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Had an email yesterday. It was from the firearms officer. The topic was regards my gun cabinet capacity "as agreed on last visit" ... His concern is, l own more then the capacity.


He asked if l could recall on his last visit that it was stated as a four gun cabinet, and that would be the number lm expected to hold. I had to say l could not recall that having been discussed, it may well of been mentioned, l just cant recall it.


The upshot is l've a home visit this coming Monday lunch time. The chap was fine on the phone. All six shotguns are secured in the present gun cabinet. If he suggests l need a larger or additional cabinet, so be it. ...

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Safes are normally defined as 4 or 5 etc due to the dividers that they arrive with. Have a look to see if you can re-arrange it with new dividers offering more spaces. I have added a couple of gun holders attached to the back of the safe door.


At the end of the day it is a question of what can safely and securely be stored in a given amount of room.

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Some years ago I had to demonstrate to my FEO,on renewal,how I could fit 4 guns into a nominal 3 gun cabinet:no bother (top to tail method) if you can fit them in.Now I have 2 cabinets & spare capacity!

Edited by drut
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Ok if you are putting rifles in stock down, but the oil running down the barrels, through the action and soaking the wood will eventually mean a broken stock if you are doing it with a shotgun.

I'm not wishing to find fault buy why would you leave enough oil in a barrel so that it could run down into the actrion and the stock?

I was always told that when you cleaned and oiled your guns (Rifles or shotguns) you finished off by rubbing any excess oil off the outside and insides of the gun(s) before returning them to their cabinet for storage.

Have I got it wrong?

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I'm not wishing to find fault buy why would you leave enough oil in a barrel so that it could run down into the actrion and the stock?

I was always told that when you cleaned and oiled your guns (Rifles or shotguns) you finished off by rubbing any excess oil off the outside and insides of the gun(s) before returning them to their cabinet for storage.

Have I got it wrong?


You certainly haven't, my little Charles Lancaster side by side which father gave me when I was 18 has been stored but down for 52 years with no ill effect, but then like you I know how to look after it.

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What's the issue over, say 4 guns in a 3 gun cabinet? How can this be less safe so long as guns are secure? For my own part I have 3 in 3 BUT were I to buy another gun and FLO insisted upon a larger cabinet this would have to be in another part of our house where it would almost certainly be more visible/less secure as we are timber frame wattle and dawb. Currently cabinet is in a walk-in pantry and the only place I can attach to brickwork/timber securely and not visible to curious eyes. There is no room for a wider cabinet and I don't propose to move house to accommodate one more gun! Surely this issue is security not overcrowding or have I missed something obvious?

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What's the issue over, say 4 guns in a 3 gun cabinet? How can this be less safe so long as guns are secure? For my own part I have 3 in 3 BUT were I to buy another gun and FLO insisted upon a larger cabinet this would have to be in another part of our house where it would almost certainly be more visible/less secure as we are timber frame wattle and dawb. Currently cabinet is in a walk-in pantry and the only place I can attach to brickwork/timber securely and not visible to curious eyes. There is no room for a wider cabinet and I don't propose to move house to accommodate one more gun! Surely this issue is security not overcrowding or have I missed something obvious?

Your right but remember some FEOs the world of black and white no grey allowed, the foam said 3 guns not four, hopefully common sense will kick in when they see all is secure.


I was once told I couldn't have a 22 Winchester Magnum Rimfire to shoot fox, because Magnum rounds where to powerful and unsuitable for the small chicken farm I'd sighted as good reason, he suggested I reapply my variation for a .222 or .223. Couldn't understand it when I showed him to 2 cases and the energy figures! Then said no the forces policy is no magnums for fox why not get a HMR then!!!!!

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I know this may sound a little daft but are you sure it was the local police fire arms officer that you spoke to and not someone attempting to find out how many guns you have and where they are stored with the view of checking out your house.


If when you get your visit try and ensure that it was the same person you have dealt with in the past. If not be sure to ask for some ID

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I know this may sound a little daft but are you sure it was the local police fire arms officer that you spoke to and not someone attempting to find out how many guns you have and where they are stored with the view of checking out your house.


If when you get your visit try and ensure that it was the same person you have dealt with in the past. If not be sure to ask for some ID

Anyone from the firearms team or police will have official ID before you let them through the door they should show you it, if not ask for it. No ID no entry in my house they all carry it.

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FEO visited today ... basically wanting to be asured that 6 shotguns physically fit and are secured within a 4 gun cabinet. Nice fella, no problems, and "rightly" suggesting, should l purchase anymore, over and above 6, l'd need another gun cabinet. I was already thinking of getting a second larger cabinet, anyhow, all is fine. :)

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