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Do you really want this lot

Fisherman Mike

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Good on them. Polyphony is essential in Democracy. No matter what I think of them, and the fact that I am diametrically against their one and only policy, doing well in the local elections means they managed to convince (my view is they fooled) enough people to vote for them thinking they have something to offer. This either way can only mean that hopefully the public will now see ukip's true colours easier and consign them to history sooner rather than later. I mean, what is the worse that can happen? What are they going to do in the councils they win/get enough councillors? Declare independence and take these councils off the EU? lol

Again you show a lack of understanding of politics,so far UKIP have got 71 seats,by enlarge the other parties are down,and when this is projected at the main elections UKIP may not be forming a government,what it does show they are now a main player in politics and have the potential and support to win seats,when politicians start talking of electoral pacts you know the party has to be taken seriously.

And it shows that all the smear and misinformation and deceit from the main parties was seen through by the electorate


When nick Robinson who is so Tory biased that he has been warned about it in the past and he writes a piece this early on in the counting stating there is 4 party politics,then you know UKIP have entered domestic politics.



Interesting political times ahead.

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Again you show a lack of understanding of politics,so far UKIP have got 71 seats,by enlarge the other parties are down,and when this is projected at the main elections UKIP may not be forming a government,what it does show they are now a main player in politics and have the potential and support to win seats,when politicians start talking of electoral pacts you know the party has to be taken seriously.

And it shows that all the smear and misinformation and deceit from the main parties was seen through by the electorate


When nick Robinson who is so Tory biased that he has been warned about it in the past and he writes a piece this early on in the counting stating there is 4 party politics,then you know UKIP have entered domestic politics.



Interesting political times ahead.


I agree with everything you wrote above, apart from the bit in bold. As I have written so many times before in this thread and the other one, ukip is a 'party' that has no real policies, and there is no way ever that any large number of people will see their one sentence manifesto a good enough reason to vote for them in a national election. For that I am certain, although I know the word 'certain' is perhaps not a very safe word to use when debating politics.


Yes, ukip has scared other parties, but I believe for the wrong reasons. Liblabcon, as you call them, are nothing other than traditional parties that all they care about is getting into power. I am sure you will agree with that. Their public record shows they do not have much regard for the population, save some small concessions they make when they want to appease the electorate so they get re-elected. My argument is that ukip is no different. You disagree. This is healthy and absolutely necessary in a democracy.


By the way, did you have a look up Rockwell? He too, used immigration as a popular platform to gain public acceptance (he did not do too well though).

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. So what do you think of the striking similarity in tactics, ideology and in appearance between nigel farce and George Lincoln Rockwell?





I don't think there are any similarities between them.


I do however know it's spelt 'Nigel Farage'.





What do I win? :whistling:





Please refer to my response to Welsh1 on nigel farce's similarities with Rockwell


Please refer to my response to your original question. To make it easier for you I have highlighted it in UKIP purple. :good:


However, it pains me to have to point out (again) that you have spelt 'Nigel Farage' wrong yet again. :/


I have answered your question...and spotted another mistake. Which begs the question...



What do I win? :yahoo:

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UKIP have taken over 80 Council seats with only one third of the count in. They were expected to take only that after the full count.


Thurrock Labour), Southend on Sea and Castle Point (Canvey Island) (Conservative) have all go over to UKIP. Historically these towns have been good indicators of the political mood and GE results.


Milliband is already under fire from his own, with a senior front bencher quoted as saying 'He sounds weird, he looks weird and is weird'.

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If you can only muster up slaves and pillage,then yes you are delusional,


He's not delusional, just missing out a few hundred years of the story. The industrial revolution and the invention of rail are two examples.


Psyxologos, you seem to think that if it wasn't for the EU we would be sitting here twiddling our thumbs not knowing who to trade with! :no:




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my guess is it would take a massive vote for a pro eu government in the general to stop the uk leaving the eu, now whats the betting tory/ukip already have a deal in place just in case.

Not quite. A split conservative vote WILL install a pro EU (and anti referendum) govenment.
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Not quite. A split conservative vote WILL install a pro EU (and anti referendum) govenment.


I think that is evidenced from the local elections results so far, UKIP have done well with Labour also doing well, I strongly suspect that is because the Conservative vote is being diluted. I would be surprised if the Lib Dem's have lost votes to UKIP, but there may be an element of protest vote that last time round went to Lib Dem's which has now transferred to UKIP.


I am happy to see a shake up in the political arena and hopefully cause the mainstream parties to reconsider their priorities and wash away some of the complacency, but I am nervous that a split of the right of middle vote will allow Labour in through the backdoor a year from now. Of course depending on what happens in Scotland in September it may all be completely academic to me :(

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Now that UKIP have got backing from a fair chunk of voters, their opponents start with the excuses, adding that they will never progress.


They just refuse to accept that UKIP strike a chord with a massive number of people. Pathetic.

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Now that UKIP have got backing from a fair chunk of voters, their opponents start with the excuses, adding that they will never progress.


They just refuse to accept that UKIP strike a chord with a massive number of people. Pathetic.

theres no doubt they done well, maybe now they will think about telling the electorate what they would be getting if they voted for them in the general.

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theres no doubt they done well, maybe now they will think about telling the electorate what they would be getting if they voted for them in the general.

I'm sure like all the other parties they will in due course!


If your worried about a split Tory vote letting Labour in get on the wagon and vote UKIP too!



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theres no doubt they done well, maybe now they will think about telling the electorate what they would be getting if they voted for them in the general.


They will...when they're ready.


NONE of the other parties have completed their manifesto's for the general election next year. I really don't know why some people are in such a rush?


Let's just rejoice at last nights results, and look forward to the EU figures on Sunday.


So far, in front of the cameras, all the 'main' parties are trying to downplay what's happening, calling it a protest vote. I'm not so sure anymore.

This will affect Cameron and Miliband far more than they could have ever imagined.


The Tories simply CANNOT afford to wait for the general election with their fingers crossed, hoping a large percentage of UKIP support will 'return to its roots'. It would be suicidal. Cameron, with his head in the sand, will almost certainly now face a challenge to his leadership.

Labour, for all their talk in the media, are in serious trouble from UKIP. Miliband totally underestimated the public mood and looks and sounds completely out of his depth. I suspect the knives are being sharpened as we speak.

I almost feel sorry for Clegg, he has beliefs which he sticks to, although he's wrong on nearly all counts. :lol:

As for the whining woman from the Greens...she should just **** off back to the colonies. :oops:

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Poontang, the knives are already out for Milliband, a senior labour front bencher has been quoted on both BBC radio and news that he 'sounds weird, looks weird and is weird'. And I thought Ed Balls would not know the truth if it slapped him round the face.



They will...when they're ready.


NONE of the other parties have completed their manifesto's for the general election next year. I really don't know why some people are in such a rush?


Let's just rejoice at last nights results, and look forward to the EU figures on Sunday.


So far, in front of the cameras, all the 'main' parties are trying to downplay what's happening, calling it a protest vote. I'm not so sure anymore.

This will affect Cameron and Miliband far more than they could have ever imagined.


The Tories simply CANNOT afford to wait for the general election with their fingers crossed, hoping a large percentage of UKIP support will 'return to its roots'. It would be suicidal. Cameron, with his head in the sand, will almost certainly now face a challenge to his leadership.

Labour, for all their talk in the media, are in serious trouble from UKIP. Miliband totally underestimated the public mood and looks and sounds completely out of his depth. I suspect the knives are being sharpened as we speak.

I almost feel sorry for Clegg, he has beliefs which he sticks to, although he's wrong on nearly all counts. :lol:

As for the whining woman from the Greens...she should just **** off back to the colonies. :oops:

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I'm sure like all the other parties they will in due course!


If your worried about a split Tory vote letting Labour in get on the wagon and vote UKIP too!




Let's be realistic, despite the positive showing for UKIP they don't yet have control of a single council and are very unlikely to. Of the results declared so far they have 5% of the total seats.


Yes they have made a big impact, but they are still largely a single issue party. I absolutely appreciate the single issue resonates with a lot of people and it would be wrong as well as churlish to try and detract from what UKIP have achieved, but let's stay balanced and measured.


The only plausible option for an in/out referendum on Europe will come from the tories. Hopefully the showing in these elections will give cause to the Conservative party to actually listen to the electorate, but in terms of having any meaningful impact of influencing change in our EU/Domestic political landscape that is all that UKIP can really achieve, at least in the near term. In my opinion of course.

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Come on you knockers admit you got it wrong? it seems labour voters departed their traitorous party as much as the cons and limp-wrists have, the man in the street has just sent a powerful message to the political elite, IE start representing us not yourselves, stop making me feel ashamed to say I am British and stop putting the majorities needs below those who shout and scream the most IE the minority groups, who believe everything should be skewed to them, and stop immigration without integration and genuine need,and if you dont like this message then FINGER TWIZZLE BARTLEBERRIES


happy days KW

Edited by kdubya
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