote UKIP. ;)


As an aside,it seems that you recognise that the eu has done nothing for this country and we have had to battle the recession on our own,and had to go against all the advice the eu and their advisors were spewing out for us to follow.Yet another reason why we do not need the eu and why it is time we got out.

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Speak for yourself...the feel good factor has returned to many people since the recent upturn in the economy...we are not out of the woods by a long way. But why risk a reversal by voting for more UKIP MEPs to do nothing more than the previous ones, since their terms in office, other than pick up the significant expenses taxpayers like me have provided whilst sleeping on the job.


U Kip if you want to but the gentlemans not for kipping. :lol:


Do you honestly believe that a total UK representative presence of less than 9% in a sham "Parliament" that can in any case be overruled by the central politburo of the EU Commission has been somehow instrumental in the UK's supposed recovery?

Even if this vaunted recovery (which is built on the sand of printed money and debt) is real and sustainable and in part attributable to trading with European companies - even if that is true, that trade does not depend on our having a presence in the quangocracy of Brussels and Stuttgart. No economy in the world is debarred form trade with EU-based companies by not being a member of the EU. Membership makes not the slightest difference except that it blunts our competitive edge and places a larcenous £55 million per day burden on taxpayers just to take our handful of chairs in the chamber. And in any case, we buy vastly more from the EU than we sell to it, and what we do sell is not a free-market transaction but is constrained by trading rules which suppress the competitiveness that is the lifeblood of commerce. Unless of course you are one of those fashionable fantacists who believe that economic growth is built on borrowing, spending and consuming rather than producing and exporting and saving. Because, believe me, our commercial relationship with the EU is based firmly on the former, not the latter.

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Sorry to disappoint you but it’s the stringent fiscal policies of the current government and the continued investment of some of Europe’s largest companies in the infrastructure and commerce of this country that has led this country into £1.3 trillion worth of debt. Three times the debt, in one term, that the Labour party managed to clock up in 13 years of government. Well done Dave!!


So, Mike, this national debt figure...how are we going to pay that off? :hmm:

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Speak for yourself...the feel good factor has returned to many people since the recent upturn in the economy...we are not out of the woods by a long way. But why risk a reversal by voting for more UKIP MEPs to do nothing more than the previous ones, since their terms in office, other than pick up the significant expenses taxpayers like me have provided whilst sleeping on the job.


U Kip if you want to but the gentlemans not for kipping. :lol:


No there is no "feel good factor" at all from where i'm sitting. On a daily basis I speak with people from all over Europe as a consequence of my business. They tell me how **** things are and the causes. Our man in Athens told me about army pensions and schooling.

A captain retired at 42 and died at 82. His full pension was then paid for another 10 years to his surviving wife. When she died it was then paid (in full) to their eldest son. There are annuities being paid all over Greece to people who simply should not be receiving them. There is no money to fund schools. They are open half a day and this is funded by Europe. I was told that Greece has no money because they do not collect any taxes. The only people to pay tax are those that work in the civil service. It has been in the Greek culture for years not to pay tax. The problems are of their own making. Europe is paying for this carnage and why oh why was Greece allowed membership in the first place? It is examples like this that make me angry. Greece should help herself not rely on Europe.


Italy is another country in a big mess. Luigi has told me some stories but we'll leave these for another day.

Edited by Whitebridges
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Was/is the increase in the national debt not forecast due to running such a high fiscal deficit, inherited from the previous 13 years of Labour rule?


It was unavoidable. Based on the current fiscal policy we are forecast to be running a surplus by 2018/19 (or something similar) which includes making the payments to cover the debt.

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By your logic the UKIP MEP's have done nothing while in power for the last term,except pick up their expenses,yet the feel good factor has returned.

Let's have more UKIP MEP's for a greater feel good factor they must be doing something right. :)


So let's talk this through,there were a few UKIP MEP's that you say did nothing at all yet while they did nothing at all the economy got better,so if we vote for UKIP MEP's this time round the economy will still get better as it got better when they were there already.as a betting man you must see that a vote for UKIP is a good one,as by your own admission the economy has got better,and in this period there were UKIP MEP's in power,why would you vote for anyone else? UKIP seem to be good for the economy.

The odds seem pretty good to me vote UKIP. ;)


As an aside,it seems that you recognise that the eu has done nothing for this country and we have had to battle the recession on our own,and had to go against all the advice the eu and their advisors were spewing out for us to follow.Yet another reason why we do not need the eu and why it is time we got out.

dont think the ukip mep's had anything to do with the recovery as ukip were not running the county. just a small point to consider :)

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Oh dear, Oh dear another intolerant.... If you cant stand the heat Madam... consider another career path.


Oh dear, oh dear Mike. Do you spend all day trying to dredge up trouble?


I think the comments sum up the situation pretty well. Do people really get offended by someone 'flipping the finger?' What the hell has this country come to?

Still, at least she didn't punch her in the face John Prescott style. Now that would have been newsworthy.


In the same article they say of Ms Atkinson:


"Only last week she claimed parts of Kent were becoming 'no-go' zones because of Eastern European immigrants.

She made the remark after police raids across the county into sexual exploitation gangs but was slapped down by the Liberal Democrats who said such comments could provoke vigilante attacks".

Pretty much sums up for me why so many people in this country are sick and tired of the political elite who are so out of touch with real life issues, and are **** scared of saying or doing anything that might not fit the ridiculous PC agenda they themselves have set for this country.

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Oh dear, oh dear Mike. Do you spend all day trying to dredge up trouble?


I think the comments sum up the situation pretty well. Do people really get offended by someone 'flipping the finger?' What the hell has this country come to?

Still, at least she didn't punch her in the face John Prescott style. Now that would have been newsworthy.


In the same article they say of Ms Atkinson:


"Only last week she claimed parts of Kent were becoming 'no-go' zones because of Eastern European immigrants.

She made the remark after police raids across the county into sexual exploitation gangs but was slapped down by the Liberal Democrats who said such comments could provoke vigilante attacks".

Pretty much sums up for me why so many people in this country are sick and tired of the political elite who are so out of touch with real life issues, and are **** scared of saying or doing anything that might not fit the ridiculous PC agenda they themselves have set for this country.


OK hands in the air... I'm just trying to get to 20 pages by fanning the flames a little. :lol:

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Poontang, what you quote is a non story. I goes on "people come to me with tales of intimidation and I try to persuade them to go public but they feel they can't. It worries me. "

While I sympathise, there is no evidence whatsoever.


Henry, this is what Ms Atkinson was talking about.




We can bury our collective heads in the sand and pretend this sort of thing doesn't happen, or we can face the issue head on. It seems the Lib Dems are more concerned about maintaining there idealistic view of the world rather than facing up to the problem before them. It doesn't take a genius to work out why they've taken the stance that they have.


To me it's not a non story. It's the exact reason why so many people are now standing up to say 'enough is enough'.

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The problem is that it is not just non British people that do these appalling things. If there are no-go zones in Kent then the police and politicians never mind the press, are not doing their jobs.

It is political spin of the worst kind.


I'm in no doubt that there are British nationals involved in these sort of things. but surely we don't need to import foreign criminals too?

It's highly unlikely that the traffickers weren't already known criminals in their own country, and with proper border controls they would never have got into the UK to carry out their crimes.

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dont think the ukip mep's had anything to do with the recovery as ukip were not running the county. just a small point to consider :)

I think irony and sarcasm are not your strong point,which is a bit of what i was conveying :)


I did not say that the UKIP were responsible for the recovery,but lets look at the facts,


There were UKIP MEP's in power when the so called recovery was happening,therefore they did not make anything worse.


If they did not make any thing worse, what harm could it do to have more of them?


Can you now see the simple logic behind the argument,UKIP seem to be a factor in the so called recovery.


If you were a mathematician writing an equation on the recovery UKIP MEP's would have to be part of that equation,no matter how indirect they were part of the system in place at the time,and as there is no negative effect(people say we are recovering)it must be a positive effect to have UKIP MEP's.(feel free to correct my o level maths :lol: )


Logic,can be strange at times. :good:

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I think irony and sarcasm are not your strong point,which is a bit of what i was conveying :)


I did not say that the UKIP were responsible for the recovery,but lets look at the facts,


There were UKIP MEP's in power when the so called recovery was happening,therefore they did not make anything worse.


If they did not make any thing worse, what harm could it do to have more of them?


Can you now see the simple logic behind the argument,UKIP seem to be a factor in the so called recovery.


If you were a mathematician writing an equation on the recovery UKIP MEP's would have to be part of that equation,no matter how indirect they were part of the system in place at the time,and as there is no negative effect(people say we are recovering)it must be a positive effect to have UKIP MEP's.(feel free to correct my o level maths :lol: )


Logic,can be strange at times. :good:

its an interesting theory mate :)

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I think irony and sarcasm are not your strong point,which is a bit of what i was conveying :)


I did not say that the UKIP were responsible for the recovery,but lets look at the facts,


There were UKIP MEP's in power when the so called recovery was happening,therefore they did not make anything worse.


If they did not make any thing worse, what harm could it do to have more of them?


Can you now see the simple logic behind the argument,UKIP seem to be a factor in the so called recovery.


If you were a mathematician writing an equation on the recovery UKIP MEP's would have to be part of that equation,no matter how indirect they were part of the system in place at the time,and as there is no negative effect(people say we are recovering)it must be a positive effect to have UKIP MEP's.(feel free to correct my o level maths :lol: )


Logic,can be strange at times. :good:


So can assumption, yes UKIP would have to be taken into account in the above mentioned equation, and just because our economy is allegedly recovering it does not mean UKIP had any part of it, they may have had a serious negative effect and our economy could have been recovering even faster without them!


I am not putting a case for or against them, just saying, that's all!

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