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Is it me, or do others get on better in the field with particular guns


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After now shooting live quarry for 3 months, I have found my success and hit ratio is far better with my beretta O/U than my Beretta A300 semi. Granted, I haven't tried many other guns yet out in the field, but does any body else struggle with a semi or vice versa?



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For what It is worth, I would recommend finding a gun that will be suitable for most of your shooting needs and stick with it. Do not have different guns for different disciplines if you can help it. If your sport is game, crop protection and a bit of clay shooting then the obvious choice is an OU. However if you also want to go Wildfowling the same OU probably won't do. A semi with the option of 3.5" chambers will do but usually unacceptable on game and in some clubs clays. So decide what you want the gun for.

Hope that helps

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Im opposite I shoot better and more consistent with my semi auto than my o/u , all be it when clay shooting as I wont take my 692 rough shooting

I think in my case the semi is slightly lighter and swings through better which makes me more confident when shooting it

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To be fair I suspect there are many variables in the different guns available, but the most important will be stock length, drop and cast. I am fortunate to own several different guns for different types of shooting. I would say I shoot them all about the same give or take. The important thing is they are all fitted to suit my height, long neck and arms. Every few years I take the guns to the pattern plate and check everything is still spot on. If you have a bad day when the gun fits there's nothing to blame but you.

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After now shooting live quarry for 3 months, I have found my success and hit ratio is far better with my beretta O/U than my Beretta A300 semi. Granted, I haven't tried many other guns yet out in the field, but does any body else struggle with a semi or vice versa?



I would say that you're a little early in your shooting 'career' to be wondering which type of gun suits you best. I have a few guns for different purposes and shoot to a similar standard with each.

I would suggest improving your overall shooting ability before deciding which guns you prefer.

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If they both fit you, shouldn't make much difference. If your happy with the o/u then stick with it. Don't go chopping and changing guns or shells either, as your quite new to the sport because it will do your brains in! Been given many a free box of shells from friends who say, they kick too much/ not powerful enough! Maybe the auto isn't powerful enough and needs to come to me? ;)

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As above really...


I have a couple of different shotguns, though to be honest i don't find much between them.


I find if i shoot well with a shotgun, it doesn't matter what I'm shooting with, but then i usually find I'm rushing shots with a rifle. If i do a lot of air rifle shooting in a month i can guarantee i can't hit a barn door with a shotgun because as soon as i lift the gun my right eye closes, and i start aiming as apposed to swinging through.

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Perhaps it's the fit that's the issue in reality.

Also, as mentioned but in a more diplomatic way said - learning the craft with one gun and not confusing yourself with others at this stage would probably be best and once you are at a very good level then changing guns shouldn't be an issue. Almost akin to when you learn to drive, if you changed cars each lesson you'd find it a little difficult to learn.

If it's any consolation, I have an O/U and now getting on ok with it. I tried a semi and wasn't great at all, but I would put it down to fit. The semi's lack of recoil didn't make it hurt like my O/U when it didn't used to fit properly, so perhaps it's easier with a semi to disguise the issues?

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If they both fit you, shouldn't make much difference. If your happy with the o/u then stick with it. Don't go chopping and changing guns or shells either, as your quite new to the sport because it will do your brains in! Been given many a free box of shells from friends who say, they kick too much/ not powerful enough! Maybe the auto isn't powerful enough and needs to come to me? ;)

Nice try, but I aint that green :yahoo::lol:

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Perhaps it's the fit that's the issue in reality.


Also, as mentioned but in a more diplomatic way said - learning the craft with one gun and not confusing yourself with others at this stage would probably be best and once you are at a very good level then changing guns shouldn't be an issue. Almost akin to when you learn to drive, if you changed cars each lesson you'd find it a little difficult to learn.


+1. Spot on

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seriously them autos lack power! ;)

I think it's more the shooter than the gun lol....I'll have a few more go's first....But I'm taking both guns out with me now, and swap after 30 odd shots if I'm not getting on with it....I have improved dramatically over the last 2/3 weeks, but still getting better hit ration with o/u...Having said that, couldn't hit a bulls **** last night, missed everything so went onto the 17HMR and bagged 4 rabbits in 20 mins...(it was my mentors gun who was with me, before those of you that have read my moaning post about waiting for my FAC go mental about shooting with no license!!)

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I think it's more the shooter than the gun lol....I'll have a few more go's first....But I'm taking both guns out with me now, and swap after 30 odd shots if I'm not getting on with it....I have improved dramatically over the last 2/3 weeks, but still getting better hit ration with o/u...Having said that, couldn't hit a bulls **** last night, missed everything so went onto the 17HMR and bagged 4 rabbits in 20 mins...(it was my mentors gun who was with me, before those of you that have read my moaning post about waiting for my FAC go mental about shooting with no license!!)

you just enjoy yourself and dont worry about the resident council of crows!



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