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to many immigrants bbc one


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I believe they are a tool for keeping wages down, not inflation. Prices have continued to rise in spite of a fall in incomes.

I'm not getting into statistics. The drop in unemployment figures is more to do with the way they record them and the fact that it's not recording who's got a job but the numbers that they've managed to stop paying benefits to, rightly or wrongly.


Wages are significantly linked to inflation. Of course there are other factors to take into account, but you can be sure that inflation would be way higher if there was serious wage inflation. I agree with the sentiment though - cost of living has gone up significantly - in particularly for things like energy, and food somewhat (though you could argue that food has been too cheap for the past several decades). It is a dilemma that government will have to deal with and may well dictate the outcome of the next election.


Only an observation, I've nothing against foreign food or foreigners.

Doesn't sound like it :/

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When I go to Westminster occassionally a fish and chip lunch is virtually impossible. Every restaurant or cafe is foreign food served by foreigners.

Only an observation, I've nothing against foreign food or foreigners.

If you are struggling in future, St Stephen's Tavern does a reasonable excuse for fish and chips with a decent pint. Nothing like the paper wrapped real thing, but acceptable.

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If you are struggling in future, St Stephen's Tavern does a reasonable excuse for fish and chips with a decent pint. Nothing like the paper wrapped real thing, but acceptable.

Thanks mate :good:

PS Makes a nice change from the Rabbit curry that I usually eat :lol:

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this debate winds me up this country has been ruined by all political parties,for there own aspirations of climbing to the top of the political ladder,i,m glad I,m in my 60,s now I woulgn,t want to live here in 50 years time,we white English will be as rare as hens teeth by then.

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As far as lack of skills go. In our schools they only teach kids to pass exams.

In Holland and Germany for years now a child, at the age of 13 or 14, has been able to choose a trade and go and work at that trade with a prospective employer. They do the usual academic work alongside but at age 18 it means that they are qualified in the job and the employer can take them straight on as a productive member of staff.


It's hardly surprising that, here, many non-academic kids don't have the skills because all of our education is based on academic achievement instead of investing as much in practical skills.


When I started secondary school, in 1962 :blush: , it was the last year that they ran a qualification called College of Perceptors. That was a course and qualification which held the same value as O-Levels but was on practical subjects such as building and mechanics.


How can we have the skills if they're not taught?

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As far as lack of skills go. In our schools they only teach kids to pass exams.

In Holland and Germany for years now a child, at the age of 13 or 14, has been able to choose a trade and go and work at that trade with a prospective employer. They do the usual academic work alongside but at age 18 it means that they are qualified in the job and the employer can take them straight on as a productive member of staff.


It's hardly surprising that, here, many non-academic kids don't have the skills because all of our education is based on academic achievement instead of investing as much in practical skills.


When I started secondary school, in 1962 :blush: , it was the last year that they ran a qualification called College of Perceptors. That was a course and qualification which held the same value as O-Levels but was on practical subjects such as building and mechanics.


How can we have the skills if they're not taught?

indeed i think its deemed teaching practical skills is to expensive hence we have no industry anymore

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this debate winds me up this country has been ruined by all political parties,for there own aspirations of climbing to the top of the political ladder,i,m glad I,m in my 60,s now I woulgn,t want to live here in 50 years time,we white English will be as rare as hens teeth by then.

Yet more garbage touted as the truth. There are nowhere near enough non white people in the UK at the moment to get to the state you suggest, nor could there be unless 90% of the white population emigrate.

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Yet more garbage touted as the truth. There are nowhere near enough non white people in the UK at the moment to get to the state you suggest, nor could there be unless 90% of the white population emigrate.

And there we have it in one fell swoop :yes: the reason this country is well and truly goosed, speak your mind and the fluffy wuffy left ridicule your observations as garbage, good manners prevent me giving any further observation



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I really don't understand what the problem is. Here in the Cotswolds it's like a German breakfast cereal advert from the mid-to-late 30s.


I suppose if you will choose to live in these deprived areas full of Johnny Foreigner..... :whistling:


Like 1930's Germany with no foreigners... Blimey. Are you sure you live in the Cotswolds?

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strange the french girl could get a job no problem and the english seem to take years looking for the right job, her boss said in all the time he had been there he had only had about 10 applications from the brits :/


just as well the french girl pays tax how else would we pay for the english guy to stay home while he finds the right job :lol:



I guess she could live on the £7 an hour she was being paid as she was sharing her house, and rent, with 19 other people.


The English guys rent was £180 per week. At £7 an hour he'd earn £247 per week after tax, leaving him just £67 to pay his council tax, gas, electric, food, travel etc.

I doubt he could cover his bills on £67, especially in London.


The French girl was paying £55 a week in rent, leaving her nigh on £200 for everything else.


Maybe our young, unemployed should start living in communes to be able to secure work?

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Skewed how? I think the fact that there are large areas that are unpopulated speaks for itself surely? You could argue the same for Australia which is mostly unpopulated land but they are pretty keen on limiting immigration - why? Because of the pressure on services and infrastructure.


Skewed due to the fact that a lot of the terrain in Scotland and Wales is unsuitable for large scale building, as mentioned in my original post.

Australia are very keen on immigration. They do it properly though, on a points based system, taking in people who will help build the country and its economy.

They are however less keen on letting in the rest of the world's flotsam and jetsam...quite rightly too.



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Maybe our young, unemployed should start living in communes to be able to secure work?

funny you should say that years ago we had a house shared by about 6 or 7 of us when the landlord found out he made everyone but the 2 on the tenancy go. seems these days landlords are more keen to allow this sort of house share these days

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And there we have it in one fell swoop :yes: the reason this country is well and truly goosed, speak your mind and the fluffy wuffy left ridicule your observations as garbage, good manners prevent me giving any further observation




Yet another ill informed person who cannot stand to be proved wrong.


Please explain to me how an 85% white country can be overtaken in 50 years by the black community that lives here?


How can 45 million white people become a minority in 50 years by an 8 million black, asian or mixed race population? Quick calculation from ONS gives about 39% of the population as being of child bearing age, call it 40% for ease of calculation. Half of that, give or take being women so 20% of 8 million is 1.6 million.


Not to get into too many numbers and some form of exponential growth, but the black population would need to have a child a year from age 15-45 just to increase from 8 to 88 million in that time which is just ridiculous and stats show that 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants conform to the norms of the countries they inhabit, so they will just generate 1.96 children, lets say 2 per female instead of the ridiculous 30 per family I quoted above. This according to my rubbish maths is about 15 times less than above so 80 million divided by 15 equals just 5.333 million, lets round it up to 6 eh? So that gives us a black minority population of 14 million or so, compared to 9 million child bearing white women generating 2 children per female during their lives so 18 million white babies.


Simple maths with lots of holes in it but you get the idea eh?

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Yet another ill informed person who cannot stand to be proved wrong.


Please explain to me how an 85% white country can be overtaken in 50 years by the black community that lives here?


How can 45 million white people become a minority in 50 years by an 8 million black, asian or mixed race population? Quick calculation from ONS gives about 39% of the population as being of child bearing age, call it 40% for ease of calculation. Half of that, give or take being women so 20% of 8 million is 1.6 million.


Not to get into too many numbers and some form of exponential growth, but the black population would need to have a child a year from age 15-45 just to increase from 8 to 88 million in that time which is just ridiculous and stats show that 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants conform to the norms of the countries they inhabit, so they will just generate 1.96 children, lets say 2 per female instead of the ridiculous 30 per family I quoted above. This according to my rubbish maths is about 15 times less than above so 80 million divided by 15 equals just 5.333 million, lets round it up to 6 eh? So that gives us a black minority population of 14 million or so, compared to 9 million child bearing white women generating 2 children per female during their lives so 18 million white babies.


Simple maths with lots of holes in it but you get the idea eh?

Who is talking about black? apart from YOU! you awkward person you (interpret that to what I really mean) we are talking about immigration and the saturation of our services and social system to the point it will break, you want to be multicultural, you go and spread your faith in downtown Baghdad I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms.



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Who is talking about black? apart from YOU! you awkward person you (interpret that to what I really mean) we are talking about immigration and the saturation of our services and social system to the point it will break, you want to be multicultural, you go and spread your faith in downtown Baghdad I am sure you will be welcomed with open arms.



Hawkfanz said this, please do keep up and to the point.


this debate winds me up this country has been ruined by all political parties,for there own aspirations of climbing to the top of the political ladder,i,m glad I,m in my 60,s now I woulgn,t want to live here in 50 years time,we white English will be as rare as hens teeth by then.

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Hawkfanz said this, please do keep up and to the point.

white indigenous English will be rare, white immigrant ethnics will not, perhaps that is his concern.as well you know?



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But those 'white immigrant ethnics' as you call them will become English in exactly the same way you and I are English and any other creed, colour or race will become English - we (the indiginous English) are a mongrel nation and our DNA is a smorgasbord of different ethnicities from Danes, Celts, Franks, Normans, Saxons, Romans, Jews, Gauls, Moores, Spanish, Poles, Norsemen etc etc etc....

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