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to many immigrants bbc one


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The programme is about, and filmed in, London, a city of at least 5 million immigrants. I imagine the participants will turn out to be fully in favour of immigration and the more the better. All nicely vibrant and diversity affirming and on-message.

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Be interesting if they try to put a number on immigrants - including the millions of illegals.


Officially, illegals don't count as immigrants and neither do "asylum" seekers. Very soon EU immigrants won't count either. They already have the right to vote in British Euro elections and the EU Commission has long been trying to fix it so they can vote in our general elections. I imagine, during his sober moments, Juncker will be pushing this agenda for all he is worth.

So whatever figure they do come up with, you won't go far wrong in doubling it.

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The programme is about, and filmed in, London, a city of at least 5 million immigrants. I imagine the participants will turn out to be fully in favour of immigration and the more the better. All nicely vibrant and diversity affirming and on-message.

Overcrowded multi-kulti ****hole.

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Have you anything to back up the view that it is less? No-one can give an accurate figure, but I do have some knowledge on the subject.


The official estimates barely cover Staffordshire.

Well given that you are challenging measured figures I would have said the ball was very much in your court. Why 8? Why not 1.4, 6, 25, 100?

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Well given that you are challenging measured figures I would have said the ball was very much in your court. Why 8? Why not 1.4, 6, 25, 100?


Presumably because governments of every stamp have a long-established track record of massaging to the point of downright falsifying figures relating to things for which they are responsible and which will be deeply unpopular with the electorate, whether its immigration, unemployment, public debt, welfare spending, or a host of other things. Bad news will be spun, adjusted downwards, or simply not mentioned at all. That is how our public servants do things. Its not unthinking cynicism that makes us disbelieve government "estimates", its bitter experience.

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Lefties cannot see that schools are filling up, births are increasing, towns where had a majority of english you regularly hear eastern europeans. Shops to cater for their food tastes popping up, more pressure on the NHS.

The issue is not immigration is such it is the numbers, there are far too many people here and as we can see the continued debates about it obviously means that we as a country aren't dealing with it very well.

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Lefties cannot see that schools are filling up, births are increasing, towns where had a majority of english you regularly hear eastern europeans. Shops to cater for their food tastes popping up, more pressure on the NHS.

The issue is not immigration is such it is the numbers, there are far too many people here and as we can see the continued debates about it obviously means that we as a country aren't dealing with it very well.

Its not that they cant see , its more a case of they dont want to see, but sooner or later they will wake up to the fact the this little Island cannot and should not be asked to support the influx of a migrant population at least (official figures so double that and still be a bit low?) the size of Southampton EVERY year.




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There was an interesting programme on Radio 4 recently featuring Thurrock and the appeal of UKIP in the borough. Although UKIP is not an anti immigration party, but an anti EU party, of which immigration is a symptom. The vast majority indigenous population interview said that their main reason for voting for UKIP was immigration (I know, BBC and all that). I think that the population is waking up and willing to send the message that enough is enough.


Its not that they cant see , its more a case of they dont want to see, but sooner or later they will wake up to the fact the this little Island cannot and should not be asked to support the influx of a migrant population at least (official figures so double that and still be a bit low?) the size of Southampton EVERY year.




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I watched part of it, the part I saw was pretty much what I'd expected they were all great friends at the end of it. We live about 12 miles from Southend on sea, a few times this summer we have driven down there for fish & chips in the evening, you sit on the front , you don't hear English and there's not that many white faces about. The majority of those that are there are Eastern European . This country would be in a lot of trouble without immigration, but it needs to be controlled.

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So we should all just come up with something on gut feeling then? Such academic rigour...


What do you suggest when the Government refuses to publish unexpurgated figures and has abandoned any attempt to count people in and count them out?

We know from new benefit take up, new tax codes issued for income declared and from council tax registration etc. that there has been a bare minimum of 200,000 fresh intake entering this country per year up to 2012, and official estimates since then have risen. And since no other tally is kept, that figure obviously covers only those who choose and are eligible to register their presence legitimately. It doesn't include illegals, assylum seekers, those who enter legitimately but choose not to register their presence in any way so they can work illegally for cash on the black market, and it doesn't include students who subsequently abandon their "studies" and vanish into society since they are on (theoretically) temporary visas and are therefore little different from tourists. So it is a fairly safe, albeit an unscientific, bet that those high visibility entrants whom the Government cannot avoid admitting to are only half the story. But even if the 200,000 figure were the real and absolute limit, consider what that means.

200,000 people equates to the population of York. Which means that every year - every 365 days - we must bury 272 square kilometres of our landscape (which already accommodates 600 people per square km) under millions of tons of concrete, metal plastic and glass to build a brand new city of York, with all its houses, roads, schools, hospitals, carparks, shops, churches/mosques/temples and supermarkets; we must light it, water it, power it and fuel it, dig its drains and supply it with its own small army of public service officials - just to accommodate the fresh batch of new arrivals who step off planes onto our soil each year with no intention of leaving. And that's before they rear children and before we even begin to cater for our native population. And again, we must do this EVERY SINGLE YEAR just to stand still in a country with a population density already rivalling that of India and Vietnam. In other countries, migrations/invasions (you decide) on this scale cause wars. It is mind-boggling.

This country would be in a lot of trouble without immigration...



Edited by Gimlet
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