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Catch up on the last 3 weeks!!!


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Hi guys!

Following on from my last post some few weeks back now I've not managed to get on here to report on the shooting I've been having due to one broken laptop (accident with a mug of tea), but now it's back thought I'd get back on here to share my best outings from this years harvest so far.

Whilst not all huge bags, it's been one of the busiest harvests my Dad and I have had over the last few years and quite unexpected as they often are!

Day 1

The last bag I posted was the first century of the year, and believe it or not 2 days later on the Sunday another rape stubble showed a big number of birds once again, and on a scorchingly hot day with no shade under the hedge we set up on it was tough going, setting up at 1 o clock. After an initial flurry of action during the first 15 minutes things went a little quiet, but an hour or so in birds were back and piling into the decoys. A very sporting afternoon with a perfect mix of decoying shots as well as longer range crossers etc, everything went according to plan and we finished on 101. Consecutive centuries and two very happy pigeon shooters!



Day 2

The following weekend, Dad had been out on reconnaissance during the week and found another promising location for us to go at on the Saturday so once again all the kit was loaded up and we were at the field by lunchtime to check it out. Rape stubble again, on a different farm that had been cut a week or so ago. The numbers Dad had seen on the previous two days didn't seem to be showing but knowing the field well and having watched the flightlines previously the decision was made to set up underneath an oak tree out in the field, a position from which we've always shot pigeons from in the past.

A fast and furious start to the afternoon saw me take 10 birds for 11 shots in the first 10 minutes.....I couldn't help but think another red letter day may be on the cards. However that level of action wasn't to last but a steady flight till pack up at around 5.30 was enough to see 65 in the bag. The hide was so well hidden the number of birds that committed to coming in was superb, and made all the difference.....I was amazed we got so many in fact!



Day 3

The next day, on Sunday we weren't planning on going anywhere but a chance drive round on another farm showed numbers of birds on a previously unused rape stubble so the decision was made to hastily go back for the kit and give it a go before they disappeared again!

Upon returning a good flightline was spotted (the usual one), birds crossing the motorway opposite to get into the field. The wind was all over the place, and from previous experience of the field we set up under a wall joining the 2 fields together, and once again had a busy spell early on when we disturbed hundreds of feeding birds after the first shot. It soon became apparent however, that we were the wrong side of the wall so a quick move to the other side facing out across the field behind made a massive difference and birds decoyed almost immediately!! Some terrific shooting followed and we ended on 77.

Another great weekend :)



Day 4 (yesterday)

This brings me to my latest foray, only yesterday and this time a change of crop to a large block of peas that are dying off almost fit for combining.

After a modest bag of 40 odd on the drilling the pigeons simply haven't touched the peas here since, not in any considerable numbers anyway but as we usually find they often appear when the peas are going over and dying off so had been keeping an eye on this particular block, the farm produced good bags last year over the same crop. Just a fortnight ago I had seen another pigeon shooter set up to my surprise, as we'd not seen any birds using the field. He didn't appear to be having much luck though and there wasn't a bird in the sky when I was there.

However, 10 days on and suddenly pigeons have decided they fancy an easy meal and good numbers were showing. Dad had been keeping an eye on the field all week and due to the amount of other people that shoot the farm had said a mid week outing was needed to make the best of things.

So yesterday lunch time, once again we were at the gateway and studying the flightlines....birds were in the air and the signs were good, things just felt right to me. I made the decision to try a different spot to where originally planned for the hide, it meant a much longer walk but it's where the birds were and I was quietly confident.

A slow start with some tricky shots brought about a shaky start, but things soon change once I'd shot a few and got some dead birds up on cradles to compliment the rotary. What followed was pigeon shooting at its best, and for the following 5 hours they just kept coming with far more birds in the air than we shot at! The modest decoy pattern was pulling birds in nicely offering plenty of bag fillers as well as exciting flighting shots which I love knocking down. Plenty of doubles and some pretty straight shooting if I say so myself, we reaped the rewards and smashed our best bag this year, finishing up with 175 picked and only several lost, for just under 280 shots. An amazing day and one I'll remember forever, just crept up over our best day together too :)

Carrying all the pigeons back however wasn't so enjoyable, but hey I shot them so all part of the job....was a relief to get them home and in the freezer!

Annoyingly my iPhone ran out of battery during the afternoon but managed to switch it on and get a couple of rushed pics before it died again thankfully.



Thanks for reading






Edited by Wilts#Dave
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Really nice to read replies like that chaps, it's a pleasure to be able to share what we all do and get such positive response....it's not something I bore many people with so I enjoy being able to write about it as I love reading about other peoples experiences.

I absolutely love pigeon shooting as we all do and never tire of making the most of it while the opportunities are there, is it a healthy obsession?! I'm itching to get out again tomorrow already!!

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