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Weed Killer, result


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After forking out £35 for 5 litres of Clinic Ace Herbicide, I also purchased a pump sprayer and tackled the weeds in my garden. Was disapointed first but now 5 weeks later all weeds gone and slowly disapearing into the ground. Only took 500ml and 10L of water.


Loads left for the next lot.

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After forking out £35 for 5 litres of Clinic Ace Herbicide, I also purchased a pump sprayer and tackled the weeds in my garden. Was disapointed first but now 5 weeks later all weeds gone and slowly disapearing into the ground. Only took 500ml and 10L of water.


Loads left for the next lot.

500ml for 10 ltrs is a bit heavy... We used to use clinic ace with a ratio of 200 ml to 15 ltrs on general weed clearance etc

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500ml for 10 ltrs is a bit heavy... We used to use clinic ace with a ratio of 200 ml to 15 ltrs on general weed clearance etc

To be honest the instructions although many pages long but mainly on safe handling etc are a bit vague on how much to use, so I was bit cheeky and emailed a seller on ebay who told me to use 500ml per 10l. In future I will use less as you say. Thanks for this.

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To be honest the instructions although many pages long but mainly on safe handling etc are a bit vague on how much to use, so I was bit cheeky and emailed a seller on ebay who told me to use 500ml per 10l. In future I will use less as you say. Thanks for this.


I seem to recall 100ml for 5 litres is correct?


I might be abit off, last used it for spraying off rough tulips.

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Dunno wot stuff u bought but i have just been using some clinic ace as well it it was pretty clear exactly wot rates for different applications, (have u found the wee booklet thingy that is behind 1 of the labels?)

The reccomended dose i was using was 200ml to 10l for knapsack (althou they're was other rates for different uses)


Seemingly they have changed the rules fairly recently, i usually get away with buying it on a mates farm account as u used to only needa holdig number, this time they would not let me have any unless i had my spraying ticket


:good: I agree with u mat

Edited by scotslad
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Sodding ridiculous as you can buy all sorts of nasties like rat poisons etc.


But the PC brigade now want tickets for everything, the clue is in the title of the product( killer ) if any fool plays around with it they know it's not going to go well.


Don't need a license to buy fuel and only a spark needed for that to wrong.



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Don't think you personally offended any one, it's more the fact that we spend a fortune on spraying qualifications etc and have to have approved storage, wash out regs, annually tested equipment and the labels are quite clear on doses, spray volumes, max dose,max applications per year. But any body can buy it on ebay and put it on at whatever dose, however they want!

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You haven't offended anyone as far as I know. It just isn't really right that anybody can buy such quantities of industrial chemicals willy-nilly.

I have to jump through all sorts of hoops to use it legally and anybody else just goes and gets some off ebay and squirts it round their garden.

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Sodding ridiculous as you can buy all sorts of nasties like rat poisons etc.


But the PC brigade now want tickets for everything, the clue is in the title of the product( killer ) if any fool plays around with it they know it's not going to go well.


Don't need a license to buy fuel and only a spark needed for that to wrong.




I think you've missed the point.


The point is that any old idiot can go online and buy the stuff and spray it left right and centre and do who knows what damage, but those of us using it in a professional capacity have to have all sorts of qualifications and comply to storage/useage regulations etc etc

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It's only weedkiller who is going to spray it everywhere.


Can understand if it was strichnein or something. But glyphosate so what if it's a bit more concentrated, all chemicals should be stored correctly. There are plenty of household chemicals that will do a lot more damage.



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The problem is not with the chemicals it's with the need for tickets for every bloody thing.


I used to buy all sorts of very nasty acids to clear drains,boiler heat exchangers etc. now hard to obtain as you need a licence.


Things are getting crazy someone is getting rich of all this qualification carry on.



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I am very much anti all this ticket to do everything malarkey but it still isn't right that Joe Public can go out and buy industrial strength chemicals and use a silly amount because "a bit more won't hurt".

I don't mind that they can buy them as long as they use the correct rate and understand how to calculate that rate from the info on the label. The OP had the good sense to read the label, realise he didn't really understand it and seek further advice. Unfortunately he asked some muppet off ebay who told him wrong. I bet most folk are putting 10 litre/ha or more!


I agree that glyphosate isn't the most poisonous of things out there but it does have potential for disaster. Scroll back a bit and someone is recommending 2,4 D as an alternative. Great.


It isn't right but I also know plenty of farmers with the same approach. Even read about a fella that sprays his fields with plain water first to see how much chemical he will need. :rolleyes:

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