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R.I.P Rik Mayall.

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Very sad news, I thought Bottom was brilliant! Rick "how do you know these things?" Ade as the grim reaper "I'm death" Rick "oh I'm sorry, HOW DO YOU KNOW THESE THINGS?!?! Genius....


Couldn't help but smile after what Ade had said "And now he's died for real. Without me. Selfish *******"

Proof if ever needed of their great partnership



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Very sad news, I thought Bottom was brilliant! Rick "how do you know these things?" Ade as the grim reaper "I'm death" Rick "oh I'm sorry, HOW DO YOU KNOW THESE THINGS?!?! Genius....


Couldn't help but smile after what Ade had said "And now he's died for real. Without me. Selfish *******"

Proof if ever needed of their great partnership



Made Me chuckle also! SWMBO called me insensitive! It's what Rik would have wanted!


What an awful shame!

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