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A few pigeons from this week.

aga man

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I haven't posted here for a while as basically i have had naff all to report!

Although i have shot pigeons every week, trying to score decent numbers has proved difficult due to various reasons and timing etc.

This week has been little different but on Wednesday evening i enjoyed a couple of hours shooting flighting pigeons on a flightline that was returning to the town.

I have had a busy week work wise and typically i was phoned on monday evening by a tractor driver tipping me off about some pigeons on wheat stubble taht they were clearing bales in.

It was Wednesday lunchtime before i could get to the field and as expected the pigeons had cleared up and moved on, but the field was under the said return line.

I returned to the field at 2.30 pm and found the Farmer had kindly left me some bales for a hide, but sadly only two :ermm: never the less i was grateful and these made a good back drop to my net hide.

With ten dead birds on cradles and a magnet with deads the returning birds were steared over my position and proved very good sporting birds indeed. I knocked off at 7pm with 44 birds picked feeling very satisfied.


Today i met up with tan my regular shooting buddy. we spilt up looked at 2 seperate stubbles, unfortunately we failed to find a promising situiation and ended up setting up togetheron a wheat stuble that had only a few birds with few joining.

We set up two hedge hides 35yds apart and set around 10 deads on cradles and put the whirly up.

After a short while it was clear the birds didn't want the magnet so we took it down. We made the best of a bad job and had some steady shooting. Not everything decoyed and passing birds provided good targets in the strong wind. After starting shooting at 2pm with called it a day at 6pm. We killed 33 and picked up 29.


We still have a fair bit of wheat to be cut, but some barley stubble we have is loaded with free offerings of barley but no pigeons on it, so god knows what there all up to!



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