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Barley and dogs?


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I've seen a few pigeons in the tramlines in barley fields and I hope to go next week. I've never shot over standing barley but remember reading something about it being bad for dogs but can't recall whether it was stubble or ripe barley that was the problem. Is it ok to take my cocker and is there anything I should know/do before I go?



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When the barley heads ripen beyond green the awns on the head can break off and get in your dogs eyes or ears or indeed up inside their feet. It is always a difficult call as to whether to take a dog whilst shooting over standing barley. Personally I would never do it.

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spaniels can be prone to ear probs because of the barley "awn" proberly more so when the barley is ripe......ive used my spaniels and labs in barley for many years but i do keep the spanials clipped out


try not to spend too much time in the barley as you can do more damage than the pigeons...im lucky where i am as the farmer has a 20metre grass strip around this particular field for the horses and riding

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When the barley heads ripen beyond green the awns on the head can break off and get in your dogs eyes or ears or indeed up inside their feet. It is always a difficult call as to whether to take a dog whilst shooting over standing barley. Personally I would never do it.


I support Jdogs view on this. I did it once many years ago, through being naïve. The dog had shards of the awn stuck in his belly skin. If you feel the hairs/awn, they have a serrated edge to them. It acts like a rachet, and goes one way. It/they will travel through the body causing all sorts of severe problems :yes: Luckily, the aunt is a vet an helped me with advice and treatment. NEVER again, lesson well and truly learnt :yes: Now wheat, different story :good::good:

The shooting side. If you can find a laid patch, decoy them into that. If you are just shooting them over it, tramlines or not, you will lose most of the birds. Some will say its just pest control. I personally think its a terrible waste, and rather a poor way to treat such a fine bird. I try to contrive it so that I can drop them onto the stewardship, or if I'm lucky a grass field behind/left/right.


Good luck, have fun :good:

Edited by turbo33
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Ok, thanks. I may give it a miss until the wheat ripens a bit as I don't fancy my chances finding many by myself.


Incidentally the fields in question also have a 'wildlife' strip about 5 meters wide, which has been a godsend for getting to rabbits that would normally be well hidden by crops at this time of year.

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When the barley heads ripen beyond green the awns on the head can break off and get in your dogs eyes or ears or indeed up inside their feet. It is always a difficult call as to whether to take a dog whilst shooting over standing barley. Personally I would never do it.

We try to mark each bird ( it's easier with two in the hide) and walk to the nearest tramlines and retrieve if possible . The dog is only sent in as a last resort and has been trained to stay low, just work on sent and not jump to see his location.


Both DB and myself have had the pleasure of barley awns, thanks JDog for your superior knowledge , I thought they were barley ears, of having them stuck in our mouths and it's true they only travel one way. If you get one you have to relax and pick it out as it's only going one way

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Ok, thanks. I may give it a miss until the wheat ripens a bit as I don't fancy my chances finding many by myself.


Incidentally the fields in question also have a 'wildlife' strip about 5 meters wide, which has been a godsend for getting to rabbits that would normally be well hidden by crops at this time of year.


That's the bit I call the stewardship, as its referred to round here, or margin sometimes. But your name is closer to the truth as that is what it is, wildlife/conservation. :good: I'm sure you're aware, but just incase not, don't drive on it!!!!!!!!!!

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Maybe I have been lucky but having had five Labradors I haven't had a problem with barley ears up to now , grass seeds, the ones shaped like arrow heads well that's a different story over the years I have been to the vets a good few times, my dogs always seem to get one in between the toes, mind you the one I have got now apart from his legs get stiff after a day out I haven't had any problems on any crops I go on, if you have got a dog for shooting every time you go out there is an element of risk, weather it is rough , game , wildfowling or pigeon shooting they can come across different hazards , the last accident I saw was on one of our shoot days when one of the beaters dog which was a Jack Russell got into a scrape with a Munjack deer and had his belly ripped open the poor ole dog was rushed to the vets where it was touch and go but luckily enough it pulled through costing its owner over £300.

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Never had a problem with my lab either but i am aware of the problems with barley awns and always check my dog afterwards.

I pick birds the way PC states, marking the bird and taking the dog at heel to that area before telling him to find it.


There's no ideal shooting pigeons in standing barley but sometimes needs must.

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I have never put my dogs in barley , the awls are so sharp I can only imagine the damage it could cause to their eyes let alone all the other places its likely to end up.


As for shooting pigeon in standing barley its not something I have ever felt the need to do , they can only drop in the tramlines and are not going to do a huge amount of damage.

I will only shoot a laid area where I know if I select the birds I shoot I stand a good chance of picking them or where I can shoot them before they get over the crop.

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Toms dog got loads of these things in its feet a couple of years ago when we were shooting laid barley, made little blisters between his toes took 3 weeks to clear up and £80 vets bill. Last year Tom got some dog boot's of flea bay and were very successful on the stubble but we do not take him into laid barley any more. :no:

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