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my first pigeons over stubble

Paul taylor

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Hi all.

20140705_201851_zpsny7kvkgx.jpghe farmer cut his wheat early as he's using it as feed so thought I'd have a try. I defrosted two pigeons to stick canes up there backsides as bouncers and headed off. I got set up under a pylon decoys out etc but after a while it was obvious it was too warm for Ozzie the dog so moved to where I should have gone first under some cover with a tall hedge and road behind, shuffled the decoys to suit and got settled.

A crow came in early and was dropped stone dead with one shot easy this I thought, how wrong I was!

Next three hours hardly owt showed up and I missed every bird, I really did feel like going home but was also sure birds would show later and they did. At about 5.30 pigeons started whizzing over in all directions and some started coming into range and some even into the pattern. Strangely enough with

more birds and less time to think I shot some good birds some over head and a few fast crossers too even dropping a really high crow although I did miss some easy ones floating in to land. Ozzie earned his keep fetching a couple of runners and two which went down in a hedge which I'd never have found so apart from being a sod for running in (my fault) hes doing great for his age. The magpie landed about 40m away from the hide and got some sixes through three quarter choke a nice bonus!

Ended with 14 pigeon 1 carrion 1 magpie picked with another crow and 3 pigeon behind where I can't get to them so 20 from 58 shots not a brilliant ratio but would have been better without the poor shooting

early on so happy enough.

Got a bonus rabbit as I had a quick walk about once packed up too so a couple of mates will get pigeon for tea this week and Oz will get the rabbit.

atb P.T

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Whole crop wheat, used for silage, can be a major draw for pigeons in early July before other fields are harvested. Keep an eye on the field, you may get another day.


Don't worry about your cartridge average. Measure the day against the enjoyment derived.

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I'll be watching the field don't worry I'll also watch when he spreads muck on and turns it over ready for some kale I belive. See if the crows show up :)

As for shot count, I can handle 3 for 1 for now but know I can get better with practice it's still only my first yr with the shotgun.

got 1 more small field on a different perm not cut yet so excited fir that too I reckon more pigeons and crows will show on there than on this one.

Atb gents.


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